The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6888: game of time, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Have I ever met them?"

Jiang Yun frowned slightly and said, "I have indeed seen some barren clansmen, but strictly speaking, they cannot be regarded as real barren people."

Jiang Yun stretched out his finger and pointed at the Great Wilderness Five Peaks under him and said, "It's your broken palm, a group of people selected in the Dao Domain, who cultivated them into a barren clan."

Jiang Yun will naturally not forget that what he encountered should be called the Daoyu Desolate Clan, but in fact it has already existed in name only.

Coincidentally, the Huang Clan at that time was also destroyed by a strong man named Dao Zun, and only one clan named Huang Yuan survived.

Huang Yuan is also a person with legendary experience.

In order to avenge his own people, he did not hesitate to change his name to Dao Yuanzhi, and worshipped the Daoist master who used to be in the Dao domain.

He even went to the mountain and sea world where Jiang Yun was located, opened up the questioning branch there, and also became the barren master of the great barren world.

In addition, the relationship between Jiang Yun and Huang Yuan is also somewhat peculiar, and they are mutual cause and effect.

Jiang Yunbai entered the Daoist branch of the Shanhaijie. To a certain extent, he could be regarded as a disciple of Huangyuan.

But Jiang Yun later entered the Nine Lands of Nirvana and experienced an illusion, where he took the young Huang Yuan as a disciple.

In addition, he also passed on the one-style magical power that should be created by Huang Yuan later, the palm sword Tian Huang, to Huang Yuan.

Until now, Jiang Yun couldn't figure out who created the technique of palming the sword in the sky.

Naturally, in the illusion, Jiang Yun also saw a group of people from the barren clan, and even finally helped them change their fate of being killed by Dao Zun.

Huang Wushuang smiled slightly and said, "Back then, in order to confuse Di Zun, you..."

"If you say you're a little weird, let's use him instead."

"He did not take away all the barren clansmen, but left a group of old people, just took away a group of young clansmen and sent them to the future!"

"Future?" Jiang Yun asked in confusion, "Is it your future at that time?"

"Yes!" Huang Wushuang nodded and said, "Also, he told me that because of the instability of time, two identical people cannot appear at the same time."

"Once they appear at the same time, it may trigger the collapse of that space-time."

Jiang Yun nodded. Regarding this point, the self who reincarnated last time also said similar things.

When he appeared, he would fall into a coma, and when he appeared, he would always hide in his body.

Anyway, you and him can't show up at the same time.

Huang Wushuang continued: "So, the safest way is to put my clan in a time and space where there is a barren tribe, but there is no barren tribe."

Jiang Yun's brows furrowed even tighter, and he really didn't understand the meaning of Huang Wushuang's mouthful words.

Fortunately, Huang Wushuang continued: "At that time, the young clansman selected by my Huang clan, headed by the child, was called Huang Junyan!"

This name made Jiang Yun's body tremble suddenly!

Huang Junyan, Jiang Yun of course knows who it is, that is, the patriarch of the barren clan he saw in the fantasy world, and the last patriarch.

Although in the illusion, he did help Huang Junyan and the others to defeat Dao Zun and survived, but in reality Huang Junyan, together with all his clansmen, except Huang Yuan, have already been taken by Dao Zun. Kill, become undead!

Especially Aragun Yan, because he had a deep obsession with protecting his clan, so he even hid all the dead clan in his body.

Don't let them reincarnate, don't let them disappear.

Even, in order to keep those clansmen, he did not hesitate to obey the orders of Daoist Daoist and fight against Jiang Yun!


Thinking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly realized that this means that there is another barren tribe, but there is no time and space where the barren tribe exists!

In reality, all the people of the Huang clan headed by Huang Junyan have been killed.

In this way, it is convenient for the former Huang Junyan and the others to enter that time and space and replace the barren clansmen, thus avoiding the situation where two same barren tribesmen will appear at the same time!

That is to say, what I went to in the nine places of annihilation was not an illusion at all, but another time and space!

What I encountered was the real desolate clansmen who were sent to me in the last reincarnation!

Even, until now, they should still be living in that time and space!

Although I wanted to understand this for the time being, Jiang Yun's mind was still a little messy, and there were still many doubts.

After all, the time and space involved are difficult to understand even with Jiang Yun's current experience.

And Huang Wushuang said again: "I know, you must be a little messy, and you don't even know where you are."

"At the time, I was just as confused as you were."

"But he told me that there is no need to worry about these, as long as my clansmen can live well, my wish has been fulfilled."

"I think what he said is right. We will all die and disappear one day, but as long as we still have clansmen and inheritance, that is the most important thing."

"In addition, he also said something to me that I will keep in mind."

"I think, perhaps, he should have asked me to tell you this."

"That's why I threw this severed palm out of the dream realm after I recognized you and him."

Jiang Yun hurriedly restrained his doubts and listened intently.

Huang Wushuang fell silent, as if recalling the content of those words.

After a while, he finally continued: "He said, the world we are in, the world or the world, can actually be regarded as a river of time."

"We are the fish and shrimp living in the river."

"It's just that this river of time has an end!"

"When it reaches the end, it doesn't continue to flow forward, it starts to flow backwards."

"After the flow back to the starting point, the river of time will start a new round of flow again."

"Therefore, those of us who are in the river will reappear, follow the river again, and experience almost the same life trajectory."

"If we don't want to repeat the same life again and again, there are two ways."

"One is to stop the river from flowing backwards, and let it flow forward."

"The other way is to jump out of this river of time!"

The river of time!

In Jiang Yun's mind, Huang Wushuang's words were repeatedly repeated.

After a long time, he suddenly realized: "This game is the game of time!"

"I understand, in fact, the entire Guantian Temple is located in such a river of time."

"And in the process of the river flowing, no matter who dies, whether it's a ghost or a reincarnation, but when the river runs to the end, under the reverse of time, the dead will be resurrected again! "

"It stands to reason that this kind of resurrection will make every creature the same as before."

"But in fact, every time the river of time flows repeatedly, there will inevitably be some ripples and some fluctuations."

"Although this will not change the flow of the entire river of time, it can affect every living being in the river, so that in every reincarnation, every living being will undergo some changes, so that every All living beings are unique!"

Jiang Yun finally understood that the situation in which all sentient beings are located is a situation of time.

After death, sentient beings will be resurrected, which is not what he envisioned at the beginning. In the immortal world, there are other sentient beings.

All sentient beings, from beginning to end, are actually in a time frame.

The river flows to a certain location, all beings die, and the cycle ends.

But at this time, the river water will flow back to the starting point, resurrecting all beings.

Huang Wushuang looked at the expression on Jiang Yun's face, and naturally knew that Jiang Yun had already figured it out, so he continued: "There is one last sentence."

"If you want to resurrect the dead, then the easiest way is to go to the past time and space and bring them to the present time and space!"

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