The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6979: chaos, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The explosion of the world, although a bit sudden, but Jiang Yun can still accept it, is nothing more than that someone has absorbed the power of the rules inside and realized all the rules.

However, after the world exploded, there were no debris such as gravel and clods, but a turbulent water wave appeared!

If you look closely, it is not a real water wave, because the water is composed of all kinds of regular runes!

Jiang Yun even faintly saw that there seemed to be a huge black hole in the original center of the world.

It was like a volcanic eruption, whether it was water waves or runes, all spewed out from the black hole and swept in all directions.

In addition, Jiang Yun also saw that there were several figures in the water waves. Under the impact of these water waves and runes, they were also rushed in all directions as if they had no resistance. .

Naturally, those figures were the first-class people who came one step ahead of Jiang Yun!

Even Jiang Yun saw the red wolf in it!

What happened in front of him made Jiang Yun completely confused about what was going on.

Originally, Jiang Yun was thinking about finding Ji Kongfan's location.

However, since even the red wolf was swept away by the rune water waves, and looking at the rune water waves that were also rushing towards him at a very fast speed, he hurriedly retreated towards the rear without thinking.


Almost at the same time, in Jiang Yun's ear, he heard Liu Ruxia's urgent reminder.

"Boom boom boom!"

Jiang Yun's figure had just left the place, and the rune water waves had already passed the position between him.

And there was a group of regular undead who were ready to attack Jiang Yun. They didn't have time to escape. After being hit by the rune water waves, their bodies suddenly exploded in unison.

After they died, their bodies no longer turned into pure power of rules, but a part of them also turned into regular runes, joined the rune water waves, and continued to rush in all directions.

Jiang Yun was not too far away from the rune water waves, so he finally felt an extremely chaotic, but extremely huge power, coming from it.

At this time, Jiang Yun finally understood a little bit.

The explosion of the ninth world was not because of the power of the rules being absorbed by others, but because of the sudden ejection of these rule runes.

Those rule runes, each one seems to be a special rule, but in fact it is made up of several rules, which makes the power contained in it chaotic, like an unstable firecracker, there are always May explode.

If it is just one or two runes, there is no problem, but so many runes, gathered together, form a sea.

Once they touch the body, the rune explodes, and the power within it pours into the body.

As a result, the body will be like the previous Supremes who were blown up by the power of the rules, and the whole person will also explode.

Even though Jiang Yun owns the Dao Realm, he would never dare to include so many regular runes into it at this moment. Once he does, his Dao Realm and body will not be able to withstand the power of the runes blasting.

Therefore, all Jiang Yun could do was to retreat furiously towards the rear.

The rune water waves move very fast, but fortunately, there are still a large number of regular undead, which will also be attacked by the runes.

Moreover, the rules undead have no sense, and do not know how to dodge. If they are hit by runes, they will explode. Although they will be turned into runes, they will still have the power of rules.

In addition, the number of rule undeads is also extremely large, and the burst of power can be condensed together, and it can also slightly block the speed of some rune water waves, which is equivalent to helping Jiang Yun to disperse some pressure.

In the process of retreating, Jiang Yun also saw with his own eyes a supreme being who had successfully left the darkness outside the sixth world three days ago, and died here after being blasted by a group of runes.

In this way, Jiang Yun fled backwards for half an hour, not knowing where he escaped at all, Rune Water Wave finally stopped moving forward and suspended there quietly.

Jiang Yun still did not dare to stay in place, but continued to move towards the rear, and then retreated for nearly a thousand miles. Seeing that the rune water waves did not continue to move forward, he finally stopped as well.

Looking around, Jiang Yun found that he had returned to the darkness outside the sixth world, and even saw the sixth world that he had incorporated into the Taoist world.

In other words, he was about to enter the tenth floor, but now he was forced back to the sixth floor by these inexplicable rune water waves!

"What exactly is going on!"

Jiang Yun couldn't help but asked Liu Ruxia.

The latter quickly responded: "I don't know!"

"I just thought these rule runes were dangerous, so I reminded you to run."

"It now seems that this is likely to be the last obstacle to entering the tenth floor arranged by the Master of All Spirits."

"If you want to enter the tenth floor, you need to pass through this sea of ​​runes!"

Jiang Yun's brows furrowed tightly. The number of these regular runes is too many, and they are too dense. The coverage area is at least a million miles away.

If you want to pass the distance of one million miles unscathed, let alone yourself, even Red Wolf and Jiayi may be difficult to do!

Jiang Yun remembered that although the situation was extremely critical just now, in a hurry, he also saw the figure of the red wolf among those who were washed away.

Obviously, although they had already reached the ninth world, they were always trapped there and did not enter the tenth floor either.

Now, it has also been rushed out by this sea of ​​runes.

In short, everyone is now back to the starting point.

Whoever can cross this sea of ​​runes first will be able to step into the tenth floor first.

Jiang Yun waited for a while and saw that there was no response from the Sea of ​​Runes. He approached it boldly until he came to a place ten feet away and stopped, exuding divine consciousness, wanting to see if he could find some clues.

But as soon as the consciousness entered it, it was immediately destroyed by the chaotic rules and power, and it was impossible to enter at all.

Jiang Yun pondered for a while, then took another step, came to the edge of the sea of ​​runes, and slowly stretched out his palm.

With his palm reaching into the sea of ​​runes, Jiang Yun didn't feel like he was in the water at all.

But in an instant, Jiang Yun sensed the swarming of countless kinds of power, pouring into his palm,

It can be seen to the naked eye that his palms are beginning to face various angles, and the extremely strange twists and expansions swell, obviously to shred his palms.

Moreover, these powers are still following Jiang Yun's palm, wanting to rush towards other parts of Jiang Yun's body.

Of course Jiang Yun didn't dare to let them enter his body, he hurriedly retracted his palm, and with a strong shake, the power of annihilation poured into his palm, destroying all the chaotic power.

Then, under the surging vitality in Jiang Yun's body, his palm soon recovered as before.

After this simple attempt, Jiang Yun can be sure that if he wants to go deep into the sea of ​​runes with his physical body, it is simply courting death!

Looking at this sea of ​​runes, Jiang Yun fell into contemplation.

At this moment, the tree demon's voice suddenly sounded: "Senior, can I say a few words?"

Jiang Yun's heart moved, the tree demon has always been silent, and now it suddenly wants to speak, it must be related to the sea of ​​runes, and immediately nodded: "You said."

The tree demon then continued: "The rules of your Taoxing heaven and earth are just like our avenues."

"In most Dao worlds, there is a special area called the Land of Chaos."

"It's just that there are all kinds of avenues in it, and it's extremely chaotic."

"Once a living being enters it, it will be flooded into the body by the power of various avenues, resulting in death."

"However, the land of chaos is not all dead ends!"

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