The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7002: Master of All Souls, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

After these light spots appeared, they immediately rushed towards the place where Jiang Yun and the others gathered. The speed was extremely fast, and they came around them in a blink of an eye.

As the distance got closer, everyone could see it more clearly. It was not a spot of light, but a group of light the size of a slap.

Jiang Yun lay on the ground and looked at these rays of light, and he recognized it at a glance. This was the so-called treasure that he had come into contact with from Prison Dragon and Sand Spirit.

However, at this moment, these rays of light are no longer a group, but are densely packed and countless, and it is impossible to calculate the specific number.

Although the number has increased, Jiang Yun's consciousness and eyes are still unable to see the situation in the light.

In the depths of Jiang Yun's eyes, there was a flash of shock at first, but then it became clear.

After these rays of light gathered around everyone, they were quietly suspended in the air, motionless.

Moreover, it gave everyone the feeling that it was like a pair of eyes hidden in the light, watching him.

Because of the appearance of these rays of light and the powerful aura emanating, Jiayi's actions were somewhat restricted, and he did not go to catch Jiang Yun.

However, seeing these lights stand still, A flashed a cold light in his eyes, suddenly stretched out his hand, and grabbed Jiang Yun, who was lying on the ground.

No matter what these rays of light are, for Jiayi, entering the vortex space this time and being able to catch Jiang Yun is already a worthwhile trip.

Jiang Yun's attention seemed to be completely attracted by these rays of light, and he didn't notice Jiayi's shot.

Or even if he noticed it, it was impossible for him to escape Jiayi's palm when he was seriously injured.

Seeing that Jia Yi's palm was about to touch Jiang Yun, some of those still lights suddenly moved!

There are hundreds of beams of light, as fast as lightning, not only in an instant between Jiang Yun and Jiayi, but also condensed into a huge fist, towards Jiayi's falling palm, Smashed hard.

Although the speed of the light is fast enough, Jiayi's response is also amazing.

When the rays of light condensed into a fist, the palm of his grasping Jiang Yun was also clenched into a fist and greeted him.


The muffled sound came, and under the fists intersect, Jia Yi's body was immobile.

And the fist that was condensed by the light was shocked and retreated.

Although the fist is not as strong as Jiayi, its appearance has at least resolved Jiang Yun's crisis.

Jia Yi narrowed his eyes, staring at the light fist that was repelled by him, suddenly snorted coldly, raised his hand again, and continued to grab Jiang Yun.


This time, all the remaining rays of light rushed towards Jiang Yun's body frantically.

Powerful aura fluctuations mixed with various forces, like rising waves, slapped towards Jiayi layer by layer, preventing Jiayi's actions.

Not only that, in the process of surging, these rays of light are still condensing into pieces...body organs at an extremely fast speed!

Limbs, heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney, and, head!

This bizarre scene made the well-informed Jia Yi and Hong Lang stunned.

Especially Jia Yi, blocked by the aura released by the light, the palm that stretched out could no longer get close to Jiang Yun.

He also simply withdrew his palm, stopped his body, and also exuded a powerful force, while battling against the power emitted by the rays of light, while watching the rays of light.

As for Jiang Yun, his eyes still full of blood were staring at the head that was formed by several rays of light.

Although the head is not yet fully formed, the head is full of white hair and has an old face. How could Jiang Yun not recognize it, that is exactly what his master looked like when he was old!

"Master of all spirits!"

In Jiang Yun's ears, Liu Ruxia's exclaimed voice also sounded: "Just, what's the matter with him?"

"Jiang Yun, aren't those rays of light the so-called treasures we just saw?"

"Could it be..."

Liu Ruxia didn't finish her words, but Jiang Yun followed her words and continued to say softly: "He should have merged with this so-called treasure!"

Liu Ruxia's voice no longer sounded, obviously what Jiang Yun said was what she was thinking now.

Daoxing Heaven and Earth has a treasure, and when the Dao Venerable does not know where it is, it can only be mastered by the Master of All Souls.

The Master of All Souls, after extracting his memory and soul, hid in this space together with this treasure.

Now, his memory and soul have even merged with the treasure.

Jiang Yun suddenly muttered: "He hid the treasure and took out the memory sub-soul, just to keep his memory, or to make his memory sub-soul merge with the treasure?"

Hearing Jiang Yun's self-talk, Liu Ruxia opened her mouth and wanted to respond, but in the end she closed her mouth and stopped speaking.

Under the gaze of everyone, all the rays of light finally converged into a complete human form.

A tall, gray-haired old man.

The Master of All Souls, or in other words, ancient!

The Master of All Souls stood in front of Jiang Yun and looked up at Jia Yi.

His body was the same as a normal person, in front of the ten thousand feet tall Jia Yi, it seemed incomparably small.

But he didn't have the slightest fear, as if he was using his not tall body to protect his disciple.

And the red wolf, who had never moved, suddenly and silently took a step towards the position of the Master of All Spirits at this time.

Obviously, he also showed a strong interest in the Master of All Souls who appeared at this moment.

Although the red wolf's movement was slight, it also woke up Jiayi, turned back suddenly, and glanced at him.

However, he did not stop the red wolf, but turned his eyes to the Master of All Spirits and said slowly, "You should be the Master of All Spirits, right?"

"It's just that, in your current state, should I call you the Master of All Souls, or should I call you...the Treasure?"

Jiayi's question can be regarded as confirming Liu Ruxia's words.

The monks from outside the territory, especially the strong ones like the Red Wolf Jiayi, have long known that there is a treasure in Daoxing Heaven and Earth!

Even the real purpose of entering the vortex space this time should also be for this treasure.

It's just that they didn't even think that the Master of All Souls would actually merge his memory and soul with the treasure.

From then on, he is both a teacher of all spirits and a treasure!

And anyone who wants to obtain the treasure cannot kill the Master of All Souls.

The safest way is to take him away together, and then study it carefully to see if he can be separated from the treasure.

The Master of All Souls ignored Jiayi's question at all, but turned his head and looked at Jiang Yun who was lying there. A smile appeared on his old face and said, "Fourth, are you alright!"

Facing the other party's question, Jiang Yun was stunned for a moment before softly said: "I'm fine!"

"It's fine!" The smile on the face of the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits was even stronger: "It's all bad for the teacher, and it hurts you, put you in danger, and almost fell."

"However, since the teacher has appeared, then you don't have to worry about other things now."

"Have a good rest, everything has a master!"

After finishing speaking, the Master of All Spirits withdrew his gaze, turned his head again, and faced Jiayi and Honglang.

His words were not concealed in any way, so Honglang and Jiayi could hear them clearly.

However, the two obviously have a certain understanding of the Master of All Souls.

At least know the relationship between Gu Bu Lao and the Master of All Spirits.

Therefore, the two were not surprised when they heard that the Master of All Spirits called Jiang Yun a disciple.

The smile on the face of the Master of All Souls turned into indifference, and he said coldly: "Xiu from outside the realm, I have no injustice or enmity with you, but you are doves occupying the nest of magpies, occupying me, not to mention the world, He even joined hands with Dao Zun to imprison all of us in the bureau."

"Now, it's even more aggressively invading here!"

"Even if I am not as powerful as you, we will not be willing to be invaded and enslaved by you."

"Aren't you guys always looking for my secrets of cultivating the world!"

"I'll tell you the truth, I'm the secret you're looking for!"

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