The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7012: Haotian red wolf, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

An unbelievable look appeared on Jiang Yun's face, and his body seemed to be immobilized, letting the petite figure lean on his body, not daring to move.

Naturally, the petite figure that rushed out of Jiang Yun's body was Liu Ruxia!

Jiang Yun never thought that Liu Ruxia would take the initiative to save herself at this time!

Not only Jiang Yun was stunned, but even the palm of the rules above, as well as the figures of Ji Kongfan and the three ancient spirits, were also frozen.

It was not them who were stunned, but the Master of All Spirits!

The eyes of the Master of All Souls stared straight at Liu Ruxia, who was leaning on Jiang Yun's back and slowly sliding to the ground. A look of shock flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Obviously, he did not expect that there is still a person hidden in Jiang Yun's body.

I never thought that this person would be Liu Ruxia!

The next moment, Jiang Yun had come to his senses, and he didn't care about the Master of All Souls, but turned around in a hurry, and under the palm of his hand, a gentle force pushed Liu Ruxia's body sitting on the ground to Ping Pingtuo. up.

At this moment, Liu Ruxia's face was pale, with blood hanging from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were tightly closed.

Jiang Yun's consciousness swept across her body, wanting to see her injury, but was blocked by an invisible force.

Feeling that her body was being held up, Liu Ruxia slowly opened her eyes, looked at Jiang Yun in front of her, and said with a helpless smile: "Boy, I can help you again!"

When the words fell, she raised her hand with difficulty, and gently tapped it towards Jiang Yun's chest.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun clearly saw that there was a faint line sticking out from his chest!

This line is extremely dim, but the speed is extremely fast.

In an instant, it has already extended to the distance, and Jiang Yun immediately felt a familiar atmosphere.

This breath comes from his own soul avatar!

There should be a connection between the deity and the soul clone.

But Jiang Yun's soul avatar was secretly captured by Dao Zun after he stepped into the real realm, completely erasing the relationship between him and Jiang Yun, so that Jiang Yun could no longer perceive it.

Obviously, Liu Ruxia didn't know what method to use, so that the line extending from Jiang Yun's chest not only helped Jiang Yun sense the breath of the soul avatar, but also gave the relationship between Jiang Yun and the soul avatar. connected.

Liu Ruxia's voice also sounded in Jiang Yun's ears again: "Follow the line, hurry up!"

"Leave this world, I can help you delay a little time."

"Offended!" Jiang Yun spoke softly without hesitation. He gently supported Liu Ruxia's body with both hands, and hurried along the line that stretched out from his chest, in the direction of the breath of the soul clone. And go.

At a certain position in the forward direction, Jiang Yun's guardian avenue reappeared, holding a fist of lightning flashing, exhausted the strength of his whole body, and smashed down towards the nothingness in front of him.


The space suddenly shattered, revealing a large hole.

And Jiang Yun supported Liu Ruxia, just one step into this big hole.

The guardian avenue followed closely, stepped into the hole, turned around, and the power of countless spaces poured out of his body, and the big hole was healed in an instant.

Jiang Yun and Liu Ruxia left this world.

The whole process is only one breath of time.

And the Master of All Souls is still standing in place.

I don't know if he didn't have time to react at all, or because of other reasons.

In short, he did not stop Jiang Yun from leaving with Liu Ruxia.

Only then did he slowly turn his head and look at the large hole that had healed. The shock in the depths of his eyes was gradually dispelled by a trace of chill.

"Damn it!" The Master of All Spirits said coldly: "I didn't expect that this time, even you came."

"With the relationship between the two of us, it's fine if you don't help me, but you actually help others and fight against me!"

"It's a shame that I deliberately kept the memory with you back then, and it's a waste of time for me to remember you from time to time!"

"You, one by one, all be damned!"

"Do you think you can escape with Jiang Yun?"

"This is my territory, you can't escape!"

While speaking, the Master of All Spirits turned around, took a step forward, and disappeared without a trace.

And because he was too angry, he neither paid attention to Ji Kongfan and the three primordial spirits, nor did he watch the fight between the Red Wolf and the Earth Venerable.

Having lost his control, Ji Kongfan and Primordial Spirit, just like Xuanyuan Xing and others before, stood there with empty eyes, as if they had turned into statues.

The Red Wolf and Di Zun Ren Zun naturally witnessed the appearance of Liu Ruxia throughout the entire process.

Di Zun Ren Zun was confused and didn't know where Liu Ruxia was.

However, they didn't care too much.

When they wanted to come, Liu Ruxia should also be a monk from outside the territory, cooperated with Jiang Yun, hid in Jiang Yun's body, and entered the whirlpool space.

But the red wolf frowned, and said secretly in his heart: "The fortune teller told me that this time, Shi Tiangan and Daoxing Tiandi, it is very likely that each of them has a dark child entering this vortex space."

"I didn't believe it at first, but now it seems that the woman should be Anzi."

"Just, I don't know if she belongs to Daoxing Tiandi or Shi Tiangan."

"No, I have to tell the fortune teller about it quickly and see what he has to say."

In the chaotic airspace, in the prison opened by the Hongmeng, the deity of the red wolf suddenly stood up and was about to leave here to meet the leader of the Hongmeng.

His deity can know everything that the avatar has experienced in time, but the avatar cannot know what the deity is doing.

However, as soon as the red wolf got up, five rays of light of different colors flashed in front of his eyes, and a figure was already in front of him.

Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, the red wolf's face showed a look of surprise: "Haotian, you can't break free of the seal!"

The figure that appeared was naturally Haotian from the Five Elements Dao Realm!

Haotian was sealed here by the Red Wolf himself.

Although the red wolf's seal did not have much effect on him, it did not allow him to move freely.

Therefore, the red wolf is naturally puzzled.

Haotian said lightly: "You don't need to worry about how I broke free of the seal. From now on, I will temporarily take charge of this prison for you."

"No one, including you, is allowed to leave here without my permission!"

The red wolf laughed angrily at Haotian's words and said, "Haotian, your joke is not funny at all."

"Okay, I'm in a hurry, and I don't have time to listen to your jokes here."

"We have no grievances or enmity, and I won't seal you again for the time being, just wander around by yourself!"

This prison itself uses the power of the Dao to imprison everyone.

However, because Haotian's strength was too strong, the Red Wolf had to impose a seal on him again.

Now that Haotian broke free of the seal, Red Wolf was too lazy to ask him how he did it.

Anyway, he believed that it was impossible for Haotian to leave this prison.

And he is really in a hurry now, he has to go to see the leader of the Hongmeng alliance, and tell the other party what happened to Liu Ruxia, so he can listen to the other party's opinion, so he is not ready to fight against Haotian.

After speaking, the red wolf stretched out his limbs to bypass Haotian.

Haotian stretched out his hand and blocked the red wolf again: "Because we have no grievances and no grudges, I don't want to fight with you, and hurt the peace."

"You stay here with peace of mind, and outside things will naturally be handled by someone, so you don't need to worry about it."

In the eyes of the red wolf, there was a frightening cold light, and he stared deeply at Haotian: "I will say it one last time, get out of the way!"

Behind Haotian, five rays of light of different colors lit up one by one and said, "You separated a clone, and now the strength of the deity is greatly reduced. If you really do it, you will not be my opponent."

The red wolf narrowed his eyes and said, "How do you know that I have a clone?"

Haotian opened his palm, and a mirror appeared in his palm: "Of course someone told me."

When the words fell, Haotian reached out and threw the mirror to the red wolf.

The red wolf did not take over and let the mirror float in front of him, his divine sense penetrated into it, and heard the voice of the leader of the Hongmeng: "Watch the red wolf, can't let him leave..."

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