The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7330: it's my younger brother, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Chapter 7330 Is My Junior Brother

The vortex disappeared, and everything calmed down, but Jiang Yun still stood there motionless, as if he had turned into a statue.

Jiu Qin, who was always standing aside, witnessed everything that happened in Jiang Yun's Dao Realm from beginning to end, and knew that the whirlpool had given up absorbing the Stone of Origin.

It's just that she didn't know what happened to Jiang Yun.

After waiting quietly for a while, seeing that Jiang Yun still didn't respond, Jiu Qin couldn't help but said, "Jiang Yun, are you okay?"

"It's better for us to leave here first. I suspect that the two original peaks just now may come back at any time."

Since it was Shi Feng's conspiracy to send the Origin Stone, he might be waiting nearby.

And the Bone King, who was severely injured by Jiang Yun, couldn't be reconciled.

If they go to move helpers again, as long as there is another original peak, Jiu Qin and Jiang Yun will be in danger of their lives.

Hearing Jiu Qin's words, Jiang Yun finally came back to his senses, turned his head to look at Jiu Qin, nodded slightly and said: "Okay!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun still had a shocked look on his face, and his eyes were a little dull, obviously not really awake yet.

Seeing it, Jiu Qin felt strange, but it was inconvenient to ask, so he could only ask, "Do you know any safe place?"

Jiang Yun shook his head.

Jiu Qin could see that Jiang Yun had no idea at all now.

After pondering for a while, Jiu Qin stretched out his hand and pointed in one direction: "Let's go in the opposite direction from where the two left, and watch as we go!"

Jiang Yun naturally had no objection and said, "I'll let Bei Ming drive us away."

Anyway, Jiu Qin has seen that Jiang Yun can control Bei Ming, so Jiang Yun doesn't need to hide it from her.

So, the two of them sat on Bei Ming's body and flew towards the depths of the boundary gap.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes, temporarily ignored the Nine Birds, and did not look at the Stone of Origin, but said to Dao Xingtian Map: "Dao Zun, come out!"

"I don't ask you other questions, I just ask you, have you seen the ray of light that just shot out from the vortex!"

"Is the person who shot the light my second senior sister, Situ Jing!"

This is why Jiang Yun was so shocked!

Because the ray of light shot out from the vortex is actually a black flower.

The flowers are very ordinary, but the aura contained in the flowers is very familiar to Jiang Yun!

That is the breath of the second senior sister, and it is also a magical power mastered by the second senior sister.

Three flowers gathered!

The three ancient disciples, when they were in the mountains and seas, were actually walking the road of Taoism.

Moreover, Gu Bulao also taught the three of them, each with a magical power.

Dongfang Bo transforms three talents into one Qi, and Xuanyuan Xing transforms three bodies into Dao.

Situ Jing is a gathering of three flowers!

However, Situ Jing was already dead. In order to protect Mengyu, she blew herself up and died.

But Jiang Yun never imagined that in a vortex in this place of origin, he saw the three flowers gathered by the second senior sister.

If that's all, Jiang Yun wouldn't be so shocked.

After all, here is a gathering of monks from different time and space.

Jiang Yun has already met a senior brother from another time and space, so it is entirely possible to meet a second senior sister from another time and space.

But Jiang Yun can be sure that the black flower just now originated from the second senior sister in the same time and space as him!

Naturally, this also means that not only is Second Senior Sister still alive, but she is still in a vortex in the Origin Land.

The suction from that vortex made it impossible for Jiang Yun and Jiu Qin to fight together.

No matter what place is in the vortex, Jiang Yun is not able to go there today.

But Second Senior Sister is there!

Rao Jiang Yun has experienced all kinds of unimaginable things, but he still can't figure out what's going on.

Especially when this matter involved his closest people!

Following Jiang Yun's voice, there was a dead silence in Daoxingtian's map.

It seems that Dao Zun is still not ready to answer Jiang Yun's question.

Jiang Yun took a deep breath and said: "Dao Zun, if you don't show up again, then I will destroy this Daoxingtian map!"

Jiang Yun's threat finally worked.

In the map of Dao Xing Tian, ​​Dao Zun's sigh sounded again.


After sighing, there was another moment of silence before Daozun continued, "My lifespan is really running out."

"Every word you say may save me a few hours of life, so why are you pushing me so hard!"

Jiang Yun said in a deep voice: "With the time you have to say these few words, I'm afraid I can explain everything clearly."

"I can't explain it clearly!" Dao Zun continued: "Because I don't know much."

"I can only tell you that I, like Daoyang, only have some intermittent memories of this place."

"Also, your feeling is not wrong. The stone of origin in your hand is not only the Dao seal fragment you once owned, but also a repair-seeking monument made by the earth venerable."

Find a monument!

Dao Zun's words shocked Jiang Yun again!

Although Jiang Yun had seen the Xunxiu Stele and knew the origin of the Xunxiu Stele, but the Xunxiu Stele was not broken, and he had never touched it at close range, so he didn't know that the Xunxiu Stele was the Dao Seal.

However, the search for the monument was made by the Earth Venerable using half of the second senior sister's body and soul, so Jiang Yun naturally knew it.

This is more proof that the person who shot out the light in the vortex just now is his Second Senior Sister.

After a pause, Dao Zun said again: "As for Situ Jing's origin, and what is in that vortex, I don't know."

"However, I know that Situ Jing is not the daughter of the earth lord!"

"What!" Jiang Yun couldn't help exclaiming.

It is well known in the entire Zhenyu that her second senior sister is the daughter of a respected earth.

But now Dao Zun actually said that the second senior sister is not the daughter of the Earth Zun.

"Your second senior sister wasn't even born in Daoxing Heaven and Earth."

"She is just like Dao Rang, she comes from outside Daoxing Heaven and Earth."

"In the past, I thought she came from another realm, but now it seems that she is obviously from the whirlpool."

"It's not just her. I suspect that many people in Daoxing Tiandi may have other identities."

Jiang Yun's whole body has almost petrified.

Dao Zun seemed to think that the impact he had given Jiang Yun was not strong enough, and continued: "Just like Dao Zun in the Mountain and Sea Dao Domain, he is both me and not me!"

"The relationship between me and him is equivalent to the relationship between you and your soul clone."

"He already has an independent consciousness."

"And the purpose I created him back then was also to explore the path of Taoism and to increase my lifespan."

Jiang Yun only felt that his mind was blank and he lost the ability to think.

I finally figured out the truth of many things, but I didn't expect that after arriving at this place of origin, I was overthrown again.

"Why?" After a long time, Jiang Yun murmured, "Why are there so many things?"

"What are we? Our life, our purpose of living, what is it?"

"Hey!" Dao Zun sighed again: "If you ask me, who am I going to ask!"

"Okay, there's no point in bringing up these past events."

"That's all I know."

"If you want to understand everything, you should find a way to go to the inner layer of the place of origin and find a way to enter the vortex."

"If it's not bad, the Stone of Origin you got should be able to let you recognize the Lord again."

"And this is also the real purpose of your second senior sister's attack!"

At the same time, in the dim hall, a figure appeared in front of the man named Daojun.

Daojun's voice sounded: "It's fine if you make an exception and give him the qualifications, but why did you reveal your identity?"

The figure lowered its head and said softly, "Because he is my junior brother!"

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