The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7403: chat alone, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Jiang Yun's eyes, which had just been closed, suddenly opened because of the girl's words, and two cold eyes looked at each other.

The girl was still standing where she was, with no expression on her face. Facing Jiang Yun's gaze, she looked at him without any hesitation.

After taking a deep look at the girl, Jiang Yun turned his gaze to Xue Yunfei, and asked via voice transmission: "Brother Xue, may I ask, now you have a way to know the relationship between my elder brother and Ji Kongfan whereabouts?"

Before Jiang Yun came to Huoku, Xue Yunfei told Jiang Yun about the whereabouts of Dongfang Bo and Ji Kongfan, and both of them were rushing towards the intersection area.

Even Xue Yunfei knew that Dongfang Bo was accompanied by a female monk Jiu Qin who also came from the Chaos Realm.

Therefore, upon hearing Jiang Yun's voice transmission, Xue Yunfei couldn't help being slightly taken aback, obviously not understanding why Jiang Yun had to ask this question seriously at this time.

After recovering, Xue Yunfei replied: "I'm afraid not."

"Originally, I really wanted my people to stare at them, but their vigilance is very high, and their strength is not weak. It is easy for them to find out, which may cause their misunderstanding."

"Furthermore, I was also worried that other people would find out that I was stalking them, so after confirming their whereabouts, I let my people leave."

"Why, do you want them to participate in the battle of seizing the source?"

This was the only reason Xue Yunfei could think of for Jiang Yun to suddenly ask about the whereabouts of the two of them.

After all, it is impossible for Dongfang Bo and Ji Kongfan to have the Stone of Origin.

Jiang Yun said calmly: "Yes, if they have time, I naturally hope that they can also participate in the battle of seizing the source and **** one or two stones of origin."

Regarding the girl's sudden mention of Ji Kongfan, although Jiang Yun was at a loss, he knew that the other party must be planning something, so he wanted to confirm Ji Kongfan's whereabouts with Xue Yunfei.

If Ji Kongfan could be contacted, or if it was confirmed that Ji Kongfan was safe and sound, then Jiang Yun would not need to pay attention to the girl.

Jiang Yun didn't want Xue Yunfei to know about these things.

It's not that he doesn't trust the other party, it's just that he doesn't want to trouble or implicate him.

Xue Yunfei naturally did not doubt Jiang Yun's real purpose, and said with a smile: "I think, Emperor Yue should have greeted you."

"Others want the Stone of Origin, they really need to participate in the battle to seize the source, try to grab it as much as possible."

"But if you and your friends need it, the Son of Heaven can still give it to you."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "It's just a little bit ashamed."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun closed his eyes again, but said to the girl through voice transmission: "Ji Kongfan, I know him, why did you mention him?"

The girl replied: "I met him and we had a good conversation."

"Especially his power of extinction, which is very interesting."

"He also asked me to tell you that he wants to see you. If you want to see him too, come with me."

"However, you can only come alone, and no one else, including Xue Yunfei, can follow!"

After saying this, the girl turned around and walked away in one direction. She was very fast, and after a few steps, she disappeared without a trace.

Most people didn't care about the girl's departure.

Now everyone's attention is basically focused on the battle to seize the source.

Although they all have the Stone of Origin, the monks who participated in the battle to seize the source are more or less related to them.

Only Xue Yunfei stared at the direction in which the girl was leaving, frowning slightly.

It wasn't until a moment later that he confirmed that the girl had really left and would not come back, then he looked away.

Jiang Yun's consciousness was also watching the direction in which the girl disappeared, thinking in his heart whether he should follow.

Jiang Yun felt that if the girl wants to hide Xue Yunfei by herself and meet her alone, it is very likely that this is a trap.

If you go by yourself, you are throwing yourself into a trap.

However, the girl mentioned Ji Kongfan!

Especially the power of Nirvana mastered by Ji Kongfan!

Ji Kongfan is an unknown person in the outer layer of this place of origin.

No matter whether it is strength or origin, no one will care, and no one should know the power he possesses.

But the girl knows it!

This can at least show that the girl must have met Ji Kongfan, and it is very likely that she has fought against Ji Kongfan.

With Ji Kongfan's strength, Jiang Yun didn't think he could beat the girl.

Therefore, the greatest possibility is that the girl has already caught Ji Kongfan, and now uses Ji Kongfan as a bait to set up a trap for herself to jump into!

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun finally stood up and said to Xue Yunfei: "Brother Xue, that girl asked me to have a chat alone, so I have to leave for a while!"

Even if the girl's invitation is really a trap, Jiang Yun has to jump for Ji Kongfan.

As for Xue Yunfei, although Jiang Yun didn't want to hurt him, he couldn't make up any reasonable reason, so he might as well tell the truth.

"Young girl wants to chat with you alone?" Xue Yunfei was startled again, and quickly returned to the divine way: "She must have no good intentions, maybe she set a trap, you'd better not go!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "Thank you Brother Xue for your concern, but I have to go."

"I know Brother Xue is worried about my safety."

"However, many members of Yuanzhu and Yuanqi are now in the battle to seize the source. With my current strength, even if there are any traps, I still have the power to protect myself."

"Your elder brother and Ji Kongfan!" Xue Yunfei suddenly understood why Jiang Yun asked himself the whereabouts of these two people just now.

"Did the girl catch these two?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "She didn't say anything, but she did mention Ji Kongfan, so I want to talk to her alone."

"Brother Xue, please don't follow me!"

Clenching his fists at Xue Yunfei, Jiang Yun has already walked towards the direction where the girl disappeared,

Looking at Jiang Yun's back, although Xue Yunfei wanted to follow, he finally gave up on this idea.

Xue Yunfei knew very well that if something happened to Ji Kongfan because of his stalking, then Jiang Yun might turn against him.

Now, he can only hope that Jiang Yun can return safely, or that Yue Tianzi can come out sooner.

Jiang Yun's departure also did not attract the attention of others.

In the gap between the boundaries, Jiang Yun strode like a shooting star, and when he couldn't see Xue Yunfei and them, the girl's voice sounded again in his ear: "To the southeast, about 20 million miles away, there is a huge rock, where I am Wait for you."

Jiang Yun didn't respond to the girl, but speeded up and headed southeast.

Now Jiang Yun's strength has not really reached the peak of his origin.

However, his three original Dao bodies have basically been achieved.

This is also the reason why Yebai can be easily caught by the three-source Taoism he used.

What's more, there are ten blood lamps on Jiang Yun's body, Dao Zun Dao, and Xue Yuan's heart sent by Xue Yunfei.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not dare to say that he would be invincible in the place of origin, but if he wanted to kill him, he would have to meet top powerhouses like Yuanzhu and Yue Tianzi, or join forces with several powerhouses.

Otherwise, he does have the power to protect himself.

Twenty million miles away, at Jiang Yun's speed, within a short while.

Sure enough, in his line of sight, he saw a floating boulder, about thousands of feet in size.

There are countless holes of different sizes left by the erosion of the years.

The girl is sitting cross-legged in the center of the huge boulder in an open and aboveboard manner!

Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness covered the boulder, and he didn't find any power fluctuations, nor did he have any breath of life.

It seems that there is really only a young girl.

However, Jiang Yun will not take it lightly.

In case the girl's body becomes its own world, it can hide people in the body.

Jiang Yun stood in the air, looked at the girl and said, "I'm here, where is Ji Kongfan?"

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