The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7685: go to polar sky, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Some of the sacred objects of the nine clans in the Daoxing Great Territory were refined by Sikongzi, the great emperor of weapons.

Like mirage, Jiekong tripod and so on.

However, there are also some that are not artificially refined.

Just like the Indeterminate Soul Fire and the Tree of Reincarnation that have been fused by Jiang Yun!

Originally, Jiang Yun didn't know the origin of these sacred objects, but he only realized after meeting Jiang Yiyun and knowing that it was Jiang Yiyun who brought the members of the Nine Branches and Nine Clans to the Daoxing Dayu.

Jiang Yiyun not only took some of their clan members away from certain clans, but also took away some of their holy objects!

At this moment, what Jiang Yun displayed was the Wuding Soul Fire fused by him, that is, the soul clan of the Hunyou Dayu, a holy object enshrined in the Holy Land.

The soul clansman in front of him, as a monk in the original state, must have observed the sacred objects of the clan.

Therefore, seeing the indeterminate soul fire rising from Jiang Yun's body, it was not difficult for him to tell that it was the aura of the sacred objects in his clan.

With a wave of his sleeve, Jiang Yun held up Hun Chengyu's body and said, "Now, you should be able to believe that I have quite a relationship with your Soul Clan!"

Hun Chengyu clasped his fists at Jiang Yun, then bowed to the ground again, and said with a slightly trembling voice: "I believe it, I believe it!"

"Before the juniors had a lot of offenses, I hope the seniors don't blame them."

"In addition, this junior dares to ask senior about his origins, and what is his relationship with my soul clan?"

As a holy object, the Indeterminate Soul Fire, even the powerhouses of the Myriad Masters' Domain could not **** away any of it after they captured the Soul You Domain, so they had to send people to garrison it.

But Jiang Yun actually fused part of the indeterminate soul fire with his own soul.

In Hun Chengyu's mind, Jiang Yun's Wuding Soul Fire could only be given by the head of his family.

In this way, of course Hun Chengyu believes that Jiang Yun and his own soul clan are not only related, but very deep!

Jiang Yun replied: "Many years ago, an old friend of mine went to the Hunyou Great Domain and took away a group of your clansmen, and also obtained part of the Wuding Soul Fire."

These were all Jiang Yun's guesses, so he didn't dare to go into too much detail.

But after Hun Chengyu finished listening, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Jiang Yun with light in his eyes and said: "The old man of the predecessor, is the strong man from the foreign land who went to my family back then?"

Regardless of whether it is the mirage clan or the soul clan, Jiang Yiyun always left a word after he took away a group of their clansmen as a strong outsider.

If they encounter any danger in the future, they can go to someone for help through the gap in time and space!

Like Shen Lin, the Mirage clansman that Jiang Yun met in the place of origin, it was because her hometown was also attacked by other great domains.

Therefore, the patriarch of the mirage clan sent his people to search for the gap in time and space to find the strong outsider who took away a group of mirage clan members.

Obviously, Hun Chengyu had also heard this sentence, so Jiang Yun's identity was finally confirmed now.

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Yes, that strong man from the outer domain is my old friend."

"Because of some things he encountered, he is now inconvenient to move, so he told me about it."

"So whatever he promised you at the beginning, I will naturally fulfill it for him."

"I'm going to go to the Great Soul Realm right now, but I don't know the way. Do you know how to get to the Great Soul Realm from here?"

The sadness on Hun Chengyu's face has been swept away, replaced by excitement.

He hastily spread out his palm, and a compass appeared in his palm and said: "Although I don't know it, but according to this compass, I can find the gathering place of the monks of the nearby Ten Thousand Lords' Domain."

"The people in the Ten Thousand Lords' Domain must know the exact location of the Hunyou Great Domain!"

"Moreover, there is a teleportation map in the Jitian Law Domain that is connected to the Ten Thousand Lords Law Domain."

"So, as long as we find the monks in the Domain of Myriad Lords now, we can go to the Realm of Ghostly Souls."

As soon as Jiang Yun heard it, he understood that the Ten Thousand Lords Law Region and the Jitian Law Region were allies.

So this time Jitian Dharma failed to attack Daoxing Dayu, and Zi Xu was captured. His disciples immediately notified Wanzhu Dharma, and they also sent people over, among them was Hun Chengyu.

However, Jiang Yun was a little surprised and said, "Can we also reach between Dayu and Dayu through the teleportation map?"

The area of ​​a large domain is already beyond imagination.

Even with Jiang Yun's current strength, without the help of the formation spirit, within the Daoxing Dao domain, if you want to go from one dao world to another, just flying, it will take months or years. possible.

Not to mention, the distance between the two great domains must be infinitely far away, and it will take more time.

Jiang Yun also always believed that the reason why the dispute between Taoism and law lasted for a long time must have something to do with distance.

Unexpectedly, there are teleportation array maps available in the two large domains.

Hun Chengyu laughed and said: "Senior, I don't know that the distance between Dayu and Dayu is actually not as far as we imagined."

"I have also been to several large domains. Most of the large domains and large domains have some areas, which are almost next to each other."

"Of course, if you are at one end of a large domain, and another large domain happens to be adjacent to the other end of this large domain, then the distance is a bit far."

"Taking the extreme sky law domain and the big domain where the seniors are located, the south of the extreme sky law domain is considered to be adjacent to the big domain of the seniors."

"The distance between the two is only a few trillion miles."

"Without any external force, with my strength, I can arrive in a few days."

"The reason why the two adjacent large domains do not communicate with each other is not because of the distance, but because each large domain has its own protection and is isolated from the outside world."

"As long as someone can remove this kind of protection, it is completely possible to establish a teleportation array between the two great domains."

"However, the power required to run this teleportation array once is extremely amazing."

"So if it's not an urgent matter, the teleportation map is rarely used."

After hearing Hun Chengyu's explanation, Jiang Yun finally understood.

It's no wonder that the Dayu monks, such as Wanzhu's Law Region, were able to arrive in Daoxing Dayu in such a short period of time.

For Jiang Yun, this is both good news and bad news.

The good news, of course, is that this way, the time for him to find the Nine Clans will be greatly shortened.

But the bad news is that the time for Zixu and other jurisdictions, whether it is to search for the Nine Clans or attack the Daoxing Dayu, will be greatly shortened.

Hun Chengyu continued: "Senior, if you want to go to the Hunyou Great Realm, the easiest way is to find someone from the Wanzhu Law Realm and find out the specific location of the Hunyou Great Realm."

"Then let's see whether to use the teleportation map or use other methods to go to the Hunyou Great Domain."

Jiang Yun pondered and said: "I am not from the Extreme Heaven Law, nor from the Ten Thousand Lords' Law."

"If I go to the Extreme Heaven Law Region with you, will I be unable to enter?"

Hun Chengyu thought for a while and said, "Maybe it used to be, but now the situation is special."

"Most of the people sent here by the Ten Thousand Lords Lawyer are monks from different regions, so the Extreme Sky Lawyer probably won't investigate."

"Anyway, I stepped into the extreme sky law domain, and I didn't feel any power to check my identity."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Okay, then let's go to the Jitian Law Region first."

Jiang Yun didn't know that when he and Hun Chengyu were rushing towards the Extreme Heaven Law Domain, Zi Xu had already returned to the Extreme Heaven Law Domain!

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