The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 834: Land of the world

Hearing that Nan Yun once again reminded himself of his safety, Jiang Yun frowned.

Anyway, now that Nan Yunruo already knows some of his secrets, Jiang Yun immediately asked after a moment of indulgence: "Southern girl, what danger will I have, so that you remind me three times and five times?"

"And why not let me swallow these drugs?"


Nan Yunruo made a banned gesture against Jiang Yun, then pulled him directly into his room, closed the door, closed his eyes, and said nothing.

Jiang Yun knows that she is looking around with her knowledge, so she does not speak, and she waits quietly.

After a long time, Nan Yunruo opened his eyes and still said in a voice: "I told you these things, you must not leak out, or we will not be able to protect our two lives."

Jiang Yun nodded and did not speak.

"Tianlu Zong will bring back a group of mortals like you every other time, and then provide you with a lot of medicinal exercises, so that you can quickly improve."

"When you start taking the medicinal herbs, after practicing the exercises, Tianzong will regularly check your repairs."

"I don't know how to check it out, but if you don't meet certain requirements, then you will disappear."

"If you meet the requirements, then you will continue to enjoy the supply of medicinal herbs and exercises."

"Until you arrive in the spiritual realm, Tianzong will completely stop the supply of your medicine and exercises, and take you all away from the sky."

"I don't know where to go. Anyway, I have never seen those mortals who have been taken away."

"I think, you should be clearer than me, these mortals are probably all unexpected!"

"We have heard from Master that the reason why Tianzongzong wants to do this seems to be who I am looking for, and I have to wait until you get to the Taoist world to know if you are looking for someone!"

If Nan Yunruo’s words, Jiang Yun was immersed in contemplation.

Although this is very close to his original guess, he did not think that he was not the first "good-qualified" mortal.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun asked: "How often is it every once in a while?"

"Not necessarily, it may be three years and five years, it may be ten years and twenty years. It is said that the longest interval is even more than a hundred years."

Jiang Yun fell into silence again.

Because according to Nan Yun’s own situation, he still can’t analyze too many things.

But in any case, at least let yourself know that you are always in danger.

However, for the danger, Jiang Yun has long been used to it!

Jiang Yun is holding a fist in front of Nanyun: "Thank you, Nan girl told me these things, but still that sentence, I still need a lot of Lingshi and remedies!"

If you want to do it, you can do some medicine, so you can refine some medicinal herbs and sell them in Zonmen in my name. Even you can do it yourself. Go sell."

"As for the medicinal herbs, what kind of remedy do you need? Are the medicinal herbs provided to you by Zong? Not enough?"

The case of Jiang Yun taking medicinal herbs is the most confusing thing about Nan Yunru.

Every time it is 100 hundred pieces, it is not only unscathed until now, and the drug is on his body, it seems that there is no effect at all!

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "It's not enough. I need an remedy that can provide aura. The higher the better, the better!"

If Nan Yun thought about it: "Either buy it, or you can refine it yourself, but the price of high-grade medicinal herbs and medicinal materials is very expensive, and it also requires a lot of Lingshi!"

"This matter needs to be carefully considered!"

Jiang Yun knows that he has to rehabilitate and repair, and he must not be too hasty. Now, within three months, he has shaken the finger, which is a great improvement.

After a moment of hesitation, Jiang Yun finally decided to ask the question he most wanted to know.

However, at least, he must let Nanyun know some of his own origins.

"Southern girl, it doesn't matter, I am not a person in your world, but from other worlds."

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that this sentence would make Nan Yunru more surprised. However, he did not expect that Nan Yunruo was a calm face: "I have already guessed it."

Jiang Yunyi said: "You guessed it?"

"Yes!" Nan Yun nodded and said: "My master, even many people in the land of the world, are from other worlds. This is not a big secret!"

If Nan Yun is not surprised, but her words are actually making Jiang Yun really surprised!

The people who came to this world from other worlds like themselves were not in the minority, even the masters of Nan Yunruo.

However, he was keenly grasping the four words in Nanyun Ruokou.

"What is the land of the world?"

"The land of the world is the fallen land of every world!"

Although Nan Yunruo explained to Jiang Yun, her face was also with a trace of confusion.

"After the fall of the world, all the world will eventually flow into the land of the world, and the land of the world will exist before the heavens and the earth are divided. It is a very special area."

The fallen land of the world!

Nan Yunruo's explanation, let Jiang Yun hold it again.

The world also has life and death. He knew this long ago, but he did not expect that the world would have a fallen land after death.

At this moment, Nan Yun then continued: "If I did not guess wrong, you should be in the middle of the gap, accidentally fell into the gap, so it will come to the land of the world!" ”

"What is the phacoocclusion?"

"It's just like cracks and cracks. It can devour everything. It is said that it is the entrance to the land of the world!"

"Of course, not everyone who falls into the crepus can live alive in this world. Many people are torn into pieces at the moment of falling in. You and my master are lucky. ”

The phalanx!

These two words reminded Jiang Yun of the huge cracks that appeared in the seams of the seven layers of the prison, and that appeared at any time and disappeared at any time!

So far, Jiang Yun finally understood.

I must have been in the direction of the body's advancement after being pointed by the finger, so that it fell into a crack, and then came to the land of this world.

Even Jiang Yun thinks further that those gaps should not only exist in the boundaries of the seven layers of the prison, but in any boundary outside each world.

Because once the world is degraded, it will basically become a piece of debris that will float in the boundary.

Some fragments will gradually disappear and disappear in time as they pass by.

And some of the fragments will be swallowed by those creches, and over time, this gap becomes the world's fallen land.

This is the origin of the name of the land of the world!

At this moment, Jiang Yun is really quite emotional, the world is big, it really is wonderful.

Who can imagine that the cracks in the seams that are like mouths are still leading to another ancient place where there is also a living being.

Jiang Yun said to himself: "The place that existed before the heavens and the earth were not divided, the land of this boundary is quite similar to chaos!"

"Is it possible that the enchanting sorrows of the sky are going out of this world?"

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