The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 961: a greeting

You must know that those who set foot on the Great Five Peaks before Jiang Yun, no matter how high they are, whether they are abandoned or not, must go through all the steps one by one.

No one can cross two steps at once!

However, now, Jiang Yun step by step, even across seven steps.

And as we all know, the nine steps are a level, and the anti-seismic force that comes out of the steps will skyrocket several times, so everyone will stay for a while before moving on to the next level.

However, Jiang Yun’s step is not only to cross seven steps, but also to pass the number of four or nine.

This scene, I was shocked that all of them suddenly stood up, stretched their necks, staring at the steps at the foot of Jiang Yun, wondering if they were blind.

Naturally, the sacrifice is also a big change in the face, and the coldness in the eyes rises!

As a sacrifice, his status is special, so he knows better than others that above the holy things, people who can cross multiple steps at one time do exist in the history of the abandon, and there is more than one!

It is from the birth of the abandoned people that the three deserted people who have successfully completed the ninety-nine steps!

One of them is a step by step across thirty steps.

But apart from the three of them, no one in the desert can do this.

However, Jiang Yun, a foreigner, has done it!

The first thought that comes to mind in the minds of the abandonment is that Jiang Yun will not be able to finish the ninety-nine steps!

If this is the case, then the gamble between myself and Jiang Yun is not as simple as sighing.

Because Jiang Yun at that time, will be regarded as a guest by the abbot, and even can easily replace the position of his sacrifice.

It is probably impossible for a foreigner to serve as a sacrificial rite of his own family. However, in the ethnic training of the abbots, there is one.

As long as someone can successfully walk through the ninety-nine steps of the sacred object, even if he is the enemy of the desert, he must satisfy all his requirements and leave him in the desert.

Because such a person can truly exert the greatest power of the sacred sacred objects!

Therefore, if Jiang Yun really finishes all the steps, then he has to die by himself and he must die!

Recalling that just when Jiang Yun stepped on the third step, he had almost spurred his full control over the sacred objects in order to stop him, but it was easily eliminated by Jiang Yun’s desert lines...

At this moment, in the heart of the abandonment of the abandonment, for the first time in his life, there was a trace of fear, and the object that made him fear was turned out to be a repair of a foreigner who had never been seen in his eyes.

"Impossible, I must have thought about it. The three ancestors who completed the summit in the past, there are no foreigners, and their cultivation is at least a nine-day situation."

"The strength of Jiang Yun is even higher, but it is absolutely high!"

Although the sacrifices are constantly looking for reasons to comfort themselves, the fear in the heart is lingering in any way.

In addition to the sacrifices, the priests and the ridiculous old people are equally shocked.


Even the old man who has never spoken before is finally saying: "How did he do it!"

Yan Junyan looked at the old man and stunned his face. "It’s a pity that my holy things are not working. Otherwise, I might know."

Yes, the relics of the abandoned are not spiritual, which is a great regret for the desert.

If the sacred objects are spiritual, then the power of the sacred objects will be exerted even more. Then they will not issue recruitment orders, and they will seek the help of foreigners in the face of the temple.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, standing on the 37-story step, has no expression on his face, and his figure is stable like a mountain. He does not move. It seems that there is no anti-seismic force in the steps.

However, his long hair that is flying wildly, but let everyone know that there is still the power of anti-seismic in the steps!

However, this anti-seismic force has been unable to shake Jiang Yun’s figure.

"It is impossible to shake, but Jiang Yun has already touched the secret of this sacred sacred object!"

Lu Lun’s voice once again rang in Lu’s mind.

This time, in his voice, he even brought out a hint of envy, and even a faint ambiguity.

As a reincarnation of the reincarnation, he naturally knows all the secrets of the tree of reincarnation, so only he can judge the current general situation of Jiang Yun.

And if he was able to enter this illusion for the first time, it would be like Jiang Yun, then he would not fall to the point of becoming a spirit, so he is really a little envious and 嫉妒 姜云.

Although Lu Yizheng wants to ask, what secrets are hidden in the relics of the abandonment, but he did not speak.

Because he is very clear, even if asked, Lu Lun will not say, so he just kept silent and silently watched Jiang Yun.

In fact, Jiang Yun can go through seven steps in one step, even he himself can not tell the specific reasons.

It’s just because, after three more strokes in his senses, there is another breath from the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, wrapping his body.

This breath is very different from the breath that he had previously felt.

There is no power in it, but it makes him feel kind!

This breath is like a greeting!

It’s as if I have climbed the Great Five Peaks, and now I’m on this peak again, but this mountain has not recognized myself immediately.

It was not until he realized that he had three wild lines, but he recognized himself, so he sent a long-lost greeting to himself and welcomed his return.

Driven by this feeling, Jiang Yun faintly felt that in the distant past, he seemed to have embarked on the Great Five Peaks.

Even, there have been several steps across several steps.

Therefore, he has the confidence to bet with the sacrifice, and after the gambling agreement is reached, he also tries to make his own step and take as many steps as possible.

It turns out that he did it!

Now, standing on the steps, the atmosphere of the greeting has disappeared, and it is replaced by the power of a counter-shock.

Although the power of this earthquake is strong, it is within the reach of Jiang Yun.

Because the power and storm that he had previously received were all from the secret sorcerer, and now he felt the power of the earthquake, which is the normal state of the five peaks.

Just as the previous wilderness went to this position, the intensity of the shocking force felt was the same.

The strength of this intensity, under the circumstances that Jiang Yun has revealed the Golden Dragon, can not shake his body, he was completely resolved.

Looking at the great five peaks at the foot, Jiang Yun thought thoughtfully: "When the greetings are over, the relics of the abandonment are restored to their original state."

"It seems that even an old friend who wants to climb the summit again can still follow the rules."

"However, the rules of the holy things, I seem to have understood."

"The great power contained in the sacred sacred objects is not to prevent others from reaching the summit, but to help others to inspire the various forces in the body!"

"The power it emits is like a flood. When it comes into the body, it is not a long-term solution if you just want to force it to resist and block it."

"The real approach should be to dredge, to guide, to spread the floods, to integrate into various parts of the body, and to constantly stimulate the body's strength."

"The more the power in the body is motivated, the more it will be recognized by the sacred sacred objects, so that you can go higher on it, even climb the summit!"

"This is the way for the abbots to be their own way!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun looked up and looked at the peaks not far away.

"If you want to know if my speculation is correct, I will try it."

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