The world's number one pianist

Chapter 49 Chopin's Third Ballade

Chopin No. 47, Ballade No. 3 in A flat major.

Chopin Ballade 3 in A-flat Major 47

Four flats, 6/8 time



Everything in this work passed through He Shen's mind, and he slowly pressed the first note.


The fingers did not just pick it up, but continued to use the power of the arm to lift it up slightly, and then used the gravity of the arm to push it down again.


As a percussion instrument, the piano is like a string at this moment, and its extremely soft phrase lines appear in front of everyone.

In the first section, when the right hand's sentence is halfway through, the left hand slowly enters.

The same softness, the same whispers, like a conversation between two lovers.

This piano ballad by Chopin is completely divorced from the bitterness, hatred between family and country between the two previous ballads, and gradually moves in another direction.

In the music filled with the breath of spring, a very distinctive phrase is about to unfold.

Everyone can feel the sweetness and tenderness, just like their partner caressing themselves with their hands.

Just like the "Sicilian Dance" theme in Chopin's Second Ballade as a contrasting section.

But here, even more joy will not use it as a contrast, but as a theme.

"The first ballade and the second ballade both tell tragic history, but by the third ballad, the overall style has begun to change."

Looking at Zhao Zitong who was enjoying herself, Zhou San suddenly spoke to her.

"What the Third Ballade tells here is somewhat similar to emotion and pastoral. When Chopin wrote this piece, he had been away from his hometown for a while, so his work was influenced by the luxurious atmosphere in Paris at that time."

"Huh?" Zhao Zitong was a little confused, wondering why Zhou San told her this.

Zhou San smiled helplessly and said: "You can listen to this piece, but just listen to it. Don't take it to heart. This third ballad is completely different from the first ballade you want to play." Yes, you know.”

"Hey, you're so annoying, I know, I know."

Zhao Zitong moved her nose and ignored Zhou San. She continued to lie on the railing in front of her, tilting her head and listening to He Shen's performance.

He Shen's hands moved on the keys, covering the piano keyboard like flowing water.

The timbre is extremely smooth, every sound is excellent, and there is no single flaw in any sound.

There was only one voice left in the minds of everyone present.

That was the sound of He Shen's playing.

Everyone forgot everything, as if they had lost their own thoughts, and He Shen's performance kept echoing in the entire brain.

Round and smooth, like water drops, they can be connected into a line or drop by drop like jade beads.

In this piece of Chopin's work, there is not much hatred between family and country, only sweetness and passionate love.

He Shen leaned all his body on the piano, using his own weight and an extremely sweet gesture to play a sweet love.


One of the judges suddenly sighed. He pointed at He Shen on the stage, his eyes full of shock.

"Look, he has three perfect levels in his playing!"

"Singing, throbbing, and dancing."

"These three levels are actually very close, but this player distinguishes these levels so clearly, it's amazing!"

"Singing style, the breath is long and flowing, and the work material A is the main direction, which is bars 1-53."

"However, in work material A, he also used something very interesting, that is, the throbbing style."

"The throbbing style has stable but very subtle emotional changes. It is very similar to the singing style. The breath is relatively stable, but the throbbing emotional fluctuations are very abnormal."

"The throbbing style that should be used in work material B and work material B1 is also used by He Shen in sections 9-36 of work material A."

"The use of throbbing as the dominant position of the overall emotion represents the throbbing that the hero and heroine in the ballad feel towards each other."

"It's very interesting, very interesting. According to my idea, I should use a singing style as the theme to sing about the love between the hero and heroine."

The judge suddenly said a lot, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he felt that he had found a treasure.

According to his understanding, this Chopin's Third Ballade can definitely be regarded as a master-level performance.

No, it may be even higher. It should be regarded as a master-level perfect work that can be burned on a disc and exist as a classic that has been handed down from generation to generation.

The other judges also nodded and discussed in a low voice.

"Yes, his performance is indeed very innovative. I can clearly tell that he belongs to the French school if there is anything about him."

"That's right, probably only the French school likes to strip away all their own understanding of music and perform it strictly according to the composer's ideas..."

"Have you decided your future route so early? What a pity..."

Some judges from other schools, such as the judges from the German and Austrian schools, and the judges from the Russian school, their eyes were full of regret.

Since they chose the French school that aims to restore the creator's own thoughts, they will inevitably have some differences with the Russian school, which is mainly based on heavy ink and color, and the classical and pure German and Austrian school.

Maybe they will reject some music school requirements with strong styles of the other two schools.

The music is still going on. After going through work material A, work material B, work material C, and work material B1, the work finally returns to work material A1, which is a deformation of work material A.

The end of the whole work.

Accompanied by triumphal singing and dancing-style layer division, the whole work ushered in the final ending.

Dang, dang, dang, dang!

After the last few extremely short chords rang, the whole work finally ushered in the end.

The moment He Shen's hand slowly lifted from the piano, the whole concert hall exploded instantly.





Everyone stood up and applauded vigorously.

It was more enthusiastic than the previous song "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon".

The previous piece, "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon", can only be regarded as an excellent and very good work, but not perfect.

And this Chopin Third Ballade has definitely reached the realm of perfection!

Even those masters may not be able to play such a work every time.

Every note of He Shen almost touched their hearts.

Now they only think of one thing, that is, to go back quickly, wait for the end of this competition, and download the video of the contestant after the official Golden Melody Award releases it.

If you really want to buy a recording of this level, even the digital version will cost dozens of yuan, and the physical version will cost at least hundreds of yuan.

Now it can be free, so why not download it quickly and listen to it to your heart's content?

The group of judges looked at the boiling audience, and one of them couldn't help but sigh.

"I regret it. I regret that I gave this contestant such a high score for the previous work."

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