The world's number one pianist

Chapter 60 Twenty-four Preludes

He Shen touched his palm and felt a little sweat. He immediately took out the towel beside him, wiped his palm quickly, and then put it aside. Reading

After wiping the sweat, He Shen looked at the piano in front of him, quickly went through Chopin's 24 preludes in his mind, and then closed his eyes.

His body leaned back slightly, but his fingers stood on the piano, like a suspension bridge, his body pulled his fingers, and his fingers pulled the piano.

This is not artificial, but a touch of the keys!

A touch of the keys that can make the sound more three-dimensional and the music float upward.

The previous forward fall made the sound sink, and the current backward pull makes the sound float upward.

Different works, different playing methods.

Everyone held their breath, looked at He Shen carefully, and waited for He Shen to start.

He Shen did not disappoint anyone, and his fingers pressed.

Dangdang... Dangdang... Dangdang...

Poetry! This is poetry! This is not music, this is poetry!

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up. What they heard in He Shen's music was no longer music, but poetry!

The first sentence was a long sentence, like the beginning of a seven-character poem.

He took a breath in the middle, which became stronger and stronger, more and more sad, and then he sighed slowly and shook his head.

All in one go.

He Shen's fingers were like lotus silk, picking up the keys, and the contact with the keys was about to break.

Then, he leaned forward and tightened slightly.

The second song, A minor, began to sound.

The poem ended, and a completely different tone appeared.

Everyone suddenly realized that He Shen was not just playing one or two pieces to fill up time, but he wanted to...

Play them all!

Play all 24 preludes, and play them as a whole for everyone to hear.

"Oh my god, this project?"

"What the hell? A whole song? Twenty-four songs? All of them?"

"Horrible, I have never seen anyone play a whole set of preludes in a competition."

"That's right, I didn't expect that someone would actually choose to play a whole set of preludes."


Everyone whispered, their eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

But soon, they shut their mouths, not daring to make any sound.

He Shen's performance completely attracted them, making them forget that they were just discussing with others, and completely pulled their concentration into their palms, rubbing them at will.

This is the solid understanding gained from Chopin's one-on-one teaching.

A work that truly implements Chopin's teaching ideas.

Although it is still a little short of the master level, it is still a little short of the finishing touch, but...

This is perfect enough!

At least for so many audiences on the scene, He Shen's performance has exceeded their expectations.

Zhao Zitong sat in the corner, looking at He Shen on the stage with shining eyes, and clenched his fists tightly.

"Awesome, really awesome..."

"But sooner or later, I will also step onto this stage, in front of everyone, especially him, to show my strength and scare them!"

When Zhao Zitong said that "he", she looked at Zhao Shenggang, gritted her teeth, and then continued to look at He Shen.

She has to learn now, keep improving, learn everything from her teacher, and then surprise everyone!

Zhao Shenggang didn't know that his daughter was sitting on the side. He touched his chin in disbelief, his eyes flickering.

The information he just saw about this person said that he didn't have any job, but was just an ordinary piano accompaniment?

So if that's the case, he has a chance to catch this person in his team?

If this person can come to his team, the merger plan that was forced to fail before may be restarted again.


Zhao Shenggang glanced at Zhou San next to him, a little unsure.

Zhou San seemed to be very interested in this person, and he and this person seemed to have discussed something before?

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so concerned.

Zhao Shenggang kept this idea in his heart for the time being, and kept an eye on Zhou San next to him.

He could only hope that Zhou San was interested in He Shen, and that Zhou San had already made an appointment with He Shen in advance to give him a position in the university after winning the award.

If the other party had made an appointment long ago, according to Zhou San's personality, he must have been preparing all the time, and he would definitely not be able to catch up with Zhou San if he prepared now.

By then, he could only watch this person slip away from his hands.

A set of Chopin preludes led people to different ideas, and also made many people lose their ideas.

Countless audiences sat on chairs, their expressions relaxed. They had given up their own control, let themselves lie soft on the chairs, listen to He Shen's music casually, and let He Shen's music knead their spirits.

Resistance is impossible, it is better to lie there and enjoy it.

The music moved quickly, and countless musical thoughts collided in the air, producing extremely brilliant sparks, which made everyone tremble.

He Shen's hands ran quickly on the piano, trying to control the music from going astray.

Finally, after the last prelude, which was the 24th prelude, was played, He Shen waved his hands vigorously, stretched his body backwards, narrowed his eyes, and breathed slowly.

It was too long, K330, 20 minutes to play, prelude, 30 minutes, a total of more than 50 minutes, nearly an hour of performance.

Even if he was a specialist, he would be a little overwhelmed if he didn't go all out to play expert-level works.

The banana he had eaten before going on stage had long been digested by him, and the lollipop in his mouth had melted without knowing when.

He Shen reached out from his pocket, took out another lollipop, put it in his mouth, sat on the piano bench to rest for a while, let his breathing catch, then stood up, looked at the people under the stage, held the edge of the piano, and bowed slightly to everyone.

Zhou Renguang stood up first and clapped his hands gently at He Shen, and the judges from the music academy immediately followed Zhou Renguang and clapped quickly.

After hearing the applause from the judges, those sitting in the seats reacted and realized that He Shen had finished playing. They immediately clapped hard and shouted loudly with great excitement.





Some people were too lazy to pay attention to this so-called traditional way of cheering, and gave up all their dignity and shouted loudly with a rough voice.



"That's fierce!"


All kinds of strange cheers mixed together, making He Shen unable to hear what they were shouting. He had to bow to them again. After bowing three or four times, he couldn't hold it anymore and prepared to leave.

However, when he was about to leave, the staff suddenly stopped him and pointed at Zhou Renguang who was standing in the middle of the judges' seats.

Zhou Renguang nodded gently at He Shen, smiled faintly and asked: "Are you in such a hurry to leave? Don't you want to hear what an old man thinks of you?"

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