Snap, snap, snap, snap!

Late at night, there was a warm snapping sound in the abandoned classroom that was supposed to be empty.

The extra desks and chairs in this classroom have been cleared out by the house elves.

There were only a few solitary cushions in the empty classroom, arranged roughly in a circle, leaving a large open space in the middle.

The few cushions were already occupied.

Except for Farley, who had long wanted to learn his”self-created secrets” from Noah, the new members who were invited were a little confused when they received the invitation.

But when they heard that Kama Taj was a place where students shared and exchanged magical knowledge, only elite students were invited and the founder was Noah, they immediately agreed without hesitation.

Although Noah was only a first-year freshman, the scene when he decapitated a thousand-year-old snake spirit with a flying slash on the Quidditch pitch is still deeply imprinted on everyone who has witnessed this scene. It is indelible in the hearts of Hogwarts students.

If there is any student who is not curious about the magic that Noah has mastered, it is definitely a lie.

Standing in the middle of the classroom, Noah’s eyes slowly swept over the faces of several new members who had been invited.

Snape finally rejected his action plan worth millions of Galleons. With nothing to do for the time being, he could only focus on the establishment of the Karma Taj stationed in Hogwarts.

He opened his arms to signal for the crowd to stop applauding

“my brothers, my sisters, my friends……”

“This great gift of your applause is not for me, no, but for yourselves.”

“You are here today because of a desire in your heart and a belief.”

As soon as he said the words, Noah felt that something was wrong with his speech, but after carefully thinking about what he said, he couldn’t tell that something was wrong.

“The old way of education at Hogwarts is no longer suitable for us. You are here today because you are eager to accept some new and different knowledge.”

“This is also my goal in establishing Kamal Taj”

“Magic blooms only in a few rare souls, and will only be born in those who have a higher level of pursuit of life.……”


Just when Noah’s speech was about to reach its climax, a cough suddenly came from the door of the classroom.

An old man with a white beard that Noah didn’t want to see stood at the door of the classroom.

“Professor Dumbledore, why are you here?”

Cedric, who was sitting directly opposite the door, stood up slightly nervously. Although Dumbledore approved the establishment of their small group, the time they chose for the gathering had already passed the curfew. In other words, this room Every one of the students in the room was caught by the principal while wandering at night.

His eyes slowly swept across the faces of every student in the room, and when he saw the expressions on their faces, Dumbledore He raised his hand helplessly and rubbed his temples.

This kind of look was all too familiar to him.

Reluctantly putting a fake smile on his face, Dumbledore forced a smile and said,”I won’t detain you.” score, just a little curious”

“Knowledge is always the most precious resource in the world, but Mr. Shafrin is willing to selflessly share with you the knowledge that he could have monopolized alone.”

“This is a great act of selflessness, and perhaps I should add fifty points to Slytherin House for Mr. Shafrin’s actions.”

Speaking of this, this bad old man who always likes to breathe loudly suddenly changed the subject.

“However, in view of your night marching behavior, I will not add this score to Slytherin.”

Noah looked at Dumbledore with a dark face.

If he couldn’t beat him, he would have to show Dumbledore his superb knife skills using an eight-point light wheel as the director of the Hogwarts Meat Factory. The old wizard turned to Dumbledore. Noah, surrounded by the crowd, nodded slightly,”Do you mind if I listen here for a while?”

Seeing that Dumbledore also came to participate in the Kama Taj rally, those students who had not been very interested in this organization suddenly became more interested. The only one in this classroom who did not want to see Dumbledore Maybe the only person left was Noah.

But in the face of the current situation, Noah couldn’t bring it up directly.

He could only raise his hand slightly, use the summoning spell to summon a new cushion for Dumbledore, and then he said what he meant. He replied,”Of course I don’t mind.”

Looking at the old man sitting down on the cushion, like a student listening quietly and waiting for him to continue speaking, the corners of Noah’s mouth twitched without leaving a trace.

Dumbledore’s statement was his opinion of Noah. I am curious about the behavior…

But can Noah still not understand the real reason?

In the end, it was Professor McGonagall who argued hard for Noah with Dumbledore before the establishment of Karma Taj was approved, which was a little difficult for him. He fought for it.

But in fact, Dumbledore didn’t want to see it established at all.

Even though Noah had been standing on the side of Hogwarts to help them fight Voldemort, and the original intention of this organization was just to share magic. Knowledge.

Tonight, Dumbledore, who should have gone to bed long ago at this time, will appear here so abnormally. This is the best proof.

As Grindelwald’s great-grandson, didn’t he just quote a few sentences? , the line that the bad old man in his family used when he gave a speech at Père Lachaise Cemetery?

Dumbledore, the old guy, felt like his tail had been stepped on. He rushed in in a hurry and used this clumsy way to supervise him. The content of the next lecture.

He was worried that Noah would imitate his great-grandfather, or some noseless monster he watched growing up. Before he even graduated from school, he started planning and establishing a Forces like the”Witches” led by Grindelwald, or the”Death Eaters” under Voldemort, eventually became a serious problem in the wizarding world.

Noah’s behavior was even worse than the first two. A bit worse.

After all… his action was too early.

Don’t forget, Noah is only a freshman who has been in school for less than a year.

“Before starting this knowledge exchange, I would like to ask you a question first, what exactly is magic?”

This Kama Taj gathering is not so much an exchange of knowledge as it is Noah’s unilateral teaching to other members. There is no problem in calling it a special teaching. What

Noah threw out This question successfully caused everyone present to think deeply, including Dumbledore, a slightly special”student”.

Magic…what exactly is it?

Although everyone is a wizard and learns magic every day, there is always a problem. They talk about magic, but they have never thought about what the specific definition of magic is?

Noah’s voice rang in the empty classroom, and the slight echo in the air gave his voice a certain tone. A nagging feeling like an old man’s stick

“According to Muggle understanding, anything that is unscientific, or more accurately, exists beyond their current scientific knowledge, can be explained as magic.”

Or maybe it’s theology.

What’s the saying?

��The end of learning is theology

“The most commonly accepted definition of magic is that of the wizard Aleister Crowley – he defined magic as the ability to change and create things around him through unscientific means according to the will of the caster.”

“This understanding is very close to the various characteristics displayed by magic, but it also has certain limitations.”

“We cannot simply and crudely define all unscientific supernatural powers as magic.”

Noah’s lecture was just the beginning. Of the group of people sitting in the abandoned classroom, only Dumbledore and Hermione were left without the circles of confusion on their faces.

After all, magic The specific definition of magic is a very abstruse topic, and even a powerful and knowledgeable wizard like Dumbledore would have a hard time figuring out the specific answer to this question. If you want to define magic, you must not avoid a method that wizards rely on to modify reality. A mysterious force, that is, magic.

Until today, many wizards in the magic world have not figured out what kind of existence magic is. They only know that it is a high-level energy through which wizards can influence reality and manipulate Natural rules.

Noah’s explanation continues

“I will not teach you specific magic spells, I will only teach you how to make good use of this high-level power hidden in your blood.”

“Magic is the cornerstone on which we rely to influence reality. As long as we master magic, we have mastered magic itself.”

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