Just as the little snakes were celebrating their victory in the Quidditch match in the Slytherin House common room.

Off the coast of western Scotland.

Dozens of islands are scattered throughout the vast sea area that stretches as far as the eye can see.

Thick black rain clouds enveloped this sea area, like a thick black velvet blanket, blocking all light.

The howling wind swept up a huge amount of sea water, forming huge waves with a height of more than ten meters, washing over and over again these islands that seemed a little small in the violent storm.

About ten nautical miles away from the Hebrides, a lone ship was drifting uncontrollably in the violent waves.

The push of the sea water brought the ship closer to the island little by little.

Soon, it was obvious that something had happened to the ship. The ship, which was billowing smoke on the deck, hit the shore, smashing the extremely hard rock into pieces.

In front of the huge bow made of metal, the land was broken open like soft water, and the turbulent waves of earth rolled violently.

Accompanied by the sharp and strange sound of steel twisting and deforming, the freighter named Lemuria Star finally ran aground heavily on this deserted island.

There was a deafening explosion, and a large hole several meters in diameter suddenly opened in the cabin in the middle of the ship.

After having a vent, black smoke poured out crazily from the hole.

A large humanoid lizard covered with green scales slowly emerged from the hole. Voldemort, who had already obtained what he wanted, had a ferocious smile on his lips.

Accompanied by the unique slight explosion when apparating, Voldemort’s figure twisted into a ball in an instant and disappeared from the place.


I don’t know how long it took, but this freighter that suddenly lost contact on the sea finally attracted people’s attention.

Accompanied by two slight crackling sounds, two figures suddenly emerged from the void and landed on the deck of the freighter.

Even before they could stand still, both of them smelled the chilling atmosphere in the salty sea breeze.

A dark-faced man looked at the messy deck in front of him. Due to the violent impact, the containers that were originally neatly stacked were now scattered on the deck in disorder.

The heavy weight of the cargo inside caused these containers to undergo violent deformations to varying degrees during the process of falling and collision.

But Kingsley’s eyes were not focused on these containers and the valuable cargo scattered from the boxes.

Instead, he looked solemnly at the ruin-like deck, the looming corpse submerged under the container, and the dark red blood stains seeping from the gaps.

That extremely tragic scene all tells the cruel atrocities that happened here.

“Oh my God, Kingsley!

His companion’s tone trembled slightly,”What on earth happened here?””

In just a small area on the deck in front of the two people, more than a dozen corpses can be seen. If this density is extended to the entire ship, what kind of terrifying number will the number of victims here be?

Kingsley Shacklebolt raised the small wooden stick he had been holding tightly in his hand.

From his trembling hands, it could be seen that he was also very uneasy inside.”The answer is obvious, Delis. There was a massacre here, less than ten minutes ago.”

Although he has experienced many battles, he has seen many big scenes, but this is the first time he has seen a situation like this.

It took him a lot of perseverance to contain the wave of violence. A feeling of nausea welled up in his stomach.

He walked to the nearest corpse and squatted down. Kingsley carefully inspected the condition of the corpse. The corpse that came into view was covered with various horrific scars, and seemed to be dying. It has experienced countless bites from wild beasts in the past.

The body was torn apart by the claws of some wild beasts.

The scars on the neck seemed to be caused by being tightly entangled by some giant snakes.

It not only has sharp claws, but also has the ability to A powerful tail that strangled the neck?

No, there are no such strange magical animals in the magic world, so it can only be caused by two or more magical animals? There is another complete corpse lying at the door of the cabin not far away.

Maintaining a high degree of vigilance, Kingsley raised his wand and gradually approached the door, which was as dark as the entrance to hell.

The light emitted by the fluorescent spell illuminated the scene inside the cabin.

There were corpses everywhere. There are many ways to die.

Being torn in half by the sharp claws of some creature and dying of blood loss.

Being beaten to death by some terrible and powerful external force.

Or, like lying quietly at the door Just like the intact corpse.

There were no scars on the surface of the body, the face was horrified, and the magic power remaining in the body exuded a strong aura of death.

All these signs seemed to point out the true identity of the murderer to Kingsley. ——Only

Avada’s Kedavra can achieve such an effect.

So, this is a powerful wizard who carries a variety of terrifying magical animals with him?

However, as an experienced Auror, that is, a special police officer in the magical world, Jin Sly instantly remembered the name of a legendary magizoologist.

Newt Scamander.

No, as a decent man who once arrested and sent the legendary first Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald to prison. People, Newt is impossible to do such a thing.

Kingsley immediately threw this ridiculous idea out of his mind.

He poked the corpse on the ground with the small wooden stick in his hand,”The traces appeared.”

Following his movements, a large piece of khaki dust sprayed out from the front end of the wand in his hand, condensing into the shape of a humanoid lizard in the air.

Looking at the one standing in the cabin, which was almost as tall as On the ceiling, there was an upright lizard with a wand in his hand. Kingsley frowned.

Is this some kind of failed human transformation or black magic transformation?

Or is it a dark wizard who tried to fuse the blood of magical animals? the result of?

“Dellux, we may be in big trouble.”

He stood up again and moved his gaze to the passage in the room leading to the lower deck, where more corpses were lying.

Looking at the phantom of the big lizard in the room, Delis’s face was also a little pale..

His mouth trembled,”Let’s report the situation here to Director Scrimgeour. This is no longer something we can control.”


Meanwhile, Hogwarts.

Avoiding the other students in the common room celebrating their Quidditch victory, Noah looked at the small note in his hand that Grant Ward passed to him with an owl, and there was something hidden between his frowning eyebrows. Share worries.

The content on the note was very brief, only a few sentences——

“The Lemurian star was attacked, the crew was slaughtered, and all laboratory equipment was lost.”

Raising his hand and gently rubbing his eyebrows with his fingers, Noah sighed.

Originally, it was just a guess on his part that Voldemort might have gotten involved with a certain big lizard.

But what happened now This incident, this guess can be 100% certain, is a real thing.

After all, if it were not for the purpose of producing large quantities of lizard serum, how could Voldemort, who always looked down on Muggles, loot their Hydra experiment? Room equipment?

The flames burst out from his fingers and burned the note to ashes.

Noah made no next move, but sat alone in an armchair in the corner, thinking about how to deal with it next The threat posed by Voldemort.

Draco found him hiding silently in a corner,”Noah, won’t you celebrate with us?”

Sit up slightly and tilt his head back to cast his cold death gaze on Draco. This weird posture instantly made Draco take a step back in fright.

“That…I won’t bother you anymore.”

Shooting away Draco like a fly, who wanted to get close to him, Noah, with a cold expression, squeezed his way out of the crowd celebrating in the common room.

Watching Noah’s back disappearing outside the common room , the members of the Quidditch team are all thinking, did their performance in the game today not be good enough to make their head coach angry?

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