Obsidian is a rare igneous rock, a high melting point mineral obtained by cooling lava from volcanic eruptions.

The door of Gringotts’ vault is made of obsidian as the basic material, plus an alloy unique to the goblin clan called goblin metal, also known as mithril.

Coupled with the secret magic of the goblin clan, this row of vaults is extremely powerful in terms of defense and ability to withstand high temperatures and extreme cold.

However, when these vaults were forcibly separated from their original positions and lost the continuous supply of magic power in the earth’s veins, no matter how strong their defenses were, they could only be defeated by the wizards’ methods.

What about high temperature resistance?

What about fighting the extreme cold?

First use the intense fire, then spray the liquid nitrogen, and then use the aqua regia to corrode. No matter how powerful the material is, it cannot withstand one round trip under such methods.

If yes, then there will be two round trips, if not, three rounds.

Unless the goblins’ civilization level has reached the point where they can use strong interaction materials to make the vault door.

The name of strong interaction material may sound a bit unfamiliar, but if it is replaced by”water droplet”, then not many people will be unfamiliar with it – the water droplet that gave the public two thousand rings during the Spring Festival, and its outer shell It is made of strong interaction materials by the Trisolarans.

If the goblins were so powerful, why would they need to be trapped in this small magical world?

It has long since broken out of the atmosphere and headed to the universe to be side by side with the sun.

It is said that goblins are greedy for money, and golden gold is their lifeblood for them, but what is there to dig out of the three melons and two dates of gold on the earth?

This thing is considered a precious metal on the earth, but if you look at the entire universe…

No, you don’t even need to look at the entire universe. Just in the inner solar system, Muggle astronomers have discovered many stars, most of which are composed of elements. Asteroids of precious metals.

It’s a pity that the fairies are not that powerful yet.

Under the combined efforts of Muggle technology and magic, the originally airtight vault door was full of cracks, with cracks spreading in all directions like spider webs.

When the spread area of the cracks reached a certain level, the impregnable treasury door finally could not withstand the torture from the outside world at this moment, and was shattered amidst the continuous rattling sounds.

The stone wall inlaid with the door was also buried together with the broken treasury door, and the scenes in the treasury were also seen by Noah and others.

In addition to gold coins, there are also a large number of gold utensils such as tableware, armor, jewelry, etc. in the vault. These little treasures with shining golden light are stacked from the ground to the height of the ceiling.

The light from the outside fell on the smooth surface of these golds, and the reflected pearls illuminated the entire dark-toned treasury in a splendid way.

The furs of various exotic animals with spines or hanging wings obviously looked valuable, but they were slightly less valuable because the pile of gold and silver treasures next to them looked more dazzling.

The various rare potions contained in the vase were well protected, and even though the extremely heavy vault had just experienced a rapid fall, it was not damaged in the violent collision.

The potion contained in the bottle, with its color like molten gold, looked like a priceless elixir of good fortune.

This kind of high-end magic potion, which can be sold for several thousand Galleons in a small bottle on the black market outside, has nearly one cubic meter in the Lestrange family’s treasury.

There are so many blessing elixirs alone, not to mention all kinds of rare magic materials that have not yet been brewed into potions.

Noah even saw some out-of-print materials that had long since disappeared into the magical world and were stored in magic vessels on the messy shelves in the vault.

Some of these materials are even one of the main materials used to brew the legendary magic potion.

Even a master of potions like Snape couldn’t help but curse when he saw the Lestrange family’s collection. These big guys were all unlearned and unskilled.

The magic potion can be said to be a legendary magic potion in the magic world. It can greatly increase the magic power of the user.

Let’s take the level of magic power per capita in the magic world as a standard unit.

The magic power possessed by people with ceiling-to-ceiling combat capabilities like Dumbledore and Grindelwald was not only hundreds of times higher than that of ordinary people, but also had a value of at least fifty standard units.

Of course, the total amount of magic power doesn’t mean much.

The mana cost of modern standard spells is actually ridiculously low.

Even if the wizard only has the magic power of a standard unit, he can be transformed into a magic machine gun that never goes out with the support of his natural mana regeneration speed.

Of course, if you want to use Grindelwald’s fire shield to protect yourself, or Dumbledore’s Vulcan to clear the way, then the magic power of a standard unit will not be enough.

Therefore, the total amount of magic power can still affect combat effectiveness to a certain extent.

Wizards with huge magic power are not necessarily strong, but strong people must have huge magic power to support them in casting those extremely powerful high-level magic spells.

For an ordinary wizard with only one standard unit of magic power, after taking the legendary magic-enhancing potion, his magic power will not only increase to half of Dumbledore’s level at the moment of taking the potion.

Moreover, in the years to come, the growth rate of his magic power will also be increased under the influence of the magic potion, far exceeding before.

In almost twenty or thirty years, as long as his magical knowledge can keep up with the growth of his huge magic power, he will be able to punch Albus and kick Gellert.

Snape’s eyes were immediately attracted to the potion ingredients on the shelf.

In his pair of black eyes, the greedy light was about to condense into the emotional spectrum energy of greedy orange light.

Noah just regrets that he doesn’t have an alchemy tool that can collect the emotional spectrum. After all, it is only owned by the DC Universe next door. For the Marvel Infinite Multiverse, it is still cross-professional.

Completely ignoring the piles of messy gold and silver products around him, Snape stood firmly in front of the shelf, constantly moving the potions and potion ingredients on the shelf into the space where he cast the Seamless Stretching Curse. Pull inside the pocket.

The Occlumency technique that had been tightly closed in the past was almost losing its effect under the impact of agitated emotions.

Even if Noah doesn’t know Legilimency, he can still hear Snape’s thoughts.——

“My precious!”

“Gulu, Gulu!”

Noah secretly felt funny in his heart, because at this moment Snape really looked like Gollum who had picked up the Supreme Lord of the Rings. Such precious potion materials are full of excitement for any wizard who is obsessed with potions. There was a fatal attraction.

Snape kept pulling potion ingredients into his pocket like a hamster hiding food, while cursing that the Lestrange family would not die well.

These wealthy landowners had no chance at all. They don’t know how valuable these materials are. Without knowing their uses, these ignorant wastes will just bury these things in the dark underground until the entire family is wiped out. Together with their precious collections.

Compared to Snape was furious, but the other people who participated in Gringotts’ standard errand this time seemed much calmer.

Thanks to the fact that there is no country like Wakanda in this world, Noah gained the wealth of the world’s richest man for nothing.

Sitting on a vibranium meteorite weighing tens of thousands of tons, Noah, whose net worth completely surpasses the second in the world’s richest list, said that he is not interested in money, and he has never even touched money. This is what he regrets most at the beginning. It was the creation of Hydra…

In the movie universe next door, the price of one gram of vibranium on the black market is ten thousand US dollars.

If all these vibranium meteorites are excavated and sold on the market, then Noah’s entire net worth will be Reaching an unprecedented and outrageous figure –

90.7 trillion, in US dollars, which is higher than the combined GDP of all countries in the world.

Even considering that a large amount of vibranium entering the market will cause the price to fall, it is still far ahead of the current Forbes The combined net worth of everyone on the rich list.

As for Gwen, as the daughter of the New York Police Chief’s family, she has been raised rich since she was a child.

Although her family is not yet so wealthy, let alone her father, the Chief. Without corruption, even if she was corrupt, she wouldn’t be so rich as to own an entire warehouse of gold.

But Gwen’s material life has been extremely rich since she was a child, so she wouldn’t be said to be like a little thief cat. There is also a certain thief who works in an inn. She can’t walk at all when she sees money.

Not to mention that she is still the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the spider queen of Hydra.

The repentant snake shield Shafu next door Lin’s wallet is now in her hand.

Not to mention Fox and Shirley, these two foodies, one big and one small, are only interested in food.

If it were Shirley, she would still I was a little curious as to whether the gold in the vault would allow her to contract all the candy stores in Europe.

But such complex calculations and statistical problems had already been solved by Ravenclaw Academy without the presence of Little Beaver. Shirley, who has been battling wits with the high-numbered door knocker at the common room door for a whole school year, said that now she feels sick when she sees the numbers.

Sometimes she even wonders whether she is pregnant.

But The figure that was so flat that one could easily see the toes showed that this was just her illusion.

After experiencing the initial joy of having just completed a feat, Noah also turned his attention to the one in the Lestrange family’s vault. The Hufflepuff gold came up.

Noah picked up a gold coin at hand.

The next second, a hot feeling hit him unexpectedly from the gold coin. The slight pain caused by the high temperature made Noah unconscious. He loosened his fingers.

In the process of falling, like a cell dividing, the gold coin suddenly split from one into many.

Looking at the gold coins falling at his feet, Noah raised his eyebrows slightly. The bright green light healed the blisters on his hands in an instant.

He had forgotten that all the gold and silver treasures in the vault had been cast by goblins with burning spells and copying spells.

If the Gringotts goblins hadn’t removed the spell in advance, any thief who broke into the vault would be burned if he touched the treasure, triggering the Flame Curse.

Once they touch more treasures due to their body’s instinctive reaction due to the pain caused by the Flame Curse, their final fate will be to be scalded or crushed to death by piles of duplicate gold.

Even if the wizard holds up the armor protection spell, it will not help – this kind of copying spell improved by the goblin, even if the iron armor spell barrier is touched, it can also trigger the copying of the treasure and cause a chain reaction.

For such a means of preventing thieves, Noah’s solution is also very simple.

The End of All Curses is the best means to deal with such a kind of continuous magic.

With his powerful magic power, Noah directly controlled the All Curses in an unreasonable way and eventually crushed all the treasures in the vault.

Wherever the golden light, which represented the end of all curses, passed, all the fire spells and copying spells attached to the treasures were violently and forcibly broken.

At the same time, Noah’s powerful mental power penetrated into every corner of this golden mountain, quickly searching for the location of the golden cup like a radar scan.

As the scan progressed, Noah’s brows furrowed slightly,”The gold cup is not here.” Snape, who was scanning goods in front of the shelf, paused for a moment, turned his head and looked at Noah, his face His expression showed a bit of surprise,”What did you say?”

“One of Voldemort’s Horcruxes, Hufflepuff’s Golden Cup, is not here.”

Noah shrugged,”Maybe like his diary, Voldemort had already entered Gringotts in some way and took it away before we started taking action.”

Snape’s face became quite ugly.

If he had known that things would turn into this situation, he should have agreed to Noah’s idea immediately and without hesitation when Noah proposed the idea of robbing Gringotts. idea and follow him to formulate a detailed action plan.

The sooner the better.

But now it looks like they are already many steps too late

“If you can’t find it, you can’t find it.”Noah looked indifferent, and his calm expression showed that he really didn’t care that much about not being able to find the golden cup.

Since some time ago, Noah’s spirit has been destroyed by the old man who should have been dead for thousands of years. After the goblins were introduced into the trance, he has been studying the so-called gap between the world of the living and the dead.

According to Dumbledore’s conversation with Harry in the trance, wizards can only use their souls after death. Stepping into the tangled fantasy world.

There, they will decide whether to continue to the world of the dead or stay in the world of the living in the form of ghosts.

This means that one of the basic conditions for entering the tangled fantasy world is a pure soul body.

This Noah is familiar with this stuff.

Their Kama Taj Master has a lot of fun playing out of body.

His younger brother Stephen Charlotte Holmes Strange is a good player in this area. He often sleeps in the body and studies in the middle of the night. , can be called the King of Karma Taj.

The incompleteness of Voldemort’s soul destined him to be unable to make any decent resistance when faced with attacks from the soul level.

Just like Uncle Snake who has performed immortal reincarnation many times, The soul level was irreversibly damaged, causing his resistance to illusions to be almost zero.

Ever since Noah mastered the method of entering the tangled illusion and was able to directly attack Voldemort’s soul, Voldemort had to deal with him. It is no longer a threat.

Since Voldemort’s golden cup is gone, he must have prepared a backup plan for resurrection.

Thinking of this, Noah opened his palm and took out the two pieces he had captured before from the magic circle. The soul fragments belonging to Voldemort.

Before Snape could even stop him, he saw Noah’s palm suddenly clenched, and the two bright soul light groups shattered into dots of starlight in his palm.

“In that case, wouldn’t it be……”

Noah’s tone was full of disdain for Voldemort, a village-level terrorist,”He’s just a greedy man with a broken soul who is afraid of death.””

“Since I can defeat him once, then I can defeat him a second time and a third time.”

Speaking of this, a hint of murderous intent appeared on Noah’s face.

“I don’t believe that his soul can be split an infinite number of times. As long as we keep killing him and destroying his soul fragments, there will be a day when he consumes all the Horcruxes.”

“At that time, it was Voldemort’s true death.”

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