Looking at the students in the camp sitting in twos and threes around the campfire, Bucky took out his wallet from his pocket without expression, rummaged through a pile of bills and found twenty-five pounds and handed it to Noah.

Standing on Gwen’s shoulder, Noah glanced at the banknotes handed over by Bucky, patted Gwen’s face gently with his wings, and motioned to Gwen, the head of Snake Shield, to help him put the money away..

The only bad thing about being turned into a turkey is that it doesn’t even have a pocket to put things in.

After taking the twenty-five pounds gambling money that Bucky handed over, Gwen turned her attention back to the pile of blown-up wreckage in front of her.

“Just seeing the scene of the steel suit fighting, I relied on my limited knowledge to create this thing.”

The steel suit in front of me is still emitting steam after being burned by the high temperature of gasoline. Although it has turned into a pile of pitch black scraps of copper and iron, Gwen can still get rid of the remaining pile of debris. , roughly judging the technological content of this suit.

This made Gwen even more curious, how can such a simple propeller support this suit, which weighs at least two or three tons, to fly fifty or sixty Meters in height?

Is it the power of magic?

But judging from the weak magic fluctuations emanating from the wreckage, even if the twins borrowed the power of magic to let this armor fly into the sky, the magic patterns they engraved It’s not very powerful.

Just by simply using some basic magic, it can push two or three tons of weight into the sky. It seems that the design adopted by this pair of alchemist geniuses is extremely clever. It’s just because of lack of funds that they They could only use some cheap magic materials and were ultimately held back.

“These are two very thoughtful young people. Would you like to consider recruiting them into SHIELD?”

“Forget it, they can’t adapt to the boring work of SHIELD, whether it’s in the field or in the research institute.”

Noah didn’t take Gwen’s proposal seriously. Not to mention that what he was going to do in the wizarding world would probably make him a public enemy of the entire wizarding world. He had the sense of justice that the Weasley family shared. In the end, he and the Weasley family would be on opposite sides.

But for this reason alone, he was allowed to sit back and watch two rare talents spend a lot of their time and energy due to lack of funds. Wasting it on the trivial matter of raising funds would make Noah seem too petty.

“Put them in SHIELD’s talent funding program and allocate funds to them according to the highest level.”

Noah looked at the Weasley twins enjoying dinner by the campfire in the distance,”Open an anonymous account for them in Gringotts so that they can withdraw funds at any time.”

“The only thing we need to make sure is that we have to master the manufacturing methods for everything they invent and create.

Gwen raised her eyebrows,”You think so highly of them?””

“Aren’t you the same?”


Due to the great power of the twins, the time when this group of Hogwarts students fell into a food crisis was not on the first night of wilderness survival in the Forbidden Forest as Bucky initially calculated.

But it lasted until noon on the third day.

Faced with scarce food resources, two different voices soon emerged among the students at Hogwarts.

The first voice is that everyone relies on their own abilities. Those who have the ability to leave the camp to hunt can just form a team and go out on their own. Whether they can hunt food depends on their own abilities.

The students who adhere to this idea are mainly the senior students with higher combat effectiveness levels in the two refined and egoistic colleges of Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

In their view, even if they ignore the students who are unable to hunt, the professors will certainly not sit idly by and ignore these vulnerable students who have no food.

In such a situation, why do they bother to take care of other people?

It is already very difficult for them to live in this dangerous forbidden forest.

This group of students is mainly led by Marcus Flint, captain of the Quidditch team of Slytherin House. This group of students has a relatively low moral bottom line.

Moreover, one more important thing is that on the first day of the military training, Professor McGonagall explained to them that their team would be graded after the one-month event.

However, Professor McGonagall did not explain the specific basis of the grading in detail to them. He only said that the differences in abilities caused by age differences would be excluded so that every student could get a fair and equitable grading result.

So, what exactly are professors’ ratings based on?

This is worth thinking about for students.

Is it based on each of their performance in this event?

This may be a relatively easy scoring scheme.

Moreover, isn’t this wilderness survival operation just to enable their senior students to perform well?

In the previous sessions of magic posture training and Kama Taj secret art learning, the senior students’ understanding of magic has already been finalized through their study and study of standard spells during their school years.

When they come into contact with other magic systems that can be said to be completely new to them, they are no longer a blank slate, and they have no advantage at all compared to those young wizards who are still ignorant of magic.

Instead, their knowledge of magic became a drag on them when they were learning the secrets of Kama Taj.

And because he has been accustomed to relying on the wand for many years, the magic power flowing in his blood has also become stable due to the training and control over the past few years.

Therefore, when training in magic postures, it is more difficult for them to enter that kind of selfless and highly concentrated state than for those little wizards whose magic power is still in an extremely active state and who may have magic riots when their emotions are slightly excited..

Perhaps the previous two links are because the professors consider that the lower-grade students are not as good as their upper-grade students in terms of their knowledge of magic and the number of spells they have mastered. It’s specially designed.

Students of different ages will have an advantageous link. As long as the weight of each link in the final total score is grasped, a relatively fair and just score can be given to each student.

Like now.

Now in the Forbidden Forest Survival Challenge, it was their senior students’ turn to take advantage.

This is a conclusion reached by the smart eaglets of Ravenclaw Academy after careful consideration of the professors’ arrangements.

This conclusion has also been recognized by many senior Slytherins.

They all rightly believe that since it is a link where they have an advantage, they should seize this opportunity to perform well and strive to make their grade team score better than other grades.

As for the professors, they have not announced the grading standards for this link?

That’s not a problem, after all, isn’t the final score based on performance?

When struggling to survive in this dangerous dark forest, what else can be better than relying on your own abilities to obtain sufficient resources and live a life with favorable conditions, and what better way to show your abilities?

Almost all the little snakes who have always advocated that the strong enjoy everything have recognized this truth. Although the little eagles, who are exquisite egoists, do not behave as nakedly as the snake courtyard next door, their actions also reflect their thoughts..

Most students in Gryffindor and Hufflepuff houses hold different opinions.

They are mainly represented by big brothers like Charlie who are full of family responsibilities.

As the oldest of the Weasleys who are still in school, Charlie is naturally responsible for taking care of his younger siblings.

His view has been unanimously recognized and followed by many students in Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, which are relatively united compared to the other two houses.

But what is more surprising is that Gemma Farley, who was once the prefect of Slytherin House and the eldest sister of Snake House, chose to stand in the same camp as Charlie, who was born in the old rival house.

Seeing the little snakes who advocated class antagonism and predatory nature huddle together, pack up their belongings and leave the camp in a swagger, Gemma shook her head with an indifferent expression.

These stupid guys.

Haven’t they understood the significance of the professors setting up this event that included the whole grade?

Forget it, let them be


Influenced by Gemma Farley, those students who joined Kama Taj chose to join the two. As for the remaining students, most of the senior students from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff They can’t just sit back and ignore the younger students.

Only the superior raven Ravenclaw and the viper Slytherin chose to stand aside and split from the senior team, dividing them into two distinct groups with other students.

Led by a capable strong woman like Gemma Farley, the team led by Karma Taj’s Hogwarts branch quickly surveyed the terrain within a ten-kilometer radius around the camp. And based on their reconnaissance results, they drew a resource distribution map around the camp.

With the help of the resource distribution map, although their team’s harvest was not necessarily sufficient, it was maintained at a level that could keep everyone on the food and clothing line.

While the senior students were out hunting at great risk, the junior students were not idle either.

Digging the ground for the College, bah, the little badgers of Hufflepuff College relied on their college’s advantages in herbalism to cultivate and plant the relatively safe barren land around the camp.

When they used the magic that was originally used to assist the growth of magic plants on some vegetable varieties with relatively short growth cycles, this group of Hufflepuff students were surprised to find that magic can actually work. Used like this?

After just five days of heavy watering of magic power, the lower grade students got their first harvest.

On the premise that the professors did not restrict the scope of their activities, the team led by Gemma and Charlie also divided some manpower.

For example, Gemini, a little master of death, took the third and fourth grade students to fish and salvage shrimps and crabs in the black lake as an additional supplement to their food.

With the tacit approval of Professor McGonagall, the other professors in the school turned a blind eye to the people who left the Forbidden Forest.

To be precise, they did not leave the Forbidden Forest.

The Black Lake, located on the edge of the castle, is quite large and has a long border with the equally vast Forbidden Forest.

As long as this group of students doesn’t leave the Forbidden Forest openly and then go to the Black Lake from the direction of the Quidditch pitch, but instead goes to the Black Lake along the streams that flow into the Black Lake in the Forbidden Forest, then they have nothing to do with them.

Of course, the professors didn’t care about anything. They just silently separated a few people and went over to keep an eye on them to ensure that these naughty kids who like to commit suicide would not drown in the black lake when diving to catch crabs..

After all, the Black Lake is not a safe place. There may be countless Grindylows hidden among the dense aquatic plants.

Those mutated octopuses with a strong gram-like appearance have terrible fighting capabilities on land. Even a five-year-old child can easily break off their fragile fingers.

But in the water, in the home field of these guys, their fighting power is no joke.

That is to say, the two twin brothers are more crazy and use scraps of scrap metal recovered from the Iron Overlord, as well as some of their own inventory materials.

The two of them relied on their transformation skills to build a temporary blacksmith furnace in the camp and started blacksmithing.

Without understanding the structure of the bellows and not being able to make a strong fire, the magic of whirlwind was used instead of the bellows to blast the blacksmith furnace, and the flame spell was used to heat the metal to the point where it could be shaped.

The two brothers spent three days building six sets of medieval-style heavy armor and arming a heavy infantry squad.

Then he spent two days using the remaining materials to build a pair of diving suits with good protective properties for each of them, which could be used to resist Grindylow’s claws underwater.

In this way, their team is finally on the right track in terms of production activities.


The nearly one thousand students at Hogwarts were thus divided into two factions with different opinions. Noah, whose original purpose was to help these students learn to unite, did not intervene in the students’ actions.

Every day in the camp, what he does is rely on his current turkey form to trample others under his feet.

Well, stepped on in a physical sense.

He stepped on the heads of every professor in the school, including Snape.

I don’t know if it’s because I look like a baby phoenix now that I have lowered the vigilance of others. Originally, that sinister old bat always looked worried that his precious goddaughter would be abducted by the little yellow hair.

When he was still in human form, as long as he came within five meters of Shirley, no matter what Snape was doing, he would stop what he was doing and turn his attention to On one’s own body.

Once he came within two meters of Shirley, Snape’s eyes would begin to wander around the vital parts of his body, especially the important part of his lower body.

If he and Shirley had physical contact… even if they were just walking side by side and accidentally bumped into their shoulders because of the narrow road, this eerie old bat would be as if a summoning spell had been triggered. , appeared in front of the two of them for the first time, and used the skill”Old Father’s Death Gaze” to separate the two.

But Noah, in his phoenix form, even stood on Shirley’s shoulders, and then was caught by this naughty witch with unclean hands and gave him a wild slap, and even rubbed him crazily with her cheeks, Snape They all just looked calm.

He looked completely different from the worried old father who was worried that his precious goddaughter would be abducted by Huang Mao.

Lying quietly on Shirley’s lap, Noah was resting on a knee pillow that he had not been able to enjoy in his previous two lives, and he was also comfortably receiving massage services from the little beaver.

Ahem, serious massage.

Glancing at the gloomy upperclassmen Slytherin and Ravenclaw students beside the campfire in the distance, Noah’s phoenix face showed a touch of human mockery.

Although these students were able to bring back enough prey to fill their stomachs in the first few days.

But as the prey near the camp was hunted down by the out-going hunting team, if they wanted to get more food, they would need to push into the more dangerous depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Although in terms of high combat power alone, everyone has the ability to leave the camp and enter the depths of the Forbidden Forest to hunt, and they have a numerical advantage over Kama Taj’s team.

But there was no inventive genius like the twin brothers in their team, and there was no support staff who could stay in the camp and do all the other work for them except hunting.

More importantly, even though they all had the same idea, they were not able to fully unite like the team led by Charlie and Gemma.

They all form a small team of three to six people and act separately.

Everyone is afraid that their performance will not be as good as others, so when surveying the terrain and exploring resources, the information they obtain will not be shared with other small teams.

Many times, their time is wasted in meaningless internal friction.

When the prey resources within a three-kilometer radius of the camp dropped to a certain level, this group of students spent several days in a row, and their nutritional intake could only be maintained at a minimum level that could barely allow them to carry out basic activities.

The reversal of the situation occurred on the tenth day of survival in the Forbidden Forest.


Originally, this day was supposed to be the end of the Forbidden Forest Survival Challenge. According to Noah’s previous plan, the students would enter the next stage of training after this day.

However, when the military training has reached this point, there is actually nothing left to practice.

It is nothing more than selecting those students who have shown the talent to learn the secrets of Kama Taj and letting them study and learn the magical knowledge that Noah brought from the universe next door.

As for those who haven’t been able to create any sparks, they continue to train in magical postures, gathering on the Quidditch field every day to play military boxing and so on.

This kind of training doesn’t make much sense.

The secret technique of Kama Taj can be taught at any time, and the magical postures can be trained independently at any time.

On the contrary, these two different factions are split due to different opinions. What kind of measures will the egoist faction take when it is in trouble? And this time the challenge of survival in the forbidden forest will evolve into What kind of ending is what attracts the most attention and is also the most meaningful for research.

This morning, the intoxicating aroma of food wafted through the camp again.

Thanks to a certain Lord Shafrin who wishes to remain anonymous, Hogwarts second-year students are basically all good at cooking.

Even if he hates potions very much, to be precise, he hates old age.���Bat, the little lions of the Potions Professor, even though they were in the potion class, they still boiled the potion to a pulp under the sonic attack of the old bat.

But let them make soup in such a relaxed environment with the cauldron originally used to boil potions. This behavior was considered deviant for Snape, and every little lion enjoyed it very much..

They were all happy to see the old bat’s blood pressure rise.

One result of this is that the cooking skills of the little lions have improved sharply. Even the little badgers of Hufflepuff House, who are mostly foodies, face this group of Gryffindor super chefs brought out by Noah himself. , but also have to accept the disadvantage.

Looking at the team of Karma Taj stationed at Hogwarts next door, everyone is feasting on the dazzling sumptuous breakfast.

But he could only chew on the leftovers from last night.

Those egoistic students, who were so hungry that they were already sallow and thin, all had a vicious light of jealousy and even resentment in their eyes.

Fortunately, this kind of torture is finally coming to an end.

After breakfast, the professors should announce the next phase of training, right?

The fastest thing that can happen is that after finishing the morning training, they can return to the spacious auditorium of Hogwarts Castle at noon and enjoy the delicious food prepared by the house elves for them.

You only have to wait until tonight at the latest, not tomorrow morning.

Even tonight, they still stayed in the Forbidden Forest to finish dinner. After returning to the castle in the evening, they could also go to the kitchen of the castle and order the elves to make midnight snacks for them.

However, their beautiful and extravagant hopes were shattered by Professor McGonagall’s words.——

“Our life in the Forbidden Forest will be extended for ten days, until the end of this training session, and we will not return to the castle before then.”

Those egoistic students who had been hungry for several days and were dazzled and couldn’t wait to return to the castle for a meal immediately exploded.


“I clearly said it would be ten days before! How can you go back on your promise like this!”

“Go back on your word! How can I temporarily modify the content!”

Facing the angry students, Bucky just took out an M82A1 sniper rifle from the space bag given to him by Noah, opened the safety, raised it with one hand with his unicorn arm, and shot it towards the sky. A shot was fired.

This deafening explosion immediately silenced all the students. The

Winter Soldier’s cold gaze swept across each of their faces,”Does anyone else have any opinions?”

No one stood up.

Bucky, a legendary killer who had experienced hundreds of battles, exuded a faint killing intent. The students who had just danced happily were silent under his pressure. remain silent

“Now go do what you have to do.”

Not even bothering to look at the group of students again, Bucky turned around and was about to leave, but a sudden heavy step behind him stopped him. Turning back,

Bucky crossed his arms and said with interest Watch Marcus Flint prepare to make his mark

“do you have any opinion?”

Before Marcus Flint could say anything, Bucky continued,”I’ll give you a chance. Come up with ten, no, twenty people.”

“You can do whatever you want���I don’t use magic. As long as you can hit me once, you can go back to the castle.”

Bucky’s words instantly made Marcus Flint’s eyes light up.

He cast a few glances behind him, and several tall Quidditch players immediately followed him, and then Marcus I ordered a few more people to come up together, and there were twenty people together.

“can we start? Instructor? Bucky just stood there with his arms folded, looking like a peerless master, without any intention of getting the wand.

He nodded,”Let’s get started.””

The moment Bucky’s words hadn’t even finished, Marcus Flint couldn’t wait to pull out his wand.


Before Marcus even pulled out his wand from the pocket on his waist, a deafening gunshot rang out in the camp, startling countless birds in the surrounding forest.

A bullet hit Marcus’ wrist accurately. It shot in from one side, then shot out from the other end, and went straight into the trees behind Marcus.

Along with Marcus’s screams, there were nineteen consecutive gunshots.

Looking at each of them in a strange shape The twenty students collapsed on the ground in different postures, but their expressions were surprisingly consistent. Bucky expressionlessly inserted the two pistols back into the holsters on his waist.

Old, old.

Two students were wailing in pain. It took three seconds to fire the pistol left and right to knock down all twenty students.

In the past, his peak hand speed was seventeen rounds in two seconds. Of course, he was not using a fully automatic assault pistol, but a semi-automatic pistol..

Before the devilish head nurse in charge of the infirmary in Hogwarts could get angry, Bucky skillfully retreated and gave up the court to Professor McGonagall, the principal.

Noah, who was watching the show, was casually watching the show. The ground waved its wings, and rays of fluorescent green light spread out. When the light brushed over the wounds on the unlucky students, their wounds immediately began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. Because

Bucky’s pistol used all the It was a bullet with full power, and it was at such a close distance. The bullet with far overflowing power directly penetrated the arms or calves of these unlucky people without staying in their bodies.

Such a simple bullet Physical injuries can be cured by wizards with only the most basic healing spell.

There is no difficulty at all.

“Now, who else has an opinion?”

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