Chapter 32, Not Loving to Read Might Be Hereditary

Duke’s Mansion, Library.

Mu En stood at the door, gazing at the towering bookshelves filled to the brim with books, and couldn’t help but wipe his face with force.

“Damn this world.”

“Even a clay figurine has some spirit left; if you keep tormenting me like this, I’ll fight back!”

Mu En lifted his face, and at that moment, the confusion, fear, and anger that had arisen from his father’s departure and the collapse of his plans had vanished without a trace.

In their place was only determination.

So what if he was a yellow-haired villain? Did that mean he didn’t deserve happiness?

I absolutely will!

“Calm down, the first thing I need to do is to become stronger.”

Mu En looked at the rich collection of books in front of the duke’s residence.

Although it was still far from the St. Maria Library, for Mu En at this moment, the collection here was more than sufficient.

“Since my father is gone, I will self-study and validate my knowledge through battles with assassins.”

“In other words, the resources in the duke’s residence can at least help me become strong enough to defeat the assassins recorded in the Black Book!”

“At that level, I will have enough power to protect myself!”

“I still need to develop cautiously; I won’t go to school for now.”

“With my father and mother gone, at least no one will interfere with me in this regard.”

After reworking his plan, Mu En’s gaze became more resolute.

He no longer wasted time and directly pulled out a book from the nearest shelf, flipping through it.

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However, he wasn’t in a hurry to read carefully; he casually flipped through two pages and then closed his eyes.

A few minutes later, he opened his eyes again, a look of uncontrollable joy in his eyes.

“Sure enough, books can also be recorded.”

“It seems that only the words I have seen with my eyes can be recorded.”

“But that’s enough; I can temporarily avoid spending time memorizing each book one by one and instead skim through them all, recording everything in the Black Book.”

“That way, I can flip through them whenever I need!”

With this thought, Mu En no longer hesitated and quickly began flipping through the book in his hands.

Not seeking to comprehend, just wanting to imprint everything into his mind.

“Wait, what book am I even looking at?”

It was only when he was almost done flipping through the entire book that Mu En remembered this important detail and turned back to look at the cover.

“Unlocking with Fish Bones—A Hundred Methods of Breaking and Entering?… What a joke!”

Realizing this, Mu En, slightly annoyed, slammed the book to the ground:

“Why on earth does the duke’s residence have such a collection, and why is it in such a conspicuous place?”

Unconvinced, Mu En randomly pulled another book from the shelf:

“Techniques for Picking Up Girls That Even Monkeys Can Learn—Teaching You How to Elegantly Hook Up with Goddesses… I just want to know how not to be trampled by a goddess.”

“Even Fools Can Learn in Three Days!—Determining a Woman’s Fertility by Measuring Her Hips… It would take three days? A rural aunt could analyze that in three minutes.”

“Methods of Breeding and Mating… Is this really a book I should be reading?”

“Bedroom Techniques… Ahem, I’m just checking if this book is legitimate; I definitely don’t intend to memorize it.”

“What a load of nonsense, half of these books are useless, and some are downright bizarre.”

After spending the better part of the day organizing the entire library of the duke’s residence, Mu En felt a deep sense of despair regarding the ancestors of the Campbell family. That bunch of old geezers, including his own cheap old dad, surely none of them liked to read!

Establishing this library was probably just for show; otherwise, they wouldn’t have stuffed it with such a hodgepodge of books!

In fact, a third of the books inside were of the indescribable kind!

“Well, at least half of the books are useful.”

Mu En looked at the book in his hands, a smile breaking across his face.

Even if he didn’t particularly enjoy reading, the Campbell family, with its centuries-old lineage, undoubtedly had a rich collection of books. Among them were numerous volumes on martial arts, magic, and even texts on faith and divine favor.

For Mu En at this moment, these books were incredibly useful!

Take this one in his hands, “Introduction to Basic Martial Techniques.” For Mu En, who urgently needed to rebuild his foundation, it was like a long-awaited rain after a drought!

“Whether to study or not can wait; I need to record this first.”

Filled with excitement, Mu En could hardly wait to flip open the book.

Just then, a voice came from behind him.

“Young Master, are you still reading?”

An entered the library, her gaze flicking over the cold meal set aside, frowning as she said:

“You didn’t even eat properly.”

“Don’t rush me, don’t rush me. Let me finish this book first.”

“But you said the same thing just now.”

Suddenly, An stepped forward and firmly closed the “Introduction to Basic Martial Techniques” that Mu En was holding.

“An, what are you doing?”

Mu En forced a smile and said:

“I know my limits.”

“Young Master, dinner is ready.”

“Hmm, is it already this late? I didn’t even notice. Just like lunch, bring it over…”

“But Young Master, if you do that, you’ll forget to eat again.”

An stared into Mu En’s eyes: “I promised the master and mistress that I would take care of you, so I can’t allow you to do this. At the very least, you need to eat dinner properly.”


Mu En looked at An, who was squatting in front of him. She carried a pleasant floral scent that wafted into his nostrils, making his head feel a bit heavy, as if it stirred up the fatigue from a day of organizing books.

Seeing the rare, undeniable expression on An’s face, and glancing at the book in his hands that he hadn’t had the chance to record yet, Mu En sighed and said helplessly:

“Alright then, let’s go eat.”

Even though he had been busy all day and hadn’t had the chance to record much, the time wasn’t so pressing that he couldn’t enjoy a proper dinner.

Let it be a balance of work and rest.

Mu En got up, returned the book to the shelf, and walked towards the dining room.


An did not rush to follow; instead, she suddenly turned around and pulled the book that Mu En had just put away back out.

“Introduction to Basic Martial Arts…”

An scanned the words on the book.

Then she looked up at the bookshelves.

The books on the shelves had clearly been thoroughly organized, no longer in the chaotic state they had been in before.

Some useless books were tucked away in the far corners, while the precious books containing martial arts, magic, and various knowledge had been deliberately placed within easy reach by Mu En.

“Master, you have indeed changed.”


A cold light flashed.

The Introduction to Basic Martial Arts in An’s hand was suddenly sliced in half by an unknown blade that had appeared from nowhere, then turned into scraps of torn pages, which An threw out into the wind through the window.

“Changed so quickly, so suddenly, as if overnight, you are no longer you.”

“Since that’s the case, there are some things I can’t wait for anymore.”

“Don’t blame me, okay, Mu En.”

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