Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 248 Mr. Xu's tongue fights the heroes

When it comes to fighting, Mr. Xu is an expert.

In the case of group fights, whether it is before or during the fight, if you want to gain the upper hand quickly, you must strike hard.

And once it is ruthless, it is impossible to avoid human life.

But under such circumstances, Mr. Xu had no reason to kill.

Drought and water, everyone is trying to survive.

But in order to fight for water, he has put his life on the line, but it is putting the cart before the horse.

A fight 20 years ago left both villages with pain that will never be erased or forgotten.

Brother Xu!

Guan Laoqi looked at Mr. Xu with pleading in his eyes.

Old Master Xu looked at Guan Laoqi, who looked at him pleadingly, sighed faintly, put his hand on the other's shoulder, and said solemnly, Lao Qi, I know you feel uncomfortable.

But if I move my hand today, how many people will die on the opposite side, have you ever thought about it?

They are also fathers, husbands, and sons.

Anyone who dies, no family is complete!

Also, if the person on the opposite side goes mad, I can't stop everyone by myself, and if the two sides fight in a melee, how many people will die, have you ever thought about it?

For villagers, there may still be affinities between villages.

I'm in a bad mood!

Guan Laoqi couldn't calm down when he thought that his father was crippled and depressed because of the fight in Xicun.

Brother, what are you waiting for?

It's time to avenge our father!

Guan Laojiu suddenly jumped out and raised his arms, It's a man, come with me!

Stop for me!

Seeing that the crowd was mobilized by Guan Laojiu, Mr. Xu gave a thunderous roar, and stopped the crowd who were about to rush up.

The next moment, Mr. Xu stepped forward, walked out of the crowd alone, and only faced the villagers of Shangxi Village and other villages.

Who is the talker, come out and talk!

Now, in this situation, fighting is bound to be a lose-lose.

As for the retreat, the people of Lingshui Village and Yinghe Village would definitely not be reconciled.

So, there is only one way left, and that is to talk.

Mr. Xu still had some credibility when he came forward.

After all, Mr. Xu was the seventh-grade Xiaoyi Lang who was conferred by the emperor. Although he had no real power, the grade of the seventh-grade was the same as that of the county magistrate.

Brother Xu!

A person walked out of the crowd on the opposite side. He was as old as Mr. Xu. He had bronze skin and a strong body.

It is you!

Mr. Xu looked at the man who stood up, and really didn't know what to say.

Lin Zhen Mountain.

It can be regarded as a close friendship with Mr. Xu, and the reason is still for the prey in the mountains. It's just that compared to Niu Dali, Lin Zhenshan obviously has more hearts.

Brother Xu, it's not that being a younger brother doesn't give you face, it's just that the people of our Shangxi Village also have to live.

It's getting hotter and hotter today, and it hasn't rained all the time. The game in the mountains has been much less since the beginning of spring.

Without water, the people of our villages cannot survive.

As the village leader of Shangxi Village, Lin Zhenshan must also be considered for the villagers. What's more, several villages upstream of them have also found him, and they are willing to join them in Shangxi Village to defend the cutoff of the Taohua River.

Yeah, cut off the Peach Blossom River, you are all alive, then who will solve the problem of water needs in these villages below the Peach Blossom River?

Are all the people in the downstream villages to die?

Come, come and answer me!


Lin Zhenshan was stunned for a moment, this question could not be answered.

Human nature is selfish.

He really wanted to say whether the people in the downstream villages should be damned, he didn't care.

Ke Lin Zhenshan knew that he couldn't say this.

He knew that Mr. Xu had dealt with him before.

Mr. Xu's methods, he has seen with his own eyes, and he is highly respected in his heart. In the same way, he was also very afraid that Mr. Xu would go mad, because he might really die.

And you!

Mr. Xu raised his hand and pointed at the villagers standing behind Lin Zhenshan.

Do you think it's none of your business whether the people in the village below die?


That's right!

It's none of your business if the people in the village below die!

But think about it, you can cut off the Peach Blossom River in order to live. Then, what can we people who live in the villages below do in order to live?

You have parents, wives and children, and the people below!

It doesn't rain, it's a natural disaster!

Under the natural disaster, we should have worked together to overcome the difficulties together, but you cut off the Peach Blossom River!

We're going to live!

Old Man Xu pulled his hand behind him, Here, there are only people from Lingshui Village and Yinghe Village.

In the following Jingkou Village, Quishi Village, Shiqiao Village, Baniu Village...they haven't come now, it doesn't mean they won't come later!

Twenty years ago, our Lingshui Village had a fight with your Shangxi Village!

How many people died and how many people were injured in that match, from Shangxi Village, think for yourself!

Mr. Xu paused, looked at the crowd who had already begun to whisper, and felt a little relieved.

It's useless to say too much, the key is that it will rain!

But now, if it doesn't rain, what should I do?

As soon as Mr. Xu said these words, someone immediately took over.

Yeah, what if it doesn't rain? What can we do if we can't live?

What should I do?

Mr. Xu snorted, Of course it's digging a well!

There is water in this underground!

The water of the Taohua River has been flowing for so many years, how much water has seeped underground? Let's dig a well!

Mr. Xu can be said to have a flash of inspiration and thought of a solution.

Although it's a bit late to dig a well, it's never too late to save a life!

This Peach Blossom River, if you are willing to cut it off, then cut it off!

Our Lingshui Village is no longer in harmony!

When the villages in the lower reaches come up, let's see how many lives you have willing to fill in!

And you, Lin Zhenshan, the matter of cutting off the Peach Blossom River has spread to the county magistrate's ears. Can you, the leaders, get it?

After Mr. Xu finished speaking, he stopped talking, turned around and greeted the old and young men of Lingshui Village.

Let's go, everyone, go back and dig the well!

Dig up the water one day earlier, let's live a good life one day earlier!

Yes, yes, dig a well, dig a well!

Xu Lao Er immediately shouted in the crowd, and he admired his father's behavior just now.

Uh, there is a fly in the ointment, the group of people on the opposite side, forget it, let's be a group of heroes for now!

go back!

Guan Laoqi also thought a lot when Mr. Xu came forward to negotiate with the other side.

Just as Mr. Xu said, how many families will cry if the fight really starts?

That’s all, people are doing it, God is watching, and things that are conscientious are done, and sooner or later, God will take it away.

It will be on the shelves in the early morning of the 22nd. Are you ready for your monthly pass? The author can't wait to save the manuscript!

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