Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 633 Sir, times have changed!

Duke Changle, died!

Yong An Gong, died!

Xu Yuanzu, Duke Antai, kneel!

It's not that Leng Thorn has good intentions, but the eldest princess has an order early in the morning. If she sees Xu Yuanzu alive, she will take it back.

Knowing that Xu Yuanzu was the reincarnated Taiping King, the eldest princess was too curious. However, in the past, the eldest princess did not have an advantage when facing Xu Yuanzu. Even if she is willing to inquire into the secrets, she does not have the capital.

But now, everything is different.

This Tang Dynasty is only within the first thought of the eldest princess.

Of course, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the eldest princess will not immediately ascend to the supreme position.

In order to be able to control her own destiny, the eldest princess has been planning for twenty or thirty years, and in the process, her plans have changed from time to time. Take every step of the way, daring not to make the slightest mistake.

And the moment of victory came so suddenly.

Only in ten days, everything came naturally, and the eldest princess stood at the highest position of power in the Tang Dynasty.

The military power is in hand, the general trend is in my hands, and no one or anyone can stop her from showing her ambition.

The people she once regarded as obstacles, one by one, one after another, all became dead.

When Xu Yuanzu was brought in front of the eldest princess, Xu Yuanzu's limbs and tendons were all severed. Others are still alive, but they have become cripple, and life is better than death.


You are a bitch like your ancestors!

Seeing the eldest princess, Xu Yuanzu stared at the eldest princess with malicious eyes. If his eyes could kill, the eldest princess would have been killed thousands of times by Xu Yuanzu's gaze.

His Royal Highness Prince Taiping, isn't it surprising why you lost so badly?

The eldest princess ignored Xu Yuanzu's scolding and his very resentful eyes.

Because you are mean!

Killing the king, you woman, you really have the heart of a snake and scorpion!

By this moment, Xu Yuanzu had understood that Emperor Yongping was designed to be killed by the eldest princess. It was enough to kill Emperor Yongping, and all this was framed on King Yan's head.

He thought he had robbed the Zongren's mansion and rescued King Yan. He planned to use King Yan's hand to bury the Tang Dynasty's Jiangshan Sheji, in order to avenge the founding father of the Tang Dynasty who had betrayed him.

As long as he thought of that person's descendants buried his country, Xu Yuanzu felt full of joy.

Unfortunately, the idea is good, the reality is too cruel.

His actions were taken advantage of by the eldest princess.


You are so wrong!

The eldest princess looked at Xu Yuanzu quite proudly and smiled, Sir, times have changed!

Now, not a hundred years ago. Back then, you were all over the world, but now, it is no longer your era. Not to mention you, even if the founding father returns, it will be the same.

Of course, you are a senior and an ancestor.

Although Li Zi is deviant, he still can't do anything like betraying his ancestors. So, I won't kill you.

On the contrary, I will let people take good care of you, and when you are fine, I will often talk to you and talk about how you live a lifetime!

Bitch, this is your purpose!

Want to know how I can live forever? You are dreaming! You are destined to be a short-lived ghost who doesn't have many years to live!

Xu Yuanzu glared fiercely at the eldest princess, Don't think that I don't know that you can survive until now, all relying on the means of robbery. Stupid woman, God can't be deceived, your retribution will come sooner or later!

I don't care!

Isn't it the end of the son and the grandson?

Do you think that this palace cares?

Bengong was born in this world, my parents didn't like it, and my eldest brother made plans. When I die and return, I swear that even if I lose the world, I will still live, even if it subverts the country's society in the Tang Dynasty. , Li Zi, don't be the one who was abandoned.

The eldest princess spoke sternly, waving the long sleeves of her mian robe with both hands, I will become the first female emperor in the history of the Tang Dynasty. No matter who it is, as long as it gets in my way, then he will die!


Like your ancestors, they are all lunatics!

For the first time, fear appeared in Xu Yuanzu's eyes.

He was a veteran on the battlefield, fearless in a hundred battles. But facing the eldest eldest princess who was a little crazy, he felt a little scared inexplicably. He didn't even know what he was afraid of, but he was afraid.

Not crazy, not live!

I used to cry and beg... but no one gave me a second look.

I have today, all by my own efforts, and I don't owe anyone anything.

Because, they all owe me!

Everything you owe me has to be paid back. When I die, my son pays it back. When my son dies, my grandson pays it back. Unless the whole family is dead, no one should think about not paying the debt to Ben Gong.

When the eldest princess spoke, Xu Yuanzu's hair stood on end.

At this moment, Xu Yuanzu finally understood why he was afraid of this woman.

Because this is really a lunatic.

But this madman has a sanity beyond imagination.

The eldest princess sneered and greeted, a female guard came in and dragged the disabled Xu Yuanzu down.

By the way, find a few women, don't let the blood of King Taiping be cut off!

When Xu Yuanzu was dragged down, the eldest princess lightly explained.

And it was these words that made Xu Yuanzu fall into the abyss of the devil.

As for the eldest princess, it was definitely not for the sake of Xu Yuanzu, the reincarnated Taiping King, she just wanted to see if this reincarnated Taiping King and his descendants were equally lucky.

If so, then she has a better tool for luck.

Bitch, you have to die!

Xu Yuanzu cursed and roared, but he was a crippled man with broken limbs and muscles, and he had no ability at all except to move his mouth.

For Xu Yuanzu's abuse, the eldest princess didn't take it seriously.

From a long time ago, many people scolded her, hated her, and cursed her. But so what? She is still the eldest eldest princess, and now she wants to stand at the highest point of power in the Tang Dynasty.

Lengthorn, from now on, Cyclone Rider will be stationed in the palace to replace Yulin Guard and become the imperial guard in the palace!

No one can leave the palace without the order of this palace!

Follow Yi's order!

Leng thorn got the order of the eldest princess, and immediately took five thousand whirlwind riders and went straight to the palace, taking over Yulin Guard to guard the palace.

Then, the eldest princess asked the female guard to send a message. The nobles in the capital, the royal family members, and even the civil and military officials all came to the Qiantian Temple to discuss the important affairs of the new king's succession.

Emperor Yongping and King Yu were killed one after another.

One of the three princes of Xu's house, conspiracy against King Yan, was executed by the whole family.

Today's capital is shrouded in bloody clouds.

And the eldest princess has undoubtedly become the one who holds the butcher's knife.

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