Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 675 No sense of achievement

Assassin's night attack should be a very important thing.

However, except for the previous arrangements, Xu Lao Er never showed up after that. Even if the assassin was captured on the spot, he didn't come out to take a look.

With the lieutenant commanded by Xu Lao Er, there is no need to bother him with this.

The assassins were hung from the barracks gate, gagged, and soldiers were dispatched to guard them, and no one took these assassins seriously.

Of course, the patrols and secret sentries in the camp are still the same as before.

Be careful, at any time.

Xu Lao Er is really arrogant and careful, and if he meets the enemy head-on, he will kill him head-on. One word and it's over.

But if confronted with the enemy, Xu Lao Er is also only a one-word policy.


Don't be in a hurry.

The enemy does not move, I do not move.

In a war like this, you have to be stable.

Because it's a matter of life.

Xu Lao Er can be reckless, because he is a master of art and daring, unless he kills himself, or even if there are thousands of troops, he can kill a pair of people and wear them back and forth.

However, no one else can fight like him.


In Ba City, everyone from Jie Yun Dao was waiting for the chaos in Xu Lao Er's military camp outside the city, and they had even made up their minds. As long as there was chaos in Xu Lao Er's camp, they would lead the army out and defeat Xu Lao Er's army in one fell swoop. Soldiers and horses, so as to restore the morale of Jie Yun Dao.

However, they waited and waited until one hour passed, two hours passed, and there was no movement at the military camp outside the city.

After confirming that the assassin had missed, Du Qingruo no longer counted on these elders and courtiers of Jie Luck Dao.

Bunch of trash!

Let the people below prepare, Bacheng can't be defended!

Du Qingruo shouted to his confidants and asked them to prepare, ready to evacuate Bacheng at any time.

As for these people from Jie Luck Dao, Du Qingruo even wanted to find an opportunity to bury them.

Although she is the saint of Jie Yundao, she was originally from the bloodline of the previous royal family.

Jie Yun Dao used to be the protector of the country of the previous royal family. After the Tang Dynasty replaced the previous dynasty, they, the former royal family and remnants, have always respected Jie Yun Dao.

But under the protection of Jie Luck Dao, the last bloodline of the previous royal family was cut off.

Du Qingruo didn't investigate the reason for this, but she could more or less guess it.

It's just that she still needs to rely on the power of Jie Luck Dao, so she also kept silent.

But now, Jie Yundao sees that the general trend is over, and will become a real rat crossing the street from now on, and she also has the idea of ​​​​leaving away from Jie Yundao.

Now she has her own power.

Unlike before, although she is a saint, she is the errand next to the robbery master.

There is someone in hand, so why continue to stay on the ruined ship that is destined to sink?

Du Qingruo's instructions were conveyed, and her confidants quickly got ready.

When dawn came, the elders of Jie Luck Dao went to see Du Qingruo in a very depressed state, and asked the next way to deal with it, whether to fight for peace, or simply abandon the foundation of Jiannan Mansion.

The vigorous Dao on Earth is about to come to an end. They are all sinners of the Dao of robbery!

However, a group of people waited outside the palace for a long time, but the palace gate still did not open.

How is this going?

A group of people looked at each other in dismay. If it was normal, the palace gate would have already opened.

Could it be that Xu Lao Er stole into the city last night?

Someone spoke in a panic.

Then, a group of people rushed to the palace gate and pushed the door hard.

The palace door was not locked from the inside, but was easily pushed open by them.

The palace, which was originally heavily guarded, is now quiet.

None of them.

A group of people from Jie Yundao turned around in the palace, and finally determined that there was no one here. Whether it was a bodyguard, a maid, a cook, or a handyman, there wasn't a single one.

What about people?

Isn't it running away?

When someone subconsciously said such a situation, everyone panicked.

Then, there was chaos in Bacheng.

These elders of Jie Yun Dao, the ministers of the Dao Kingdom in the world, all have their own residences in Jie Yun Dao, as well as their families and clansmen.

They rushed out of the palace, and when they got home, they gathered their family members to run away.

And as they fled, all the families and forces in Ba City who had taken refuge in Jie Yun Dao understood that the Dao Kingdom of Jie Yun Dao was over!

Some people followed and ran, and some people simply went to open the city gate and surrendered to Xu Lao Er.

When the people in the city were brought in front of Xu Lao Er, Xu Lao Er had a feeling, it's funny!

He took the army, crossed the vast mountains, and took out twelve points of strength to prepare to fight against Jie Yundao in this Jiannan Mansion.

As a result, the Daoist Jie Luck and a group of people broke in when he was testing the method of anti-slope defense, and then, Xiao Ming stayed behind.

Then, Jie Yundao launched a rather ferocious fire attack, but it was an idiot who presided over this strategy and was defeated by him.

In the end, he arrived at the foot of Bacheng, and only a wave of assassins came to steal the camp.

The success rate of this kind of assassin stealing the camp has never been high. Success is accidental, failure is inevitable.

Xu Lao Er was all about to have a bloody siege battle with the opponent in this Ba City, but now, before the battle, the road of robbery and fortune was scattered like birds and beasts.

Uncle, is there any fraud?

The two lieutenants felt the same as Xu's second child, and felt that all this was like a child's play.

You Jieyun Dao has long raised a flag and established a country, but now, before you have a decent fight, you have broken up.

Whether it's a scam or not, we'll know if we go to the city and take a look?


Hmph, even if it is deceitful, as long as he is allowed to enter the city, then the city of Ba is in his pocket.

Dare to play with him Xu Yuanba and invite you to enter the urn? He is going to be anti-customer!

At the moment, Xu Lao Er ordered 3,000 people and walked towards the open city gate of Jie Yun Dao unhurriedly.

have to!

On the other side of the city gate, the defenders of Ba City were already kneeling on the ground, and their weapons were thrown far away.

Fraudulent surrender, does not exist.

And those who surrendered to Xu Lao Er's side, if they knew that Xu Lao Er suspected them of committing fraudulent surrender, they would definitely shout that they were wronged.

How could someone as honest as them play such a duplicitous thing?

This is absolutely wrong!

Xu Lao Er brought people into the city, but after turning around a little, he was sure that they really won the city of Ba.

The people of the Dao of Jie Fortune, up to the heroine Du Qingruo, down to a small sect of the Dao of Jie Fortune, all who could run ran away.

As for not being able to run?

It was purely detained by certain families and forces in the city as a sign of loyalty to Xu Lao Er.

Father, I really did!

Xu Lao Er was sure to win Bacheng, but there was not much joy on his face. This victory was too easy, and there was no sense of accomplishment at all!


[PS: There is an event at the starting point. The author participated in it. I can’t remember how many days and how many days it has exploded. I got 1,000 monthly tickets. Then, this book can get certain resources to promote. Although I know that this is very difficult, I still want to work hard, my dears, ask for a monthly pass! 】

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