Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 695 Xu Lao Er: This is wisdom!

The catapult fires the kerosene cans and fires them up!

Without even thinking about it, Mr. Xu directly let someone fire a kerosene tank, setting off a raging flame in the wilderness.

However, what stunned everyone was that those savages who didn't die actually grabbed the roasted corpses of their fellow clan, bitten and devoured them.


In the cognition of many people, this is just a statement, and they don't really believe it in their hearts.

But now, all of this was discovered so vividly in front of their eyes.

Many people vomited straight out.

Mr. Xu also vomited!

Even though his own father, Mr. Xu and his second brother repeatedly emphasized the brutality of these savages to him several times, Mr. Xu still vomited at this moment.

Compared with other people, Xu Laosan is not even a little bit better.

It's just that when the savages who have had a full meal start charging again, everyone including Xu Laosan, no matter how badly they vomit, will immediately enter the fighting state.

Having seen the ferocity of the savages feeding on people, the people on the ground understood that these savages could not be attacked, otherwise, it might be them and their relatives who would be eaten by these savages.

Savages are fierce, especially those who are full.

They ignored the 10-foot-wide trench in front of them and jumped straight into the air.

Someone fell into a deep pit and fell half dead.

There were also people who successfully jumped over the 10-meter-wide ditch, but soon fell on the edge of the ditch, or fell under the ditch due to the arrows.

The battle is fierce.

The savages were finally wiped out. Even the savages who fell into the trenches were shot and killed one by one with crossbow arrows. Only then did someone enter the trench, beheaded, and collected their bodies.

To treat the savages, you don't even need the order of the third Xu. Everyone has silently reached a consensus, that is, don't take prisoners, and don't leave alive.

Savages like this that feed on people are not worthy of being called people at all, they are beasts.

When dealing with wild animals, it is natural to kill them all.

Adults understand the truth of raising tigers.

All the wildlings who raided Moguan have been wiped out so far, a total of 2,328 people.

Xu Lao Er and Fu Bao led troops to the rescue after discovering that there was a raging flame in Moguan.

It's just that the speed of marching in the snow can't be fast at all, and in order to prevent sneak attacks from lurking and hidden savages, the speed of Xu Lao Er and the others really can't be fast.

By the time Xu Lao Er led his troops to Moguan, the battle after Moguan had completely come to an end.

When Xu Laosan saw his second brother and younger sister, his expression was really pitiful.

Third brother, why are you looking like this?

Fu Bao looked at his third brother's expression, not only did he not feel sorry for his third brother, but on the contrary, he really wanted to give his third brother a slap on the face with his fist.

Little sister, didn't you see that those savages, on the battlefield, tore up their comrades directly, vomit...

Xu Laosan only said a few words, and then vomited again.

Third brother, you...

Fubao almost vomited when he smelled the sour smell in the air.

Fu Bao has also seen the scene where the savages eat their companions. That's not what happens on the battlefield, it's what happens in the wilderness.

To be precise, these savages chose cannibalism in order to survive.

This discovery made Fubao feel that the savage team was only young and strong, and there were no old and weak women and children, probably because in the absence of food, the old and weak women and children had already been eaten by these young and strong savages as food.

Of course, this is all just speculation.

Xu Laosan vomited for a while, until he couldn't spit out anything, then he drank water and rinsed his mouth, and returned to sit down in front of Xu Lao Er and Fubao.

Second brother, what the hell, since you've come back, I'll leave it to you here, I have to go back to Linyao City!

The battlefield is really not suitable for me.

Xu Laosan felt that he should still be a little self-aware, and it would be better to go back and do his own logistics honestly.

Otherwise, he was really afraid that he would vomit to death before the savage was killed.

Third, you can't stand it anymore?

Xu Lao Er looked at his younger brother and saw through Xu Lao San's mind at a glance.

I have to say that sometimes, when these brothers get along, they really don't need too many words and expressions to know each other's thoughts. After all, they are too familiar with each other.

Mr. Xu rolled his eyes and said, Second brother, I really can't stand it. You don't know, as long as I'm free now, the scene on the battlefield will pop up in my head! Vomit...

Unfortunately, Mr. Xu just wanted to vomit, but there was really nothing in his stomach to vomit.

Xu Lao Er laughed and said, Second brother, you should persevere!

My father and eldest brother are still waiting for me to help!

Also, I think, these savages will definitely come again. I'm thinking about it, you have to take the initiative to send some signals to the savages!

What signal? These savages have been killed, and even if they are not killed, no one can understand what they are talking about.

Language barrier!

The language of the savages of the polar regions is of its own kind, and it is incompatible with the language of the northern savages, and it is also incomprehensible with the language of the northern savages.

Not to mention that no one in the Tang Dynasty could understand what the polar savages were saying, even among the northern barbarians, no one could understand what the polar savages were calling.

Simple, set fire!

Xu Lao Er smiled and said, When I came back, after passing through Maoguan, I deliberately took a look. Although Maoguan was burnt down, there are five special piles of ashes remaining on the city wall of Maoguan.

So, I guess, these wildlings are using this method to pass messages to their clansmen.

Okay, let me give it a try!

Xu Laosan got the guidance of Xu Lao Er, and hurriedly went to find someone to light five fires, and then pressed the half-dry firewood.

The five pillars of smoke were lifted into the sky, and they could be clearly seen from far away.

No one knows if this is the way the wildlings transmit signals, everything is just guesswork, waiting to be verified.


It was quiet that night.

But when dawn came, the scouts lurking in Maoguan hurried back, and the savages in the brigade were slowly coming in the direction of Maoguan.

Second brother, you really have to be fooled by you!

Hearing the scout's report, Mr. Xu looked at his second brother in astonishment. He really didn't expect his second brother to be able to guess right at once.

What are you talking about? Who told you that I was a fool?

When Xu Lao Er heard Xu Lao San's words, he stared, I call it careful observation, bold guessing, and reasonable inference. This is wisdom!

Yes, yes, second brother, you said yes!

Under the principle that the winner is king, Xu Laosan couldn't find any reason to refute any of Xu Laoer's words.

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