Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 771 Boy, it's time to cut the dragon's veins!

Even if Fubao didn't develop this mental power, Li Nian was not her opponent by simply relying on strength, not to mention that Fubao is now a cheater in the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts.

Sister, I was wrong!

If you can't beat it, admit defeat.

Li Nian was cleaned up by Fubao, and he was very good.

Fu Bao patted his head proudly and said, That's good!

And when Fu Bao cleaned up Li Nian, Lu Mudan and Lu Xian'er had already told their mother their hearts, and the three faces were all looking at Fu Bao with a smile.

Fubao noticed the gazes of the three and turned his head to look. He was instantly embarrassed. He quickly released Li Nian who was restrained by her, and sent a very cute smile at the same time.


Fubao didn't stay here for long, because Mother Cai told her that on the day she was sent into the cave, she sent someone back to Linyao City to deliver the letter.

At this moment, Mrs. Xu and Mr. Xu should have received the news of Fubao's accident.

In order to reassure the family as soon as possible, Fu Bao could only return to Xiangyi Mansion quickly.

Awakened mental power, Fu Bao can really say something very domineering now, she can walk sideways in this Tang Dynasty.

Even her second brother, Xu Lao Er, who is known for his bravery, will undoubtedly lose in the face of the current Fu Bao.

Spirituality is really amazing!

Of course, the most important thing is that this thing is invisible and intangible, and by the time you realize it, the hand of death has caught your throat.

On the other hand, if someone wants to harm Fubao, as long as they show hostility to her, Fubao will be aware of it.

In Fubao's words, she now has an IFF radar.


When Fubao was in a hurry to turn back to Xiangyi Mansion, in Leizhou Mansion in the southeast of Tang Dynasty, Du Qingruo, the saint of Jie Yun Dao, and Zhang Yi, the saint son, were gathering a large number of elites from Jie Yun Dao and were preparing to go to sea by boat.

The Daoist Jie Yun established the Taoist Kingdom on Earth in Jiannan Prefecture, but he did not want Xu Lao Er to cross the mountains and go deep into the hinterland of Jiannan Prefecture, successfully destroying the Taoist Humanity Kingdom that had just been established not long ago.

This made Zhang Yi and Du Qingruo understand that the Taoist kingdom on earth must find a place that is really easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The reason why the two planned to go to sea was inspired by Shen Wansheng.

Because of the Japanese people's calculations on Changshan Shen, the Changshan Shen launched a war against the Japanese country. As powerful as the Changshan Shen, facing a small country like the Japanese country, they fought for such a long time and failed to destroy the Japanese country. , this gave Zhang Yi and Du Qingruo a great warning.

Therefore, the two are preparing to establish a country overseas.

Then, look for opportunities and wait for the chaos in the Tang Dynasty. At that time, they can return from overseas and bring the momentum of thunder to cover the entire Tang Dynasty.

The idea is good, and it is quite actionable.

At least in Du Qingruo and Zhang Yi's view, this is the most suitable for them at the moment.

The foundation of Datang is still very deep today, especially with the existence of freaks like the old Xu family. Obviously a group of mud legs who were not on the table not long ago, but in a flash, they have become the climate, the momentum, and the posture that no one can match.

Now, their strongest Dao Master of the Dao of Jie Fortune is missing, and it is impossible to fight against the Lao Xu family by force.

Then, just have to wait.

Just when everything was ready and about to board the ship and go to sea, Uncle Lu came over.

As soon as he saw Uncle Lu, Zhang Yi's expression changed.

Back then, he was caught by Mr. Xu. If Uncle Lu hadn't come forward, the grass on his grave should be very tall now.

Zhang Yi, I have seen the seniors, but I don't know that the seniors are here, and if I miss you, please forgive me!

Seeing Uncle Lu, Zhang Yi's attitude was very respectful.

Du Qingruo also knew Uncle Lu's strength, so naturally he wouldn't do anything at this time. He followed Zhang Yi and saluted Uncle Lu together.

Boy, as I said, you will be the one who will cut off the Dragon Veins of the Tang Dynasty!

Now, the time to cut the dragon's veins has come!

You, are you willing to complete your mission?

With these words, Uncle Lu was simply the number one superstar in front of Zhang Yi and Du Qingruo.

The two are the holy sons and saints of Jie Yun Dao. They have always fooled others, making those people believe in the morality of Jie Yun Dao and become disciples and believers of Jie Yun Dao.

Du Qingruo is very clear about the theory of dragon veins.

She once went to cut off the dragon veins of the Tang Dynasty according to the instructions of the Daoist Jie Luck, but she almost died in the Xishan Emperor's Mausoleum.

Also, in order to restore the previous dynasty, Jie Yun Dao has been building the dragon veins, but at the last moment, the layout was broken.

However, it seems that the Dragon Building Vessel was not destroyed, but landed in Xiangyi Mansion.

With the sudden rise of the old Xu family, Du Qingruo felt that this building dragon veins should have something to do with the old Xu family, but unfortunately, she sent several waves of troops out, but the news was cut off.

This made Du Qingruo realize that the old Xu family was weird.

If it was something else, Du Qingruo might have gone to check it out in person, but this is related to the fate of the Dragon Vessel. If you are not careful, you will get yourself into it.

This thing, once caught in it, has only one word at the end, and that is death.

If Du Qing didn't live enough, he naturally wouldn't let himself fall into a dead end easily.

At this moment, Uncle Lu came to tell them about the dragon vein cutting. This made Du Qingruo's face change drastically again. She was one of the people who knew Uncle Lu's identity.

Senior, if the junior remembers correctly, you were originally the person who guarded the dragon veins of the Tang Dynasty. Why are you disobeying your mission now?

Du Qingruo didn't hesitate this time and asked his own question.

The guardian of the dragon veins of the Tang Dynasty actually asked someone to cut the dragon veins. This is obviously a self-contradictory thing!

Little girl, you are the saint of Jie Luck Dao!

Uncle Lu's eyes fell on Du Qingruo's face, The descendant of the royal family of the previous dynasty, the Taoist Lord of Jie Yun took you as the heroine of the Taoist kingdom in the world, or borrowed the last bit of national fortune from the previous dynasty.

Unfortunately, there is not much left of the national fortunes of the previous dynasty, so you, the Taoist kingdom of the world, will suddenly rise up and be destroyed by negligence!

Looking at your current posture, are you planning to go overseas to establish a country?

When Uncle Lu said this, Zhang Yi and Du Qingruo both changed their faces.

Their decision to go overseas to establish a country will only be known by the real confidants in Jie Yun Dao. How did Uncle Lu know?

The two looked at each other, and both felt that there was a problem within the Jie Yun Dao.

Uncle Lu smiled slightly and said, You don't need to think wildly. Since I am the guardian of the Dragon Veins of the Tang Dynasty, I naturally know some of the way of divination.

I'm not afraid to tell you, if you really plan to go out to sea to establish your country, then this vast sea is your burial place!

Is this old man alarmist? You can send someone to try it out at sea.

Senior, junior will naturally believe it!

Zhang Yi pondered for a moment, and finally responded respectfully, Since the senior said that the junior is the one who cut off the dragon vein, then where is the junior going, and how can I cut the dragon vein?

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