There is a book in my Dantian

Chapter 137: Taking office as clan leader

In the Chen family mansion, in the meeting hall!

"The reason why the Chen family used to be caught up in the struggle for power and profit and did not think about making progress is that the patriarch Chen Yuhang should bear at least nine levels of responsibility."

Seeing that Chen Hao ignored the fierce opposition of the second elder and others, and kept his eyes on him, the fourth elder knew that he was very interested in his next change of rules.

So after briefly sorting out his thoughts and the benefits he could gain after the rule change, he began to introduce his ideas about the rule change in detail.

"So, if the family wants to grow and develop, the choice of the clan leader is crucial."

"Among the existing clan members, except Chen Hao, no one has the charm and strength to influence the fighting spirit of the entire clan."

Speaking of this, the fourth elder stood up directly and shouted with an extremely excited expression: "Only Chen Hao can awaken the fighting spirit of all clan members with his personal charm."

"Only Chen Hao can lead the family to a brilliant future with his outstanding talent and strength!"

"Fourth elder, well said!" Compared with the passion of the fourth elder, Chen Yuhui, who is not good at speaking, was so excited that he didn't know how to support the remarks just now. He could only shout "good" to express his excitement at this moment.

Reaching out and pressing, signaling Chen Yuhui not to get excited for the time being, the fourth elder looked directly at Chen Hao and continued, "It's hard to raise a real dragon in shallow water!"

"With your talent and vision, Chen Hao, let alone the Chen family and Fuyang City, I'm afraid even a place like the Yuan Dynasty can hardly really stop you. Your future is in the center of the God and Demon Continent. Your achievements will reach the peak of martial arts, and you may become a legendary immortal god."

To be honest, the fourth elder's evaluation of Chen Hao just now was a bit too high. After all, there have been no immortal gods in the God and Demon Continent for hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years. Not to mention that warriors achieve the status of immortal gods through their own practice.

But no one at the scene spoke out against it, even the second elder and others. After all, the center of the God and Demon Continent and the legend of immortal gods are also their thoughts that have never stopped.

Seeing that everyone was attracted by his remarks, the fourth elder's mouth corners slightly raised, and he was very proud in his heart, but he knew that the stimulation just now was not enough, and he needed to continue to enhance Chen Hao's influence and prestige.

Only in this way can we have an absolute advantage in the next rule modification.

Only in this way can Chen Hao, who is in a good mood, not notice the restrictions on him after the rule change.

"Chen Hao, I hope that while you keep moving forward, you can turn your head slightly and look behind you, look at the family standing behind you, look at the relatives standing behind you, and take care of the family and relatives as much as you can, so that we can live longer, and can also witness the splendor of the God and Demon Continent, and have the opportunity to be infected with the immortal spirit in you in the future!"

"Fourth Elder, I, Chen Hao, am a person who clearly distinguishes between gratitude and resentment, and I understand the principle of repaying a little kindness with a spring. No matter whether I can reach the peak of martial arts in the future, whether I will become the immortal god you say, the Chen family will always be my root."

As a businessman who has been involved in the business world, Chen Hao quickly saw the fourth elder's true intention in his passionate speech just now. In order to ensure that the family does not fall into the hands of the second elder, he fully cooperated.

"I believe you, and all the members of the Chen family believe you!" Seeing Chen Hao's resounding statement, the fourth elder was very satisfied with his cooperation and began to really introduce the change in rules.

"So, the position of the clan leader is still up to you, Chen Hao, and the major events that determine the fate of the family are still up to you, but for daily management, you can set up an elders' group and decide based on the number of votes." The fourth elder finally stated his intention.

As for the fourth elder's proposal, both the second elder and Chen Yuhui and others fell into deep thought, considering the pros and cons of the fourth elder's change of the rules just now for their future in the family.

"Chen Yuwei, if you follow your proposal just now, how many people are appropriate in the elders' group? How much authority can be given to decide the rights in the end?" The second elder quickly asked the key to the problem.

As Chen Hao said, with his talent and strength, he has a great chance of becoming a student of the Daqin Academy through the finals of the Fish Leaping Dragon Gate Competition, which means that it will be difficult for him to take care of the family's affairs for a long time in the future.

In other words, the daily management of the Chen family, the allocation of cultivation resources, the arrangement of key positions, the future trend of the family and other matters still need to be decided by the Elders.

As long as he can occupy the majority of the Elders, he can control the Chen family, which is the same as his goal of competing for the patriarch, so he will not oppose Chen Yuwei's change of family rules, let alone Chen Hao's appointment as the patriarch.

"The number of elders and the power they can exercise are what we need to discuss next!" Seeing the second elder's goal shift from the position of patriarch to the competition for the number of elders, his face was calm, but he couldn't help but be very proud in his heart.

For the fourth elder's proposal, Chen Hao didn't need to think too much, he knew what he meant, and he also knew that he was using the Elders to weaken the second elder's motivation to compete for the patriarch, so that he could smoothly ascend to the throne of the patriarch.

At the same time, he also used the elders to limit part of his power, so as to prevent the patriarch from having too much power and eventually forming a situation where one family dominates.

Sitting on the throne of the patriarch, he did not have to deal with those trivial matters that delayed his practice, and did not have to worry about too much power struggle. Chen Hao thought about it for a while and finally agreed: "Okay!"

"Your subordinates greet the patriarch!" Just as Chen Hao nodded in agreement, the four elders who had been prepared for a long time hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Your subordinates greet the patriarch!" Chen Yuhui followed closely and saluted.

"Your subordinates greet the patriarch!" The five elders in the second row also stood up and saluted.

"Your subordinates greet the patriarch!" Several guardians belonging to Chen Hao's side also stood up and saluted.

"Your subordinates greet the patriarch" The goal is to compete for the elders, and the second elder and others will not care about who will be the patriarch, so they will salute by default.

"No need to be polite!" After signaling everyone to stand up, Chen Hao went straight to the throne in the center of the hall.

Looking at the throne that symbolizes the highest power, looking at the throne that he has been looking forward to with his inner memories, Chen Hao's heart is both complicated and full of emotion!

Turning around, looking at the people in the hall, Chen Hao slowly sat on the throne.

Just as he sat down, a memory deep in his memory suddenly began to dissipate, which made him feel relaxed for the first time in a long time.

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