110 – Hell (5)


Monsters attack.

They look similar to humans in appearance, but their size is slightly different.

Children, adults, old people – no matter what they resemble or what they imitate – in the end, they are just monsters and they keep running.


After clicking my tongue once, I grabbed my sword, took a deep breath, and moved forward.

Use your sword to cut through water bombs falling from the sky, kick the ground and run forward to cut down monsters wearing costumes.

Continue swinging your sword at the monsters running behind you.

Those who jump upward, raise their swords and hit their heads.

They dig into a gap on the side, reach out, grab the arm, and tear the body to shreds.

Those who aim for the back will tear them to pieces, even if it means getting hurt.

The guys surrounding him from all sides cut him off with one swing of his sword.

The only fighting method I can use is this simple method. It was a method of simply swinging the sword, giving the flesh and taking the bones of those who came in contact, applying counters to their bodies and neutralizing them.

No matter how absurd the future information may be, and even if the colleagues who will become allies are capable – in the end, if you are left alone, the only thing you can do is fight like this.


A throbbing abdomen, a tingling back, a left arm that wasn’t working properly, and a palm that was still dripping with blood.

The pain from the ever-increasing number of wounds threatens to eat away at my mind, but I try to hold on to my spirit by taking deep breaths.

The corpses of enemies increase in proportion to the wounds. Because I knew that the more the number of people I had cut down so far, the more likely I was to survive.


-However, the number of enemies did not decrease.

To be precise, it should be said that although they have decreased, more of them are appearing.

“-You’re f*cking weak.”

If it were another villain, or even a hero.

If they are in a position to kill enemies with their abilities, they probably have at least one cool skill, but I don’t have anything like that.

I would be very comfortable if I could unleash powerful techniques at once like everyone else and tear them apart, but I just tighten my grip, take a deep breath, and watch the enemy’s movements.


“It’s noisy.”

A monster in the shape of a child rushes at you, but it poses no threat.

Because of his small size, he swung his sword straight at the child, whose height could not even reach the belly button.

Suddenly. Sigh!

Just as you can easily cut tofu with a sharp knife, the flesh of a small monster splatters and splits in half.

After that, the only thing that scattered was blood drops. But since my whole body is already covered in blood, I don’t feel anything special.


A sound of metal scraping erupts from the throat of a woman who was watching her.

Has he become a child? Is it an illusion that the crying sound that comes out of your mouth is like the scream of a mother who has lost her child?

-Do you really think it’s an illusion?

Well, it doesn’t mean much.

It would be an illusion. How on earth do those who have lost their senses in the first place, those who have been consumed by dreams, recognize their own children?

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Furthermore, not only is it not clear that they are in a parent-child relationship, but even if that were the case, there is no way to help them, and even if there was a way, what would happen?

There is no need to worry about the NPC’s circumstances. Only those who are important to me are important.

Didn’t you regret it? That time, when I saved a young child and lost my leg, I decided to never move for someone else again.

Didn’t you make an oath? I will never lose those who welcomed me with warm eyes for the first time.

Have you made a decision? Even if you move for the sake of others, you end up not caring about the bastards who were offended by the fact that they hurt others.

Didn’t you make a promise? After killing the villain in the second chapter, he runs away, saying that he will do everything for the sake of those on his side, even if it means killing others.

– Aside from that, your eyes are shaking?

That can’t be possible.

For some reason, my teeth were breaking, so I gritted them and swung my sword while remembering my last promise.

It is more important to eliminate the increasing number of monsters in front of us than to worry about such things.


After coughing and spitting out a bursting dark red lump, I glared straight ahead.

The number of ordinary guys is countless, but through the blurry vision, several people wearing costumes can be seen.

A female figure holding a whip that oozes electricity and trying to swing it, a guy with one arm grotesquely transformed, a huge guy whose ground shakes every time he walks forward, etc.

“If you’re a hero, don’t you think you have to do your part?”

As soon as I saw the many heroes, my true feelings came out from deep inside, but my body had already made a quick decision a long time ago.

When the guy approaching from the front swung his whip, his two legs, moving instinctively, kicked the ground.

Paaang! Patsutsutsu-

The whip fell right where I was, and the sparks flying from the whip tried to destroy everything around it, but the body that had already jumped forward had long since finished preparing to swing the sword right in front of the guy.


With just one swing, the neck falls so easily that it feels like nothing.

The guy with a smiling mouth but tears flowing from his eyes separated his head from his body without even closing his eyes, but I turned my gaze away from him and immediately moved on to the next guy.




Miscellaneous mobs rush in from the front and sides as if to block the way, but they just cut them down. There are no more guys blocking the way, and before you know it, the woman you were targeting is just waving her arms and roaring.

Quad Deuk-

A sound so terrible that it gives you goosebumps rings out.

A huge hand stained dark red grabs my right arm and tries to crush it, but-


“I’m sorry.”

The right arm is a prosthetic arm. Because it was made so strong out of fear that it would break, its attacks end in vain.

Was it his instinct to step back and remove the strange hand that was cracked and bleeding?

But he had already moved after the guy and stretched out his hand forward, and since his fingers touched the guy’s head, it was the end.



Leaving behind the guy who died with a strange sound, he cuts down the guy running to the side and then moves back.

That guy’s arms look pretty strong too. He tried to cut it down, but it only cracked.

When I glanced at him, his prosthetic arm was slightly dented, so it was clear that he was a strong enough guy.

“Now one guy.”

For the first time, I feel fortunate that my right arm is prosthetic, and I step forward.

Two talented people are dead, and only one remains. The target is a giant whose entire body has become gigantic.

Thump. Thud. Thud!


I don’t remember the name. Is the ability a physical enhancement? It may be that he has simply grown in size, but the speed at which he runs is faster than expected.

Every time he steps forward, the concrete-paved ground breaks and shakes as if an earthquake has occurred, and when he screams, it feels like his ears are going to explode – but that’s all.

As soon as the guy raised his foot to see if he was trying to trample, the vision became dark due to the shadows even though it was broad daylight.

It would be normal for ordinary people to freeze when something huge is trying to trample on them, but-

“No matter how big you are-“

Unfortunately, not only am I far from normal, I am not even a normal person.

“Just cut it down and that’s it.”


When you swing the sword twice, your dark vision instantly becomes brighter.

From the sole of the foot to the top of the foot, from the heel to the ankle. When the right foot, which was fine, split and became separated from the body,


The body of the person in pain loses its balance, leans forward, and falls towards the ground.

When that huge body hits the ground, the guys behind it are naturally crushed to death. Isn’t it killing two birds with one stone since you can take out that guy and the others at once?

I tried to get out of the range, turn my gaze back to understand the situation, and then run forward to put an end to it-

“Ahh… ahhh…”

I froze as I stared at the scene.

-I told you, right?


Right below the fallen giant.

A dead child. The woman fell to her knees and sobbed as she held the remains in her arms.

-It’s not an illusion? You may not know this, but parents’ bond is stronger than you think.

The sight that I had passed over without even paying attention to, ended up being captured in my own eyes.

Should I say that I ended up seeing something like this that I shouldn’t have seen?


No, that can’t be possible.


A feeling that sends shivers down my spine. When the giant finally fell and exploded, he turned his back and immediately swung his sword –


“Hmm. This.”

“Just as you read all my memories and know everything.”

Her purple sword bounced off my sword, and the woman holding the sword laughed as if she was in trouble.

“I know full well what your abilities are!”

“Appealing to politics doesn’t work either. By the way… Should I say this is because I have strong mental strength, or on the other hand, should I say that I made a mistake because I was crazy?”

Those who have already been consumed by the dream can never move of their own accord. Even if it is the head of the evil brigade or Judgment, that fact does not change.

Didn’t you already know that? Of course, I was a little shaken.

…You might need to be a little more calm.

If you don’t do that, you’ll just get eaten by that b*tch standing in front of you right now.

“The build-up was good, but it turned out to be unfortunate? “You f*cking b*tch.”

“It’s not like the relationship between parents and children. There is no guilt in killing ordinary citizens. Even if they mention a hero, they just kill him – it’s really twisted, isn’t it? Or did you lose your mind because you couldn’t live in this world without going crazy?”

A woman wearing a nun’s uniform and sighing, the villain Dream Eater.

If they had taken advantage of the opportunity and tried to kill him after showing him that scene, it would have been very unfortunate.

After laughing at her like that, he rushed at her, swinging her sword as she was, at her, which was full of empty space, but-

“Well, it’s okay anyway. “If I had known this would happen, I would have used it sooner.”


At that moment, a boy appeared in front of her, and I had no choice but to stop.

“Hmm. “At first, I thought everything would fail if it weren’t for that b*tch, but that’s not true, is it?”


Is it because the lumps of dirt rising from the ground held onto the prosthetic hand and the entire body in the form of a hand?

No, that’s not it. With this level of ability, I was able to cut it down.


“Phew. “Isn’t this ridiculous?”

Of course, this very familiar ability. And that familiar boy’s face-

“Why? “Did you think your friends wouldn’t be eaten by the dream?”

He was one of the people I tried so hard to protect and the only one who was on my side.

Taehwi Lee. The guy who used to compete for first and second place in every class, but would now come in last place every day in the class I wasn’t in. But still, he was always so innocent.

Tears are flowing from my eyes, but my mouth is smiling.

There are roots and stems left on the head, but there are no roses shining purple.

He died. They are being controlled by death. Just like the other guys, it is nothing more than a moving corpse.

“Or are you embarrassed because the guy who was fine in the game’s story dies this time?”

The guy who would never have died in this story died because the story was twisted.

“What’s wrong?”

It’s the same as the other monsters lying down over there. This guy is already dead. All you have to do is cut down its abilities and rush in to kill it.

But. I know it in my head, but my body doesn’t listen.

“This guy and we are just NPCs in the game? “Are you stopping me because I’m your friend?”

Even if Tae-hwi, who came right in front, was used as a shield, Dream Eater, who followed behind him, was holding his sword-


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“-Selfish bastard.”

… Even if she uses Taehwi and me as skewers and stabs her sword.

“After all, I have no choice but to step forward.”

Even though my vision, which was already blurry, gradually became darker, I couldn’t even lift a finger.

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