There was something wrong with my past life

Chapter 216 Don’t ask, I loved you

Because they were separated from Long Liuxi and the sword master, Ning Ye and others, who could not find a way to go back for the time being, also relaxed their mentality and simply regarded this trip as a trip to enjoy the mountains and rivers and witness the scenery of other worlds. .

As if simply eating barbecue was not enough, Chu Ran took out dozens of bottles of fine wine from the storage ring and let everyone chat while eating.

Fortunately, these four people are all practitioners, and they have excellent food and drink capacity. Otherwise, they would have been exhausted by eating this way.

The moonlight shone down like a veil, and the few people sitting outside enjoying the breeze had already made up their minds to spend the night here. After all, a group of slovenly rough guys live together in the military camp. The smell of sweat, foot odor, teeth grinding, snoring and farting. These various smells that are comparable to biological and chemical weapons are mixed together. They have exceeded the upper limit of what the sense of smell can tolerate, and they have entered. On top of the touch - in short, it's too harsh on the eyes.

"Ning Ye, hey hey hey... burp!"

Chu Ran held the wine jar and drank all the wine in it. Then he threw the wine jar away and stood up with blurred eyes. He staggered through the empty wine jars at his feet and came to Ning Ye. Beside him, he was burping with wine while resting on his shoulder.

The dozens of jars of fine wine that were brought out earlier have been drunk by the three brothers, and now it is the second round.

Although their drinking capacity increased greatly after practicing, they adhered to the principle of not wasting wine, so no one used the true energy in their bodies to relieve the hangover.

Now in the field, apart from Dongfang Qingyue, who had been sitting quietly aside, the other three people were already so drunk that they couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north.

The most obvious one is Chu Ran. He originally talked a lot, but now he talks even more after being drunk. First he pulled his third brother Nangong Ritian, and the two of them chatted arm in arm for half an hour. Now he started to look for someone. Ning Ye had a heart-to-heart talk.

Perhaps it was due to his physical condition. Even though he drank a lot of wine, Ning Ye was still quite sober compared to the other two cheaters who were so drunk that they seemed to be on the street in the next second.

"Chu Ran, you drank too much, how about... take a good rest first?"

Because she was so familiar with Chu Ran, Ning Ye didn't think there was anything wrong with Chu Ran's shameless burping of alcoholic beverages on her shoulder. After all, the two of them had done this often when they were in school, and they were truly good friends. .

"Don't sleep! Ning Ye... hiccup, there is a question that I have been holding back in my heart and want to ask you. For the sake of our brothers for many years, you must answer me truthfully!" Chu Ran, who was already drunk, hooked up with Ning Ye. shoulder, and said seriously.'s just that this atmosphere and words make me feel gay.

"Loved it!"

Nangong Ritian, who was on the side, interrupted directly before Chu Ran could ask, and replied instead of Ning Ye.

It can only be said that the young master of the Nangong family, Ritian, is a real joker. He reads a lot of jokes online and is a seasoned joker. After all, everyone in the world is the same family.

Hearing the words "I loved you", Dongfang Qingyue also turned her eyes and looked at Ning Ye and Chu Ran, who were leaning on each other in an intimate manner. Her eyes suddenly became unnatural.

After all, she is so simple and easy to deceive, and rarely comes into contact with new things such as popular jokes online, so she really believes it.

But the next second, when Chu Ran asked the question, she was stunned and no longer had the intention to think about the intimate relationship between Ning Ye and Chu Ran.

"Ning Ye...Hiccup, tell me honestly, in your heart...Hiccup, what do you think of Miss Qingyue?"

Ning Ye was also stunned. She really never thought that Chu Ran, a scammer, would ask such a pointed question in front of the person involved. Sure enough, fake wine can harm people!

"Loved it!"

Nangong Ritian, Dongfang Qingyue's fiancé, once again intervened to answer for Ning Ye.

To be able to be so willing to be surrounded by green grass and catch sheep with the green prairie above your head can be said to be a rare and unique person in the history.

"Chu Ran, you drank too much and started talking nonsense. It's better to lie down and take a rest."

Ning Ye avoided answering this question and began to change the subject in an attempt to get through.

"In your heart, are you still thinking about Jiang Jingyi? Are you afraid to face your heart and fall in love with a new girl because you feel that if you do so, it will be a betrayal of her?"

When talking about these words, Chu Ran didn't even belch.

Although he was drunk, his analysis was very reasonable and convincing based on his understanding of Ning Ye that he had accumulated over the years.

In normal times, Chu Ran would never bring up this topic, and he would never touch the forbidden area in the heart of a good gay friend by mentioning the name "Jiang Jingyi". Because he had witnessed the relationship between the two and knew Ning Ye's temperament, he knew very well that for Ning Ye, this name was like an unhealed wound in the softest corner of his heart. Every time he mentioned it, he would bleed and ache. Heartfelt.

Tonight, the reason why this taboo topic was brought up was partly because Chu Ran was drunk, but on the other hand, it was also because Ning Ye was drunk as well.

As the saying goes, telling the truth after drinking, most of the time, it is easier than usual for drunk people to take off their protective colors and disguises and face their own hearts.

Therefore, everything is actually Chu Ran's bottomless routine.

The reason why he brought out so many jars of fine wine was because he wanted to take this opportunity to get Ning Ye drunk, and then tell his true story in front of Dongfang Qingyue. Then he would not be able to deny it even if he wanted to.

After all, in a relationship, one party must take the initiative. If both parties are always timid and hide their feelings without saying or showing them, then they will really miss each other to a large extent and regret it for life.

However, despite all his calculations, Chu Ran missed one thing, which was Ning Ye's abnormal physique and his drinking capacity which was as terrible as his food intake.

Although Chu Ran and Nangong Ritian, two people with ulterior motives, had been pouring wine on Ning Ye for various reasons before, in the face of absolute strength, all the conspiracies and tricks failed. Instead, it was these two people who took the lead. I couldn't hold it any longer and got drunk.

Of course, even though he was not completely drunk and lost his mind, Ning Ye's thoughts were still a little wandering after drinking so much wine.

When Zi Churan heard the name that she had hidden deep in her heart and couldn't bear to touch, Ning Ye's heartbeat suddenly stopped for a few seconds, and then all the emotions that had been accumulated in her heart burst out and flooded her heart.

In his drunken eyes, he looked up at the bright stars above his head, and seemed to see the familiar figure engraved in his heart again.

Reunited after a long absence, she was wearing a familiar white dress, with a warm and bright smile on her cheeks, and she softly called her name.

Just like when we first met.

Fall asleep in a pillow dream.

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