There was something wrong with my past life

Chapter 413: Willing to Win Someone’s Heart

"Come back with me, my daughter is still waiting for us at home."

Ning Ye stretched out her hand, touching Long Aojiao's head as if caressing an injured kitten, and spoke softly to comfort him.

If it were normal, he wouldn't dare to do this even if he had a hundred courages.

But now, Ning Ye could feel how confused and helpless she felt after losing her usual armor-like strength and coldness. Especially when he saw her reddish eyes and the sparkle in her eyes, he subconsciously did this.

This feeling was like that of my previous self, who had comforted her like this countless times.

Afterwards, when he reacted, he realized something was wrong with him.

After thinking about it carefully, this should be a side effect of the slow awakening in the previous life. After all, the little Liu Xi who met him thousands of years ago was an innocent and simple little luoli. He would often cry because of the smallest sad things. He often held her in his arms and stroked her little head to comfort her.

One thousand years is indeed too long. The crybaby Xiao Liuxi has grown into the cold queen she is today.

Long Aojiao, who had her head touched, seemed to feel something familiar. She stiffened her body and turned her head, looking at Ning Ye with complicated eyes.

Ning Ye, who was a little panicked by this gaze, thought that it made her even more swollen, so she quickly retracted her hands.

"I'm fine! It's just that my eyes were accidentally blurred by the wind and sand!"

She probably also found out that her appearance was seen. She explained her arrogance very seriously in a tone that did not allow for objection.

"Yeah! This sand is so disgusting!"

Ning Ye followed the good advice and nodded in agreement, then denounced these evil sands.

As for why these sands can be so magical, bewitching the defense of Lord True Dragon, who can't even hurt his body with Taoist weapons, and bewitching her eyes, only God knows such magical things.

"Let's go! Now that the matter is settled, we can go back!"

Long Aojiao, who also knew that this excuse of hers was very lame, walked forward first as she spoke, as if she could not catch up with her if she walked fast enough.


Suddenly, Long Aojiao, who was halfway there, turned to Ning Ye and asked, "Ning Ye, do you think that I am actually very selfish?"


Ning Ye's strong desire to live made her react immediately in 0.01 seconds, shaking her head in denial.

"Really? But I think it's really selfish to never share your favorite things with others!"

She paused for a moment before finally smiling and adding:

"...But no, I don't hate myself like this, because I am a selfish person! And I will continue to be so selfish in the future!"

On the other side, in the coffee shop of Jinling University.

Nangong Ritian, who was left to clean up the mess by his elder brother, quickly pulled out more than ten small suitcases from the storage ring.

Open it, and there are stacks of dazzling red banknotes inside.

"Don't panic, everyone. It was just my sister-in-law who had a little temper just now. I will accept the money as compensation for mental damages and so on. Let's just treat it as nothing happened!"

With that said, with the help of his second brother Chu Ran, everyone in the audience was given a box.

The cafe owner who saw the cafe he worked so hard to run was destroyed was originally in a state of sadness and loss, but when he saw the five small suitcases stacked in front of him the next second, he fainted.

Well, passed out with happiness.

The word "rich and willful" seems to have been specially coined for Nangong Ritian.

"The originally chaotic situation was quickly cleared up by my quick wit. When my elder brother and sister-in-law knew about it, they would definitely praise me for my ability!"

Looking at the peaceful and festive coffee shop filled with laughter and laughter, Nangong Ritian, who had too much money to spend, had a happy smile on his face.

"Girl, please wait a moment!"

Chu Ran stood up and stopped the scholar's former lover, Miss Jiang, who was about to leave with her childhood sweetheart boyfriend.

"Excuse me...what's the matter?"

Seeing this young man who was not easy to mess with, she stopped her, and she asked with some anxiety.

Just when the coffee shop almost collapsed, she already knew that these people should be awakened people with strange powers. Then she remembered some news she had read. After gaining this power, some people became lawless and wanton, so they changed their lives. She leaned into her boyfriend's arms.

"It's like this. My eldest brother wants to give you some gifts for one of his old friends."

With that said, Chu Ran took out a package of things from the storage ring and stuffed it into her arms.

After learning that this scholar was a loyal warrior who followed him in ancient times, Ning Ye, who had always been in love, also told his two brothers about it, so he got this gift.

In the gift, in addition to some elixirs that can prolong life and protect people from all kinds of diseases, there are also some protective magic weapons that can actively protect the owner.

These can mean that she and her boyfriend can live out this life peacefully and happily.

"Old friend?"

After receiving the gift, she muttered these two words, but she had no clue.

Of course she didn't know that there was a scholar who had been waiting for a thousand years just to meet her. Not long ago, that scholar was standing where she was now, leaving and reentering reincarnation with a relieved smile.

After sincerely thanking her, she and her boyfriend left the place.

At night.

The stars are shining brightly above our heads, and tonight is also the holiday for the annual reunion of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl in myths and legends.

Chu Ran, who was admiring the moon and stars with everyone in the courtyard, suddenly turned his head and asked: "Brother, how did the scholar die back then?"

"Miss Jiang's father sent someone to secretly poison her," Ning Ye replied calmly.

"Ah! Does Miss Jiang know about this?"

After hearing Chu Ran's question, Ning Ye waved her hand and let the past events of a thousand years ago turn into a screen of light and appear in front of everyone——

In the light curtain, Miss Jiang, who married into a powerful family in the capital as a wife, has become a woman and is pregnant with a son and a daughter.

This was her sixth year of marriage, and this year her husband, the son of a powerful man, also took in his twelfth concubine.

Miss Jiang's father, who also rose to the top of the capital because of her husband's support, drunkenly talked to his confidants in his study about the poisoning of the scholar. At this time, Miss Jiang was standing outside the door holding a bowl of hangover soup. .

After listening quietly, she didn't say anything and silently retreated with the sobering soup.

When she returned to her husband's house, she still looked as usual, as usual, as the wife and hostess, instructing the housekeeper to make sure the size of the house was appropriate.

But in the dead of night, she was lying alone on the bed, hugging the quilt with red eyes, and cried silently for a long time.

She would still put up a lantern on the seventh day of July every year and watch the lantern rise into the sky and disappear into the night stars, never to return.

Just like some people and things, they can never come back.

Many years later, aged and gray-haired, she breathed her last breath on the hospital bed.

According to her instructions before she died, her children and grandchildren placed a lantern in her coffin as a burial companion.

This was also the only burial object she brought into the coffin.

"Grandma really likes lanterns!"

On the day of the funeral, the little granddaughter raised her head and looked at the tombstone of Miss Jiang, her grandmother, and mumbled in confusion.

Many secrets and deep feelings are buried in the torrent of time.

Quiet, unknown, a secret.

In the courtyard, there are beautiful and exquisite lanterns rising from the hands of Long Aojiao.

The lantern slowly rose, and with the wish written on it by her own hand, disappeared into the boundless galaxy.

That wish is——

"Wish to win the heart of one person!"

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