There was something wrong with my past life

Chapter 46 Please stop showing off. If you know too much, you will be silenced.

As the leader of the Jiangcheng Taoist League branch, Master Shouji felt so panicked that he knew some great secret. He didn't sleep a wink all night.

As the sun rose, he stepped out of the room under great pressure and found that Dongfang Qingyue had gotten up at some point, or that he hadn't fallen asleep at all, and was practicing swordplay in the courtyard.

Today, she is still wearing a white mourning dress to commemorate the good old man Sun Bai who died tragically.

"Elder Dongfang, good morning!"

Although the sword-wielding elder of the Dongfang family always has a cold face and an inhumane look. However, since they were both members of the Taoist Alliance, and the other party was a sword-wielding elder with a much higher position than him, and she was injured on duty, Master Shouji still greeted her warmly with a smile.

Dongfang Qingyue stopped practicing her sword, turned around, and looked at Master Shou Ji who greeted her.

She was stunned for a while, as if she was preparing something. She took a deep breath, then raised the corners of her lips, revealing a smile that was very unlike a smile.

Seeing this strange scene, Master Shouji almost lost his breath. He thought to himself that the sword-wielding elder of the Dongfang family had taken the wrong medicine. Why was he smiling at himself inexplicably? And this smile...well, how should I put it, to be honest, it feels very stiff, inconsistent and permeating.

It's better not to smile. Facing this "smile" always made him feel panicked.

However, the old fox is an old fox. In just one ten thousandth of a second, he immediately covered up his inner thoughts perfectly. Instead, he praised sincerely: "Look at Elder Dongfang smiling so brightly and beautifully. Could it be that something good happened today?" Can’t do it?”

"Sun Bai once said that I look good when I smile, and asked me to smile as much as possible in the future." Dongfang Qingyue said matter-of-factly.


This time it was really hard to talk about something. Master Shouji was heartbroken. He had nothing to talk about.

Knowing that you and Sun Bai are Qian Chai Lie...well, Lang Qingconcubine, but the problem is, I really don't want to hear about your relationship history. Knowing too much can really kill people.

The old fox, who knew Mingzhe's principle of self-protection, was already ready to find an excuse to escape. He didn't want to get into this muddy water.

Speaking of last night, he originally wanted to discuss the matter with Dongfang Qingyue, but as soon as he walked to the house where she lived, he saw her in mourning clothes, kneeling in front of Sun Bai's tomb, crying loudly and sadly.

The scene was so touching that it scared Master Shouji to the point where he quickly rubbed oil on his feet and slipped away.

At the beginning, he was just guessing about the ambiguous relationship between Sun Bai and Dongfang Qingyue, and he was not sure yet. But when he saw this scene, he was completely convinced of his inner thoughts. This stupid Sun Bai took advantage of the talented young master of the Nangong family and gave him a green hat.

"Well... there is a saying that goes well, a girl who loves to laugh will definitely have good luck, hahaha." Master Shou Ji, whose heart was broken, replied with a dry smile.

Dongfang Qingyue nodded and said solemnly: "Being able to meet Sun Bai is the greatest luck of my life, Dongfang Qingyue. I will never forget him in this life. I will always keep his words in my heart and will work hard." of!"

Please stop showing off, I still want to live a few more years.

Faced with this declaration of love between lovers, Master Shouji felt like crying without tears.

He really couldn't figure out what was so good about Sun Bai, and where did he come from such great charisma that he could be so fascinated by the sword-wielding elder who was the rookie talent of the Dao League that he even wanted to die. Never forget.

Is this the legendary saying that women won’t love men unless they are bad?

Master Shouji found that he really couldn't understand the thoughts of young people nowadays. The generation gap was too deep.

"By the way, Elder Dongfang, because you were in seclusion to heal your wounds, there was something I didn't have time to tell you."

Master Shouji quickly changed the topic. He was greedy for life and afraid of death. He was really afraid that if he continued to talk about Sun Bai, his little heart would not be able to bear it: "The little princess of the demon clan, the true dragon master of Kunwu Holy Mountain." My daughter is now in Jiangcheng and is being closely guarded by Lord Qingsi, the left guardian of the Demon Alliance."

"Lord True Dragon's daughter?"

For some reason, Dongfang Qingyue had a vague feeling of rejection when she heard about the legendary existence on Kunwu Holy Mountain. It was clear that the two of them had never had any interaction.

Naturally, she didn't know at this time that there was a mysterious power in the world called a woman's sixth sense.

"Yes, the little princess of the demon tribe is currently living in the mansion of Chu Zhengze, the richest man in Jiangcheng. I think, Elder Dongfang, if you are free, you should pay a visit to Chu Zhengze's home in the name of the Dongfang family. "

Master Shouji deliberately mentioned Chu's father's name twice because of his good intentions and wanted to help this friend.

Because Chu's father was the richest man in Jiangcheng, and Master Shouji was the leader of the branch alliance, the two often crossed paths because of some things, and they became friends after going back and forth. Master Shouji admired Father Chu's kind attitude in dealing with people, and his character that although he was a businessman, he abided by the bottom line and did not make ill-gotten gains. He felt that this was a friend he could truly make.

But the crisis that the Chu family encountered this time was because a big figure in the Taoist League had spoken. As a small hall leader, he had no right to speak at all, and he was unable to help at all. Even his actions were restricted and he could not communicate with him. When Brother Chu came into contact, he could only stare from the sidelines.

However, the appearance of Dongfang Qingyue gave Zhenren Shouji hope. He went to find her last night just to talk about this matter.

If Dongfang Qingyue, who is the future wife of the young master of the Nangong family and is the hope of Zhongxing of the Eastern family, comes forward to help Brother Chu and say a few good words, the Chu family's catastrophe can be reduced a lot, at least it won't happen. Like now, all the wealth will be ruthlessly taken away.

As for directly asking her for help, that was impossible. After all, the favor was too great and would definitely offend some big figures in the alliance, and Master Shouji was not familiar with Dongfang Qingyue at all.

According to Master Shouji's idea, when he goes to Brother Chu's home to visit the little princess of the demon clan, Brother Chu's hospitality can satisfy Dongfang Qingyue, and then he can just say a few nice words when he returns to the alliance.

But he didn't know that in his eyes, as an extremely noble little princess of the demon clan, how happy he was living in the Chu Ran family, how good his relationship with the Chu Ran family was, and how much he was ready to go back to find the real dragon master. My mother took action to help my uncle and aunt’s family.

If we use an apt metaphor to describe it, this feeling is like using an atomic bomb capable of destroying an entire city to hit a few buzzing mosquitoes.

However, this cannot be blamed on Master Shouji's ignorance, after all, the information is too unequal.

With his status, he naturally had no right to ask about these matters. He had always thought that the reason why the little princess of the demon clan came to live in Chu's father's house was that the beautiful woman, who was the protector of the demon alliance, used some kind of magic to confuse other people's minds. After all, apart from the palace under construction, Chu's father's house was the most luxurious in the entire Jiangcheng.

In any case, this is a good thing, otherwise even if he wanted to help Chu's father, he would have no chance.

Dongfang Qingyue sheathed the Qingyue Divine Sword in her hand and said with a faint voice:

"In the past few days, I had planned to devote myself to offering incense and keeping vigil for Sun Bai, but she is the little princess of the demon clan after all. It would be disrespectful not to go. Well... then let's go and pay a brief visit in the evening. Go back quickly and you won't be delayed anyway. A few minutes."

Now Dongfang Qingyue is still immersed in grief and unable to extricate herself. She doesn't want to ask or care about anything. She only wants to hold incense and keep vigil for the selfless Sun Bai who sacrificed himself to save others.

If it weren't for the fact that the little princess of the other side's demon clan was so noble, she wouldn't want to leave Sun Bai's tomb.

Master Shouji on the side was very speechless. This sword-wielding elder was just too much. There was no need to be like this after losing his lover. There is only a few minutes left, are you ready to go for a spin on the flying sword?

The other party is the most beloved biological daughter of the real dragon Dalong, and the most respected little princess of thousands of demon clans. Even if the leader of the Tao Alliance sees her, he has to show off his face and accompany her to chat with her.

Alas, as expected, this sword-wielding elder is still too young and cannot bear the slightest emotional setback.

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