There was something wrong with my past life

Chapter 81 If life were just like the first time we met

Ning Ye has always been confused as to why Jiang Jingyi, who is recognized as the school's beauty goddess and whose outstanding suitors can fill the entire school playground, would like such an ordinary and inconspicuous herself.

It was as if he had never understood why she, who was both good in character and academic, beautiful and gentle, and dazzled like a star as soon as she arrived in the new class, ignored the classmates gathered around her and instead took the initiative to walk to his desk and smiled at her. He stretched out his palm and said that he wanted to make friends with himself.

Ning Ye's reaction at that time was completely confused. He was stunned for almost a minute. When he saw her palms that had been stretched out in front of her and her warm smile showing two pear blossom dimples, she realized that she was going to have sex with her. Shake hands with yourself.

The reason for this is that he didn't expect that she was talking to him. He thought that this new classmate, like other girls, came to make friends with Chu Ran, who was also as dazzling as a star.

Isn't there a saying that good people will always attract each other, especially the opposite sex.

After reacting, Ning Ye stood up in a panic. In her excitement, she knocked over the desk with her knees, causing the whole room to burst into laughter.

Rubbing his greasy palms against his clothes a few times due to nervousness and sweating, he carefully stretched out his hand and took hold of her white but soft palms with a red face.

Even thinking about it now, it still feels funny and full of memories.

There is a feeling of "why should we cut the candles from the west window together, but talk about the rainy night in Bashan".

That is to say, from that first meeting, that smiling face with two pear dimples was like a beam of warm sunshine shining into the darkness. In the long period of time that followed, it would always shine under the full moon. In the quiet night, he stumbled into Ning Ye's dreams countless times, rendering the dreams warm and sweet. A moment of pleasure.

Ning Ye, who originally hated going to school, started to like it very much. She hated holidays because she could only see the girl she liked during school hours.

There was a time when Chu Ran, a gay friend, wondered whether Ning Ye was out to fool around and accidentally contracted Hualiu disease, and whether his kidney function was about to fail, because every time the bell rang after class, Ning Ye would go to the toilet. One trip, on average, there are more than ten trips per day.

The real reason was that it was a lie to go to the toilet, but it was the real reason to pass by the desks and aisles and take a sneak peek at Jiang Jingyi.

It really makes people marvel at the magic of love.

From the first year of high school to the third year of high school, it lasted more than two years, more than 800 days and nights, more than 20,000 hours, and more than one million minutes...

And Ning Ye has been secretly in love for so long, and in subsequent contacts, the love is deeply rooted.

But this is probably a common problem among all lovers who fall in love. Although they show a calm and relaxed appearance on weekdays, when facing the person they really like, they will have an inferiority complex in their bones, fearing that they are not good enough or not suitable for them. Don't fuck each other.

Therefore, Ning Ye never dared to confess her love, fearing that by then the relationship would not be possible and she would worry about gains and losses.

Later, after the two became lovers, Ning Ye once asked about the confusion in her heart, why she wanted to be so good to him.

He took the initiative to make friends with himself, and sent lecture notes and antipyretics to himself when he was sick at home with a high fever. When he learned that his grades were declining, he offered to make up classes for himself alone as a supervision...

And the answer to all the questions is only one sentence——

"Because I like you."

This answer made Ning Ye's heart feel like it was stuffed with honey, extremely sweet.

"Then what attracted me to you, Jingyi, at that time? We had just become classmates, so it must have been the first time we met, right?"

"This is a secret!" Faced with this question, she smiled slyly, like a little mouse who successfully stole rice from the granary: "Actually, I have known you, Ning Ye, for a long time. That was the first time you met me. But this isn’t the first time I’ve met you.”

"Hey, that's too cunning, just tell me with kindness!" Ning Ye, who couldn't wait for the next step, felt like a cat's claws were scratching her heart.

"I tell you, of course you can, but not now."

"If not now, then when?"

"When I put on a white wedding dress and become your bride, I will definitely tell you this secret! At that time, it will be a special program at the wedding banquet. It will definitely move a large number of people to cry. You will have to keep it in your pocket when the time comes. Please prepare some extra napkins so that you don’t have to wipe your nose on your sleeves if you cry on stage!”

After hearing this sentence, no secrets or answers seemed to matter.

As long as you are by my side.

As long as I can hold your hand like this.

As long as we can live a simple life together and grow old together, that's better than anything else.


Ning Ye stopped, looked at the sad and helpless crying girl sitting on the park bench in the middle of the street, and called softly.

Ning Ye's heart almost broke when she saw the red string on her wrist whose original bright color could no longer be recognized.

The crying girl on the bench slowly raised her head when she heard the call that seemed so clear in the silence and darkness.


When she saw the person coming, a look of surprise appeared on her face. She stood up hurriedly and wanted to walk towards Ning Ye.

However, after taking only one step, she stopped. Thinking of her current situation, she was afraid that as a monster she might hurt Ning Ye again, so she stepped back.

Although she had been deceived twice by those monsters in the illusion before, Ning Ye could now confirm that the person in front of her was her lover Jiang Jingyi.

Not relying on other detection methods, but the real feeling felt in the heart, as if the heart is being torn apart, very painful and bitter.

Dongfang Qingyue had previously sent him many information books on blood awareness demonization, and Ning Ye did not dare to slack off and read them all overnight.

It is recorded there that people who have been demonized by blood consciousness will still remain awake for a period of time every day, but such awake time will gradually be eroded as time goes by. In the end, human nature will be completely swallowed up by the demonic nature, and it will become an evil demon that has no sense and only knows how to kill.

And Jiang Jingyi, who still looks normal in school, is obviously in her sober time.

But this kind of sobriety, for her who is kind-hearted, is the greatest pain, having to bear the murders she has committed alone.

Finding her lover Jiang Jingyi in this park in the middle of the street confirmed her previous idea. Ning Ye was not as happy as she expected. Instead, she felt bitter in her heart, and her eyes turned red instantly as moisture condensed in her eyes.

Previously, he had made an agreement with her to meet in this park in the middle of the street on Sunday for their first sweet date.

Later, something unexpected happened, the so-called agreement was not kept, and the said appointment was not completed.

She, now sitting here alone and crying, is waiting for herself.

Even if he knew that he had been stabbed through the chest and died, he would never come to the appointment.

"I'm really sorry. As a boyfriend, I'm so incompetent that I'm so late..."

The sadness was enough. Ning Ye tried hard to smile at her lover, but her tears blurred the world in front of her. Her smile was mixed with hot tears:

"Now, I'm here to take you home!"


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