There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 232 Strategic Fund Dividends


The strategic alliance held another strategic meeting to discuss a number of matters.

Yu Dazui from Longyao Company first reported on the progress of the "Da Qin Project".

"At present, Longyao is basically the only chip foundry company in mainland China."

Yu Dazui said: "We have won 87% of domestic chip foundry orders and 23% of foreign chip foundry orders. In addition to the 3 nanometer/2 nanometer chip foundry business, we have won 5 nanometer and above foundry markets. We have captured more than 80% of the market share, and we are working on 3-nanometer and 2-nanometer processes simultaneously. We expect to conquer 3 nanometers by the end of this year and 2 nanometers next year.”

"In addition, in terms of funding, the "Da Qin Plan" no longer needs to borrow from strategic funds. Starting next year, we will achieve a certain level of profitability and gain more market share."

"Will it be profitable next year?"

Sun Jinfu couldn't help but asked out of curiosity: "I remember the advertisement put out by Longyao Foundry was 'Except for the material cost, one chip only earns 1 yuan.' You also offer such high wages to the workers. How can you make a profit and protect your capital?" All pretty good, right?”

"Our goal next year is to manufacture 100 billion chips."

Yu Dazui began to unleash his traditional performing skills: "Longyao Foundry has nearly 300,000 employees, but even if the per capita annual salary is 300,000, we can still make a profit of 10 billion. Isn't this correct?"

"With 100 billion chips, each person can get dozens of chips on average."

Wei Ming couldn't help it anymore and asked, "Is this number too exaggerated?"

"We have entered the 5G Internet of Things era. Not only mobile phones and computers will use chips, but all household appliances and daily necessities in the future, including ordinary toothbrushes, toilets, telephone poles on the street, and trash cans... will all use chips. One hundred billion is not an exaggeration.”

Even iron pots used for cooking may have chips embedded in them to display the temperature at the bottom of the pot and link with the induction cooker to set high, low, heating time, and voice prompts for kitchen novices who don’t know how to cook, to make certain dishes. The steps of a dish turn into a smart iron pot.

"All right."

Wei Ming believes Yu Dazui's words, and this is also a good thing. At least in the "Da Qin Project", there is no need to invest too much money, and the chip foundry market is about to achieve final victory.

Yue Weiguo of Blu-ray Company then reported on the operation of "Counter-cyclical Law Investment".

"We are now 100% sure that by spending up to 500 billion, we can kill Sanxin and other companies!"

Yue Weiguo suppressed a bad smile and said to everyone: "You may not believe it when I tell you. The cost of manufacturing a memory and flash memory chip by Blu-ray Company is only half that of Sanxin Company. Their price of an 8GB DRAM memory has been reduced to 20 yuan." , the profit has been zero, but we can still earn 10 yuan from selling 20 yuan. Although we have invested more than 300 billion yuan in equipment and raw materials, our sales profit this year can exceed 8 billion yuan. "

"Even if the price of Sanxin's DRAM is reduced to 10 yuan a piece, we will still make no loss and no profit, and then watch them bleed to death... In this countercyclical war, the situation is far more optimistic than we imagined, and it is basically based on invincible position."

"Why are your costs so low?"

Now it was Yu Dazui's turn to be curious: "We all make chips, and the technical principles and manufacturing processes are similar. Why is your cost only half the price?"

"Three reasons."

Yue Weiguo explained: "The lithography efficiency of the Tyrannosaurus lithography machine we use is three times that of theirs; in addition, in terms of PCB board packaging, we have implemented printing with a 3D printer, reducing the cost of packaging by 80%; and There is a reason for Sanxin itself. They must allocate part of their profits to shareholder dividends every year. The cost of an 8GB memory is definitely less than 20, but Sanxin has to spend at least 67 yuan to distribute dividends to shareholders, so the cost is high. If it doubles, we won’t need to consider dividends for the time being.”

“Now is the period of ‘counter-cyclical investment’, does Sanxin still want to pay dividends to shareholders?”

Wang Hongsheng said incomprehensibly: "At this critical moment, instead of uniting and overcoming the difficulties together, we will continue to take profits?"

“If we don’t take a commission, wouldn’t Western capital be considered a philanthropist?”

Yu Dazui said: "80% of Sanxin Company's shares are held by foreign capital, occupying absolute controlling rights. If it were a few decades ago, the National Congress would have provided Sanxin Company with unlimited ammunition, but Western capital It is impossible to help cover up the situation. On the contrary, we have to continue to suck blood, and the profits that should be handed over cannot be less! Sanxin Company is fighting on two fronts, losing blood on both sides. It seems that the situation is far more favorable to us, right! "

He said to Yue Weiguo: "I am very interested in the 3D printer packaging technology you mentioned. I wonder if I can share it. Longyao foundry has spent a lot of energy on packaging and testing and needs to reduce costs in this area."

"No problem, you send a few technicians over to learn. This technology requires teaching and understanding."

Yue Weiguo said boldly, and he didn't mention anything about money. Packaging and testing belong to the middle and lower reaches of the industrial chain, and the profit margin is not high. Long Yao has less investment in this aspect, so it is normal that he is not very good at it.

Among the five company representatives present.

The most proud person is Sun Jinfu of Bioti Company.

His company's hit product, the Bioti Tang electric car, has sold more than 5 million units this year, taking the top spot in the domestic automobile market. It has also set off a trend in overseas markets, becoming the most popular car in the world. of a car model.

This car alone can bring at least more than 200 billion in profits to Bioti.

Including electric buses, electronic product foundry, batteries, photovoltaic panels and other industries, this year's revenue has increased by more than 30%, and profit margins have also increased significantly.

If you ignore the black hole group.

The best MVP of this year's strategic alliance must be Bioti! Longyao Company was overshadowed by its limelight.

This can be seen from the fact that the market value of Bioti has exceeded 6 trillion, and Sun Jinfu has been ranked as the richest man in China by Forbes.

However, he still handed over his hand and said very modestly: "No, I just made a little money this year. I am the richest man in vain. I am promoted by investors. I will be replaced by someone else next year. I am not interested in money. I’m not interested in the title of richest man.”

These words made everyone roll their eyes, this guy actually imitated the richest man in Ma and pretended to be cool.

After the development status of each company was reported.

The last topic was discussed.

The Strategic Fund has been established for almost a year and has attracted a total of 300 billion private investment and 300 billion official investment.

The 1% "profit dividend" promised by the strategic alliance should be honored soon.

Wei Ming's idea is to show some sincerity in the first issue of dividends and strengthen the confidence of investors, rather than just spreading random rumors on the Internet and causing several waves of investors to forcefully demand refunds, resulting in the loss of tens of billions of funds. , pulling more than 200,000 people into the blacklist, prohibiting them from purchasing again in the future.

As long as the first period of dividends is distributed, I believe that all rumormongers and doubters will shut up and let those on the blacklist who applied for refunds feel the taste of regret.

Just after some discussion.

Yu Dazui promised that Longyao Company would use 5.5 billion as strategic fund dividends to reward all investors... This is equivalent to 1% of Longyao Company's revenue and more than 5% of its profits, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

"Bioti can only spend 4.5 billion."

Sun Jinfu thought for a while and said, this accounts for about 1% of Bioti's profit this year. It's not that he doesn't want to spend more, but the company's shareholders meeting will definitely fail. He can only make a decision as much as he originally promised.

"Blu-ray Group can get 300 million." Yue Weiguo thought for a while and said.

"Modu Microelectronics can only get 10 million."

Wang Hongsheng said in a weak voice, lowering his head and feeling inferior: "My company only has so many."

"Okay! These add up to a lot, more than 10 billion."

Wei Ming nodded and said: "My Black Hole Group has invested 50 billion, which adds up to more than 60 billion, and will give priority to dividends to ordinary investors!"


All the big guys couldn't sit still, and all opened their mouths in shock.

Fifty billion.

What exactly is the Black Hole Group doing? Why can it still come up with so many pits after it has opened so many holes?

Sun Jinfu, who just felt quite good about himself, widened his eyes and murmured in disbelief: "Fifty billion, multiplied by one hundred, black hole group, black hole group..."

So scary!

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