There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 250 Angel’s Kiss

Wei Ming's figure appeared at the door.

"Brother!" Wang Xinran looked surprised.

He waved his hand and helped her untie the plastic hinges on her hands and feet.

"elder brother!"

Wang Xinran, who had regained his freedom, ran towards him, hugged the man's neck, and entangled him like an octopus, unwilling to separate.

"What is the taste?"

Wei Ming sniffed and frowned.

"I'll change into a pair of pants right away."

Wang Xinran rushed towards her room and quickly changed her clothes.

Wei Ming walked to the south-facing guest room, controlled Xiao Hei to break the door lock, and opened the door with a creak.


The driver, Wang Guoxin, was wearing only a pair of underwear. His hands and feet were tied up and hung in the air. There was tape on his mouth. When he saw Wei Ming, he immediately let out an excited whine.

"So you are locked up here."

Wei Ming did not immediately untie him, but tore off the tape on his face.

"Boss, run quickly! That woman is a devil, a man-eating devil. Her target is you, and she also wants to harm my daughter Ranran!"

Guoxin twisted and shouted crazily.

"That woman is gone."

Wei Ming held his hands and shook his head: "Old Wang, when you got married a few months ago, I gave you a red envelope and blessings. I didn't expect you to end up like this. She just used your mobile phone to call me. , It seems that you have been completely controlled by her, right? "

"Boss, I've fallen into this woman's trap."

With a look of remorse, Wang Guoxin told all the causes and consequences.

How to get to know each other is omitted.

More than half an hour later.

"You mean, she used a special drug to control you so that you had to listen to her?" Wei Ming looked at him and asked.

"Is it drugs?"

Wang Xinran, who was standing aside, said: "When I watched her injecting drugs into your body on the surveillance camera, you quickly looked like you were enjoying yourself. Dad, were you controlled by her using drugs?"

"I have no idea."

Wang Guoxin shook his head: "But that kind of thing is more terrifying than drugs! Originally I thought I could resist it and that I would not be controlled by that kind of thing, but within two days, every inch of my body seemed to be covered with countless... It feels like ants are biting me, and my bones are so itchy that I feel worse than death. I just want relief and relief... She calls that thing 'Angel's Kiss', but to me it is hell, a hell that I can't climb out of!"

"That femme fatale woman told me personally that as long as I inject an injection into your body, boss, you will always be a dog that listens to her, and there is no possibility of rebellion. But I have become her dog, as long as you are disobedient in the slightest. , she tried every means to torture me!”

He said in horror and anger: "But she shouldn't have her thoughts on Ranran! It doesn't matter if I lose my life, but I can't let Ranran get hurt in the slightest! I'll fight her at all costs!"

Then he was put down to the ground by Nakano Reika, tied up with a rope and hung up.

How could he, an ordinary middle-aged man, be a match for such a femme fatale woman?

Of course, his daughter Wang Xinran is his opponent, and he can stand up for his daughter.

But Wei Ming is obviously not the boss. Although Wei Ming gave him a high salary and good treatment, it was not to the extent that he would risk his life for the boss.

Therefore, in front of Nakano Reika, Wang Guoxin gave almost all the information about Wei Ming that should be disclosed, just in exchange for a shot of 'Angel's Kiss' before the strong withdrawal reaction came.

After listening to this.

"Dad! How many times have I told you that that woman is not a good woman at first sight, and I hope you will think about it carefully, but you just don't listen, you just want to be fascinated by her!"

Wang Xinran shook his head and was extremely disappointed: "With your income being so high, will there be a shortage of women around you? You can't even exchange it for five hundred yuan each. You can choose young and beautiful ones at will. How come you are always so confused and always blame women?" Fight?"

Is it true that people who follow the fate of a dog are doomed to die a good death?

"Daughter, I..."

Wang Guoxin had a bitter smile on his face and a bitter mouth, but found that he was speechless, because under Zeng Lingxiang's gentle offensive, he had indeed completely fallen and been captured.


Wei Ming coughed and said, "Xiao Wang, don't talk about your dad like that. Although Lao Wang is confused, he has not completely fallen... He is your dad after all."


Wang Guoxin looked at him excitedly and was about to plead for him to be untied.

However, his face suddenly turned pale, and his body was shaking violently as if he had been struck by electricity. The veins on his forehead and arms appeared like earthworms, and large beads of sweat fell like beads. His mouth and eyes were crooked, and he rolled his eyes out, and he kept mumbling: " Give me...give me..."

Everyone looked shocked.

Ding Sining and Zhong Yanran were even more frightened and took several steps back.

Withdrawal reactions.

This is the withdrawal reaction of ‘Angel’s Kiss’.

At noon.

The head of special department operations, Lin Xianfei, led several team members to the scene and disposed of the three bodies.

An on-site test was conducted on the bottles and jars in the drawer of the dressing table in the master bedroom, some residual DNA was extracted, and a number of other evidences were collected.

Lin Xianfei held an ID card in his hand, nodded and said:

"Zeng Lingxiang came to China with her parents at the age of 16. She is half Chinese. She has settled in China for nearly twenty years and obtained Chinese nationality. She previously worked as a researcher for an island pharmaceutical company for more than ten years... "

"Now I can basically confirm that she should be the number one 'greedy wolf' in the 'Seven Kills' elite group trained by the island country's special institution. She is a pharmacist by profession. She can use medicine to kill people and control others. She is far more dangerous than others. Six people, we have been tracking this group for several years, and we have paid a lot of money to capture the other six people. Only 'Greedy Wolf' has not been arrested for a long time. Unexpectedly, she has lurked here, and she is only separated from you, President Wei. one person."

Lin Xianfei sighed: "In other words, Greedy Wolf has almost succeeded. As long as Mr. Wei gets in Wang Guoxin's car, even if you sit in it again, Wang Guoxin will put a needle of 'Angel's Kiss' into you, Mr. Wei, you will basically She will be controlled by Greedy Wolf, and she will become Greedy Wolf's slave in the future. She can do whatever she wants to you, but you dare not resist. "

"Angel's it that exaggerated?"

Wei Ming asked in surprise.

Lin Xianfei nodded: "Angel's Kiss is also called 'Slave Potion'. It is a potion developed by Greedy Wolf. Its addictiveness and dependence are a hundred times that of heroin. As long as one injection is given, there is no possibility of withdrawal, and it is There is irreversible damage to the brain. Once the drug is stopped, the person will become an idiot or die in the worst case, and it is impossible to return to an ordinary person. "

"In the past two years... we have stopped suppressing Chinese... scientists, re-employed and trusted them, and even extended an olive branch and actively invited well-known Chinese scientists to visit. None of those who accepted the invitation and went returned to China. After our investigation Only then did they discover that they had all been injected with 'Angel's Kiss'. There were more than 2,000 of them, and they were all top experts and scientists, but they could only work for..."

"Even in our country, there are signs that some people are being controlled..."

Wei Ming took a deep breath.

I feel chills running down my spine and my hair standing on end.

"You mean...Old Wang is hopeless and basically useless?"

"If there is no follow-up supply of 'Angel's Kiss', it will probably be useless. In addition, this medicine is quite friendly. Except for the serious consequences of withdrawal, it does not affect normal life. It can even increase the brain's work efficiency by 20% and does not affect normal life span, because Its principle is to completely replace a certain neurotransmitter, making the brain think faster and become a smarter slave.”

"Compared with freedom, what's the use of being ten times smarter?" Wei Ming shook his head.

"Then let's take Wang Guoxin away and send him to a medical institution for treatment. Modern medicine has made rapid progress and may not be able to cure his withdrawal syndrome."

"Take it away!"

Wei Ming waved his hands irritably: "Lao Wang is trying to trick him again and again. If he can't be cured, let him be crippled!"

If the treatment fails and the disabled person becomes permanently paralyzed, he or she will have to pay someone to take care of him.

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