There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 254 Black Hole Town Opens

October 2026.

An incident involving the Black Hole Group has aroused huge heat and concern.

It also has a strong impact on society.

Tianziling, Black Hole Town is about to open for pre-sale.

There are 12,000 villas. All the more than 60,000 employees of the Black Hole Group have applied for the lottery, including those who have already been assigned a house. They expressed that they can return the original house to the company and only ask for a villa - their wish to move into Black Hole Town. Extremely strong.

But not all employees are eligible for the lottery.

There are 12,000 places, and only these employees have priority:

Employees whose contribution weight is greater than 3 will be given priority.

No house is given priority.

Priority will be given to employees who are married and agree to change houses (divorce is not allowed within ten years).

Priority will be given to those who score more than 80 points on the loyalty test (that is, the previous polygraph test score).

The more the above points are met, the higher the employee's priority and the greater the probability of qualifying for the lottery.

after relevant regulations are promulgated.

Shi Xiaoqiang feels that he has great hopes and it is entirely possible to get a lottery qualification.

But his wife Zhang Dongdong didn't quite understand. She shook her head and said, "Our house is good. We have only lived in it for more than a year. Why do we need to change it?"

She stroked her belly, which was pregnant with her second child, and said, "It's very convenient to live in the city. There are all kinds of facilities. The villas in the country are big, but they are too remote, so they are definitely not as good as the ones in the city. In addition, 50,000 square meters per square meter The price is really too high, one set costs 15 million, we can’t afford it.”

"Do you think Black Hole Town is an ordinary commercial property?"

Shi Xiaoqiang looked at her and said: "Your ideas are seriously backward. Let me tell you, now the company's President Pu, as well as the CEOs of other brother companies, not only agreed to change houses, but also put all other houses under their names up for sale. I’m thinking of a way to buy a villa in Black Hole Town, and I want to get a car in Black Hole Town… Do you know why?”

"Why?" Zhang Dongdong asked.

"The top technology, the top education, the best medical care... all configurations are top-notch, including our group's BOSS General Health, who will also live in Black Hole Town. You said its software and hardware configuration will be Bad?"

"Mr. Wei, is he also moving in?"

Zhang Dongdong's eyes lit up, and he at least let go of most of his heart, but...

The price of 50,000 yuan per square meter is too high, and it is obviously too much for a small family like theirs.

"This price is the cost price."

Shi Xiaoqiang said: "Besides, the down payment is only 20%, and the rest is allowed to be repaid with zero interest salary. But I calculated that we can probably come up with a down payment of five million, and the remaining loan will be repaid in twenty years. It won't Affect daily quality of life.”

Among them, he has 2 million in deposits.

If the house I currently live in is returned to the company, I can deduct 1 million.

Decoration costs can be deducted by 500,000.

There are 900,000 in the strategic fund (the profit dividend received this year is 13%)

In addition, by taking back the loans from each family and borrowing some money from relatives and friends, we can probably collect 600,000.

The remaining tens of millions of mortgage loans are spread over twenty years, that is, the annual loan repayment is 500,000 yuan. It seems very stressful, but it is just the number that he can get as a year-end bonus, which is equivalent to no year-end bonus.

But I can still live happily with a salary of more than 30,000 yuan.

There is no pressure.

"But your place of work is in a factory. After moving to such a remote countryside, what will you do when you go to work in the future? Should you move the factory there as well, or will you spend more than three hours on the road every day? Isn't this really inconvenient?"

Thinking of another troublesome question, Zhang Dongdong frowned and said.

"In the future, you don't have to go to the factory to work. You can just work at the 5G remote workstation in the Technology Tower."

Shi Xiaoqiang said: "There are 10,000 5G remote workstations in the Technology Tower. You can work at the workstation by controlling the robotic arm. You have a 360-degree viewing angle. You can talk to colleagues in the factory by voice, and participate in group discussions without network delays. No more than 20 milliseconds, enough to handle more than 90% of work scenarios.”

"Even a small part of the work must be done face to face. There is a Blue Whale mini electric transport machine on the roof of the Technology Tower. It can take me to the factory within five minutes and pick me up after get off work. Plus the walking time, It won’t take more than half an hour in total, which is more convenient than working in the city. ”

The Blue Whale mini transport aircraft can carry up to 50 passengers at a time.

The electric version has a range of about 300 kilometers. This parameter is not very high, but it is enough to meet the needs of commuting within a radius of 100 kilometers.

Like an airbus, it runs every five minutes during peak periods and every hour during off-peak periods. It is equipped with fast charging technology that can fully charge the battery in 10 minutes.

Although the cost of this mode of transportation is 20 times that of taking the bus or subway, the time saved is completely negligible.

“You can actually still fly to and from get off work.”

Zhang Dongdong was extremely surprised.

Going to work can be done at the 5G remote workstation in the Technology Tower, but commuting by plane is really not possible.

So here comes the question: Once this model of Black Hole Group is promoted on a large scale, what will be the reason for the high housing prices in the city?

What reason do people have to stay in urban areas with serious air pollution?

The air in a rural town is so fresh. It also completely eliminates the troubles of traffic jams, finding parking spaces, queuing, etc.

Completely explosive.

From this point of view, the conditions of Black Hole Town are indeed superior to those of the city.

No wonder everyone is rushing to get on the bus and desperately trying to qualify for the lottery.

Shi Xiaoqiang said: "Take the priority of 'husband and wife employees who agree to change houses' as an example. This has caused many male and female employees who secretly have secret relationships to announce it immediately. In the company's internal dating and social activities, the success rate of matching has increased sharply. Some of them got their marriage certificates after only a few days together! I didn’t even expect that more than 80% of the female employees in the lithography machine factory had found boyfriends who were colleagues from the Black Hole Group, and now they are in pairs every time they go to and from get off work! There are significantly more couples than singles.”

"Hey, in front of the house, love comes when it is needed. Marriage is just a matter of multiple certificates. As long as you can get in the car, everything is easy."

"Will this affect your chances of winning the lottery?"

Zhang Dongdong was anxious: "What should I do if they snatch up all the quotas? Unfortunately, I am not an employee of the Black Hole Group. If I were, I could help you."

"Don't panic, the situation is still unclear."

Shi Xiaoqiang shook his head: "'Couple employees first' is just one of the favorable conditions. In terms of contribution, my weight this year is 3.8. There are not many people higher than my value. I scored 97 points in the loyalty test, and there are not many people higher than me." There are only a few people, and even more than half of them are less than 80, which shows that many people have some problems with their outlook on life, and they are not trustworthy and trustworthy like me.”

"If the boss values ​​​​not only personal ability, but also personal quality and loyalty, the villa will probably have my way!"

October 10th.

The list of those who qualified for the lottery has been announced.

Shi Xiaoqiang, No. 11307, qualified for the opening lottery of Black Hole Town.


Shi Xiaoqiang shook his fist in the sky and said excitedly: "I knew the company would not treat me badly!"

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