There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 258 Why don’t we discuss it?

Within forty days.

Do this every other day.

Each session lasts about two hours.

A total of 20 million tons of materials were loaded into containers, then packaged and sent to the drifting orbit to Mars.

These supplies include building materials, engineering machinery, electrical equipment, communication equipment, 3D printers and printing materials, compressed air with an oxygen content of 36%, daily necessities and tools, etc.

If it were not too early, compressed food, grain and vegetable seeds, fertilizers and other materials would also be added, and a batch of live cattle, live pigs, live sheep, chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry would have to be transported by rapid transportation to solve the problem. Meat-eating problem.

But these will have to wait until the immigrants set off and are about to arrive on Mars or after they have settled there for a while, it will not be too late to send them there.

clap hands.

After finishing the first batch of supplies, Wei Ming returned home to rest.

January 11, morning.

Mingxia villa.

Back patio lounge.

"Comrade Xiao Wei, you have made such a big move recently and thrown so many scary containers. What are you planning to do?"

A kind-faced old man with white beard and hair sitting opposite said that his name is Ouyang Ziqiang, an old expert from the Aerospace Group. He is 93 years old, but he is still energetic, has a loud voice, and has a very strong body.

He was brought here by his aunt Xu Shuhua, saying that he was here to discuss something in his own name.

"Oh, I don't plan to do anything, just send some express in advance."

Wei Ming crossed his fingers, put down his legs, leaned back, and said calmly.

"Your express delivery is really amazing~ 20 million tons of supplies are more than enough to establish a colonial base. Comrade Xiaowei, you have done something we never dared to think of, but..."

Ouyang Ziqiang was excited at first, but then he changed his words and said: "Comrade Xiaowei, why don't you discuss such an important matter and just start it by yourself? The Aerospace Group obviously has richer experience and technology accumulation." ”

"Xiaowei, before doing such a big thing, you should discuss it with us first. The space agencies of other countries have been asking all kinds of questions desperately recently. We can't explain it, and we don't even understand it ourselves. The situation, Comrade Xiaowei, is not appropriate."

He shook his head slightly.

He said rather complainingly.

"It's just a small matter. Is there anything to discuss?"

Wei Ming crossed his legs again and said calmly: "Some people just haven't seen the world and make a fuss."


The old expert coughed violently and said with a red face: "Comrade Xiaowei, this is not a 'little thing'. The big thing you threw is more than the total load launched into space by mankind so far. You relied on your own strength , you have accomplished something that is equivalent to hundreds of times the capabilities of the world’s space agencies, and you have allowed mankind to enter the era of interstellar colonization at least fifty years ahead of schedule!”

"This is a big event! A big event for all mankind. Compared with this event, landing the first astronaut on the moon and stars seems like a child's play house."

"It's just a small thing here."

Wei Ming said with an attitude of 'I want what I think': "You guys really shouldn't make too much fuss and don't pay too much attention to this kind of thing."

The veteran expert was choked to death, feeling that all his achievements in life had been reduced to the dirt.

If this is all a trivial matter, what is the lunar exploration project that he led the team to complete in half his life? Not as good as playing house?

never mind.

If you worry about such details anymore, you'll be pissed off, so let's talk about business.

"Xiaowei, if you didn't send so many express packages, we wouldn't have known that you had the idea of ​​developing Mars and recruited more than 100,000 people at once. It turns out that you really wanted to engage in large-scale immigration to Mars, and you paid special attention to the ratio of men to women. It was just right. It’s 1:1... It’s a bit inappropriate for you to do this. We are not opposed to this approach, on the contrary, we strongly support it, but why not discuss it in advance?”

Ouyang Ziqiang said: "This is really no small matter! The first batch of 100,000 people, followed by 1 million, 10 million, has already affected the strategic level, and it is not something that a company can manage. You should consider It’s really inappropriate to work with the G family to give full play to each other’s strengths and do this together so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort.”

"Why is it inappropriate?"

Wei Ming looked at him and said: "I don't think there is anything inappropriate. Black Hole Group has the ability, technology, and funds to complete the 'Mars Immigration' plan, so we did it. Since we have enough strength and confidence , then why not do it?”

"What if there is a major casualty accident?"

Ouyang Ziqiang asked: "What should I do if dozens or hundreds of immigrants who went to Mars accidentally died? What responsibility should the Black Hole Group bear?"

“If everything emphasizes risk, nothing will be accomplished.”

Wei Ming shook his head and said: "Since humans have set foot in space, more than twenty astronauts have died. If those immigrants to Mars are not prepared that they may never come back, they should not apply. This is bravery." I believe you, Chief Engineer, know best about the adventures of those who take risks.”

Ouyang Ziqiang nodded.

If absolute safety is pursued, not to mention astronauts, police, firefighters and many other professions should be cancelled.

"But...Comrade Xiaowei, you should seek cooperation with us. There are many areas where we can cooperate, such as social management. Do you understand social management? Do you have talents in this field in your company? Hundreds of thousands, upwards Without social management, millions of immigrants will definitely fall into huge chaos, face various problems, and even collapse in disorder. We must pay attention to this aspect. "

"We have already considered this issue."

Wei Ming said: "I have set up a technical research and development team of 5,000 people to develop a smart city management system that uses AI to manage all aspects of a city. It can not only save costs, but also improve efficiency and handle more than 90% of the time. For social management issues, at most we can recruit a small number of legal talents.”


Ouyang Ziqiang suddenly lost his temper.

This young man is simply amazing, he actually thought of using technology to solve social management problems.

However, this method is feasible. With the development of technology, smart cities have become a reality. As long as the management system is smart and advanced enough, it can indeed handle most social management problems, thereby greatly saving manpower.

Various problems are also avoided.

As a technical expert, he supports such exploration and attempts in his heart.

So he completely lost his temper, chatted for a while, and left Mingxia Villa without eating here at noon.


A certain conference room.


"Can this thing completely replace a person's function?"

"If any virus takes control, the whole city will be in chaos. The potential risks are too great!"

"That little comrade is completely fooling around."

"It seems that it is not enough to expect others to have too high awareness. We have to rely on ourselves to draw two sets from the five sets of 'Super Suns' and use them to build large-scale immigration spaceships to immediately speed up the pace of immigration to the moon, stars and Mars! Don’t let him go too far.”

"Yes, at present, clean energy sources such as solar energy, wind power, hydropower, and nuclear fission account for 50% of the total power generation. To eliminate all thermal power, four more super suns will be enough. Fortunately, we had the foresight to ask for two more sets of materials, otherwise It will only lead to passivity.”

"Mars is very important to us, how can we allow a company to mess around..."

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