There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 287 The decadent young man Zhang Xingfeng

August is still young.

The edge of the northwest desert covered with yellow sand.

There is a training base covering an area of ​​1,000 acres.

The base is called the "Mars Survival Simulation Base" and uses the area's topography similar to the surface of Mars to carry out survival simulation training so that immigrants can adapt to the living environment of Mars in advance.

"The gravity of Mars is only 2/5 of the Blue Star, and the atmospheric pressure is 1% of the Blue Star. The average temperature during the day is minus 5 degrees, and the average temperature at night is minus 87 degrees. There is no water on any surface... If you want to To survive in such an environment, one relies on ability and courage, and the other depends on wisdom, and wisdom is far more important than strength! "

"You need to think of ways to overcome the low temperature, collect the Martian atmosphere, compress it to half the standard air pressure, fill it into a closed air bag, and use the greenhouse effect to retain more heat."

"The second step is to find water, the most important groundwater. This requires you to use simple tools to dig 100 meters, 300 meters, 500 meters or even deeper into the ground. This process will be extremely difficult, but you cannot give up easily."

"After you have water, you still need to plant crops to achieve self-sufficiency. The intensity of light on Mars is only half that of Blue Star. How to plant..."

A burly instructor stood on a slope, holding a loudspeaker in his hand and shouting to hundreds of trainees.

Bang Bang~

Bundles of shovels were thrown in front of him.

"The project we are going to carry out today is to dig a well, using a simple shovel, to dig out the groundwater under a hundred meters. You work in turns, changing a group of people every hour, and the replaced people go to the oxygen station for oxygenation. According to the regulations The program cooperates with the action.”


said the student in uniform.

"Zhang Xingfeng, you have to work, don't be in a daze."

Someone tapped me on the shoulder, and a playful voice sounded next to me.

Turning around, he saw Gu Lanlan, a member of the same team with short hair and a neutral face. He could not be said to be beautiful, but he could not be said to be ugly.

"Oh, I know."

Zhang Xingfeng bent down to pick up a shovel, came to the work site, and began to shovel the sand, but each time he only shoveled half a shovel, and the frequency was not high. His work efficiency may not be as good as that of Gu Lanlan next to him.

And he always looked like he was awake, limp, and weak. He always had his head half lowered and exuded a "sad" temperament.

The tough-guy instructor once questioned how he passed the selection and entered the first batch of advance team members with his appearance. Maybe he came in through the back door?


Zhang Xingfeng looks boring on the surface, but he came from a prestigious university and is very smart. In the past two years of training and study, he ranked first in the theoretical examination. In the multi-person team cooperation assessment, he always acted as a commander and led many times. The player won the first place in the team.

He is physically weak, but he is proficient in repairs and has obtained a special repair certificate.

Even in the training base, Zhang Xingfeng was somewhat famous, with the nickname "Decadent Genius".


As a young man who is only 24 years old, why does Zhang Xingfeng always give people a feeling of decadence and lack of energy?

Where is the vitality of his youth?

Zhang Xingfeng didn't know how to answer such questions.

Growing up, he was very smart and obedient. He was the kind of "other people's kid" who never let his parents down. But after he was admitted to college, he chose a university thousands of miles away, far away from his parents. Yes, on the day he set off to register at the university, not only did he not feel the slightest bit sad, but he felt a sense of relief.

During the four years of college, I spent most of my time in the library, reading one book after another.

He also saw that the girl he always paid attention to changed his relationship with one man after another, and went to the hospital to have multiple babies at least three times... There was no fluctuation in his eyes.

Just after graduating from college, he heard that the Black Hole Group had launched the "Mars Immigration Plan", so he signed up without much hesitation and passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye.

Another two years passed.

He felt that he had gained a lot in the past two years, but for some reason, he always felt empty in his heart.

The most fundamental reason is that he doesn't know what he wants?

He is not interested in money. He has sent all the more than 300,000 he has saved in the past two years to his parents. His biggest expense is buying books, and other expenses are very small.

When it comes to finding a partner, the training base does not object to male and female students falling in love, and will even help arrange couples to be in the same team. There were two couples in the 10-person team that Zhang Xingfeng was previously responsible for.

Fortunately, after being selected into the advance team, the group he was responsible for now only had five people and zero lovers, so he no longer had to be stuffed with dog food every day.

But let him find a partner himself? Sorry, I have no plans for this at the moment.

Dream, no.

Ideally, no.

No desire or goal.

Only during intense training breaks, sitting on the edge of the playground and looking up at the starry sky above his head, would he feel a trace of yearning and longing, and murmured: "My name has the word "star" in it, maybe I will be destined to this starry sky? "

The day's training is over.

The sky is dim.

At the edge of the desert, piles of kerosene lamp bonfires were lit.

The army hot pot is cooked in the marching pot, and the dinner starts tonight with a group of five people.

There is a reason for this design. After immigrating to Mars, five people usually live together, so they usually work, live, and eat together, and one person even has to be arranged to be the chef.

"I heard that the company's "Mars Immigration Plan" has been advanced. It was originally planned to send the first batch of people to Mars at the end of next year, but now it will be carried out at the end of this year. This is the purpose of selecting our advance team of 10,000 people. ." Team member Lin Tianshu said, putting a few chopsticks of cabbage into his bowl.

"Are we really going? How will we get there?"

Another team member, Huang Guojie, said as if he was not mentally prepared: "Speaking of the fact that we went to Mars, can we come back in the future? We won't stay on Mars forever, right?"

"I read the contract carefully, and it contains a clause: The work and life of immigrants are all arranged by the company. Those who do not comply with the arrangements will have to pay compensation equal to three times the training cost. The company's annual cost on us is 2 million, a total of more than 5 million will be spent in three years, multiplied by three times the liquidated damages. Unless you prepare 15 million, you can get out, otherwise you have to obey whatever the company wants to arrange for you. "

Female team member Zhang Ning said in analysis.

"15 million, how much money does our family have?"

Gu Lanlan put a duck head into her bowl and muttered: "Isn't this the overlord's clause? I don't want to come back to see my parents every year?"

She touched Zhang Xingfeng, who was silent on the side, with her elbow, and said, "Zhang Xingfeng, what do you think about this matter? What do you think we should do?"

"The company is not a charity."

Zhang Xingfeng said calmly: "The three-year training cost is more than five million, and the salary given to us is not a decimal. The usual food standard is 70 yuan per person per day, which is said to be similar to that of air force pilots, but so far, we What have you done for the company?”

"Our value lies in Mars. If we don't create enough value, don't even think about coming back. Work hard and think about creating more value."

After his words, everyone was silent for a while.

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