There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 354 Decisive Battle: Ghost Army

By the way, why use the outdated and rigid tactic of queuing to kill?

In the endless vast interstellar space, there are countless flexible tactics to choose from in mobile warfare and assault warfare.

How come we have gone back to the ancient times of "queuing up to be shot"?

Not only does it look rigid, but it's also incredibly silly and hard to understand.

In fact, this is normal and completely understandable.

Because if you want to have a decisive battle and decide the winner as soon as possible, both sides can only open up their positions, give up flexible tactics, and fight face to face with firepower and consumption. Only in this way can the winner be determined quickly.

It’s not that sports warfare cannot be fought.

Moreover, the Titan beast-class equipped with dark energy balls has a maximum sailing speed that can exceed the speed of light.

The "Hell-class" main battleship of the Maka civilization also has the ability to sail at super-light speeds and can maintain it for a period of time.

But except for black holes.

After entering the super-light speed state.

Any warship will lose its ability to attack, or the difficulty of attack will increase sharply. It will encounter problems such as "cannot see", "cannot aim accurately", "cannot hit out", etc., making it difficult to effectively kill the opponent.

Unless it drops below the speed of light, it can exert its normal combat effectiveness.

And the specific means of attack.

Conventional weapons that are more powerful include antimatter bombs (star bombs), gravity torpedoes, gamma ray bursts, high-energy particle cannons, and a few others.

The rest are trump cards in nature.

Such as the Dark Neutron Battle Star of Maka Civilization.

Ordinary Neutron Star of the Anti-Card Alliance.


So far, there is no one that is powerful enough to destroy millions of warships in an instant.

This is also true for the Maca civilization.

Lining up to be shot has become a tacit choice for both camps.

The Maca civilization has a clear numerical advantage.

The anti-card alliance has a quality advantage.

Whether quantity or quality is king depends on the outcome of today's battle.

Arrangement of troops in formation, reasonable planning of spacing, and corresponding arrangement of troops... Various challenges and arrangements are all optimized solutions obtained through countless simulation calculations using supercomputers.

Finally, the plan is laid out and loaded into the intelligent control system of each starship, so that each starship automatically obeys the tactical arrangements and avoids escaping from the battle.

Ensure that every ounce of power can be mobilized to maximize combat effectiveness.

After a series of instructions are issued.

In the infinite empty space of the universe.

The starships of both camps began to move. The rows of battleships advanced like a wall; each square formation remained unchanged and followed the program like a machine.

Pulled in to a distance of less than 1 light minute.

Boom boom boom!


The anti-card alliance took the lead and launched the attack.

An unimaginable number of gravity torpedoes rushed towards the Macca fleet on the opposite side at extremely fast speeds.

Boom boom boom!

Behind the anti-card alliance fleet, thousands of bright beams of light lit up, thick and bright, heading straight towards the opposite side at the speed of light.

Gamma ray burst!

Using the neutron star + gravity constraint aiming method, the gamma ray burst emitted not only contains infinite energy and is highly destructive, but also has a huge advantage, that is, the attack range is large.

The coverage radius is at least 10,000 kilometers, which can cover hundreds of Makkan warships. Unless full preparations are made and the shield is turned on at all times, they will be severely damaged.

By the way, can the shield be turned on for a long time?

Doesn't it cost energy to activate the shield?

The laws of physics cannot be violated!

The reason why the shield is powerful is based on the huge energy consumption.

The upper limit of the shield's protective capability is the upper limit of the power of the starship's power system.

Once the consumption rate of the shield exceeds the replenishment rate, it is only a matter of time before the shield is broken.

So in the final analysis, what we fight for is consumption!

In addition, the attack method of neutron star + gravity constraint targeting is named "neutron cannon".

Therefore, the anti-card alliance's first wave of attacks is gravity torpedoes and neutron cannons.

The neutron cannon can be fired continuously, and the attack range covers a very wide range. It is like thousands of giant light pillars, which are constantly irradiating and sweeping. It is endless and inexhaustible. After all, it only needs to be thrown on the surface of the neutron star. Just throw in regular stuff.

Boom boom boom~

Endless bright and dazzling firelight shines.

The gravity torpedo exploded, and violently changing space-time ripples spread. Under the influence of the gravitational waves, the microscopic structures of all targets that were close to each other were damaged, high-precision chips malfunctioned, and countless tiny scars were found all over the starship. at.

Even a shield cannot completely eliminate the destructive effect of gravitational waves' space-time ripples.

A large number of Maca battleships suffered certain internal injuries.

Although the neutron cannon attack that followed looked very gorgeous, the destructive power it caused was very small. It was all blocked by the shield. It only wore a few points of durability. If you want to use up the shield and polish it, then It's quite a long process.

"Star Bomb, launch!"

"High-energy particle cannon, fire!"

There was almost no pause, and the anti-card fleet continued to launch the second wave of attacks!

The ultimate nuclear bomb - a star-blasting bomb whose warhead is loaded with matter and antimatter, is launched, and once it explodes! Instantly generating a high temperature of hundreds of billions of degrees, releasing countless energy and violence.

The destructive power cannot be underestimated.

But at this time, the Macca fleet also launched a counterattack.

A large number of anti-missile missiles were launched, intercepting and destroying a considerable number of starburst bombs.

Then they also launched gravity torpedoes and high-energy particle cannons. Due to their numerical advantage, the firepower poured out was also obviously dominant.

even so!

The Anti-Card Alliance fleet was still defended, all of them were defended!

The shield was shaved off a large layer, but it did not collapse and was restored at an extremely fast speed.

What about the Maca fleet?

Although the average firepower it bears is less than half, the durability of the shield is consumed much faster, and it may even be difficult to make ends meet, and the shield is on the verge of being broken.


The first Hell-class battleship was blasted into pieces by concentrated fire.

Then the second ship, the third ship...

The battle of attrition faced Todoroki lasted for 72 hours.

The barrel of the high-energy particle cannon was red and overheated seriously.

The shields burst like soap bubbles one after another, then were destroyed in concentrated fire.

On the Anti-Card Alliance side, except for a few people in charge of intelligent life who could remain calm, the others were shouting and excited.

"We win, we win for sure!"

"More than 3 million Macca warships were destroyed, and our losses were only 10. The battle loss ratio was 300,000 to 1."

"The dark energy ball power system allows us to establish a huge advantage in a war of attrition. The Makka warships cannot be our opponent!"

"Continue to focus our fire! Attack weak areas and devise a plan to pursue the remaining enemies in advance. We will definitely win!"

"Hahaha, kill all those bastards from Maka Civilization!"

Boom boom boom!

The firepower of the anti-card alliance has hardly waned.

The neutron cannon also invested more conventional materials and released more violent and thick gamma ray bursts. Under the guidance of the gravity constraint aiming device, it harvested the Maca battleships in pieces, causing continuous destruction and damage. Quite eye-catching.

Three million ships.

Four million ships.

The battle loss rate of Macca's fleet was nearly half.

The anti-card fleet only lost hundreds of warships, which was only a fraction of the opponent's losses. It was almost negligible. Only a very small number were killed accidentally.

And as we get to the back, the tactical coordination becomes more tacit, and the combat effectiveness becomes stronger and stronger. The joy of winning and optimism have infected every member of the anti-card alliance.


As a veteran overlord, how could the Maka civilization be so vulnerable?

Seeing that they were obviously at a disadvantage, nearly half of them were lost, which was far beyond the expectations of the commander of the Macca fleet, but he quickly took countermeasures.

The first trump card was played.

Chrono Mecha Warrior!

A total of tens of millions of space-time warriors were dispatched, and after rushing into the middle of the Anti-Card Alliance fleet at extremely fast speeds, they then teleported a large number of powerful weapons.

Sneaking into the interior and rear of the anti-card alliance fleet, specifically attacking weak parts such as the tail engine port, and even taking advantage of its small size, it rushed into the interior of the battleship, killing and destroying it wantonly, causing great damage immediately.

Boom boom~

Even several Titan-class battleships suffered internal explosions one after another. Except for a small number of crew members on the ship who escaped in time, most of them returned to the universe.

"Destroy those uninvited guests! Space mechas attack, destroy those flies quickly!"

Billions of space mechas were dispatched.

Chasing and intercepting the space warriors sent by the Maka civilization, they fired and attacked violently to clear out these hateful flies.

But the Chrono Mecha Warrior is an elite ace that the Maca civilization has cultivated for many years!

Scarce in number, expensive to cultivate, and rich in combat experience, each one is an unimaginable killing machine.

Ordinary space mechas will be cut off from melons and vegetables when faced with the space warriors of the Maka civilization.

Many powerful space warriors are terrifying "single-man ship slayers". As long as they are picked up, they can find fatal loopholes that can be used as a breakthrough.

Bang bang bang bang!

Under the attack of the Super Dimension Warrior.

The number of battleships lost by the Anti-Kaji Alliance fleet soon exceeded a thousand, and the battle losses were still increasing.

Even a mother ship was infiltrated by space warriors, and the brutal massacres taking place inside were horrifying.

"The Celestial Mecha Team is dispatched!"

Flagship Conqueror.

Inside the bridge command hall.

The sudden deterioration of the battlefield situation made Wei Ming very angry and dissatisfied.

"Team God, make sure to wipe out all those annoying flies!"


The Tenjin Sentai attack.

This is a trump card-level force that Wei Ming ordered the military department to invest a large amount of resources in cultivating.

The total number is only 10,000.

Equipped with the most advanced and elite mecha equipment.

Extremely high elimination rate in personnel selection.

In particular, the Celestial Mecha, which was built with a large amount of resources, is embedded with a football-sized dark energy ball as a power system - equivalent to the energy of an entire blue star.

Not only can it easily break the speed of light.

In terms of acceleration overload, it can withstand an overload of up to 100,000 G, and its maneuverability is unimaginable.

Coupled with the already very mature "time and space teleportation technology", ammunition can be consumed and replenished at any time. It can be called "infinite ammunition" and "endless armament", and the combat continuity can be called unlimited.

And although the number of the Tenshin Team is only 10,000, it is only one-thousandth of the Super Dimension Team, so they are at a serious numerical disadvantage.

But after the Tianshen team invested.

The situation immediately reversed.

The Super Dimension Team was wiped out like a massacre. Facing the Celestial Mecha, they were almost helpless to fight back.

They are often killed in one encounter. Very few can survive three to five rounds, and very few can survive ten rounds. Most of the time warriors are killed instantly.

How could it be so vulnerable?


In the final analysis, it is because of mobility.

All martial arts in the world are invincible, except speed!

The overload of 100,000 G means that it can make countless incredible movements in an instant, and even dodge energy-based attacks by intuition. When faced with oncoming fighting attacks, it can instantly respond to dozens of counterattacks.

Boom boom boom~


The Super Dimension Team encountered a highly efficient massacre.

About an hour later.

The raging Super Dimension Team, which once terrified some civilizations, has basically become history, with more than 90% casualties and only a few remaining hiding in Tibet, or fleeing in a hurry after receiving the order to retreat, with no fighting spirit. , just to save his life.

And some of the Celestial Warriors chased the remaining members of the Super Dimension Team and chased them into the fleet of Maka Fleet.

Look at those time-space warriors running frantically for their lives. They are all running faster than rabbits. It is difficult to catch up in a short time.


The warriors of the gods set their target of attack on the big man - the Maka battleship.

The huge engine nozzle also entered through the weak point of the tail, and then carried out crazy killing and destruction inside the Maca battleship.

Later, I even thought of the most efficient way, which is to have the arsenal send a conventional nuclear bomb with a yield of 10 million tons and detonate it inside the Maka battleship.


Space fireworks explode.

One after another.

The Maka fleet, which had finally gained a foothold and had a chance to breathe, seemed to have been squeezed by the last straw, and the situation began to collapse.

The number of battleships lost by Macca's fleet began to increase avalanchely again.

More than 6 million ships were lost.

7 million ships.

8 million ships!

The remaining effective force is less than 20%.

The situation is completely in favor of the anti-card alliance. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that victory is only a matter of time.


How could the Macca give up so easily.

In order to save the defeat, they frantically played their second trump card and pushed thousands of dark neutron stars out from behind. Then, the blue light on the surface lit up, as if there was some kind of activated command.

And then.

After those thousands of dark neutron stars light up.

There began to be countless light blue, translucent objects, and a large number of them escaped from the surface. They were moving at extremely fast speeds, and they were light and fluffy. I don't know what they could be used for.

Then the number increased and turned into groups of blue storms.

Several Titan-class battleships located in the front were accidentally involved in the blue storm. In just a few seconds, they fell into a silent state and lost all life activities.

The shield and the high-strength metal hull shell cannot stop the penetration of light blue objects, making it like entering an uninhabited land.

Any intelligent life that is accidentally touched will be frozen to more than 100 degrees below zero and lose its life instantly.

"Oh my god, ghost storm! After killing countless lives, they created a ghost army!"

A Maka expert couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is the devil, the most terrifying devil in the universe. If not stopped in time, we will all be completely engulfed!"

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