There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 128 Peak of Marrow Training

When the marrow training reached Lu Hu's level, he had already begun to grind it up bit by bit, and the effect of the medicinal bath was not as immediate as before.

Barry is only half of 90.

A person who has walked a hundred miles will be considered halfway there when he reaches ninety miles.

Lu Hu was walking the last ten miles now and couldn't be impatient.

It's just that the progress of this breath-taking magical power, after such a long period of accumulation, has only reached 47%.

His luck has accumulated to the level of seventy-seven.

It’s frustrating to have so much luck in your hands and not be able to spend it.

"Could this luck be able to enhance magical powers?"

Lu Hu thought to himself, wondering if there were any other ways to spend his luck.

He fiddled with the light curtain in his mind for a long time, but it was still the same without any new discoveries.

As agreed, Lu Hu took out the custom-made leather sheath on the night of the second day.

At that time, the owner only took a cursory glance. The leather sheath was indeed very close to the dagger, which shows the depth of his skill.

The following days were spent practicing martial arts calmly and regularly.

As for Pei Yuan, he has not been able to meet him in the past few days.

If Lu Hu hadn't known that Pei Yuan had not checked out, he would have thought that Pei Yuan had left Dingbeicheng.

Everyone has their own life. Although Lu Hu didn't know what Pei Yuan was up to when he left early and came back late every day, and sometimes stayed up all night.

But he didn't have a clear idea either.

Five days later, the medicinal materials Lu Hu carried were completely exhausted.

Finally, two new back molars appeared at the very back of the mouth.

He is only one step away from reaching the peak of thirty-six teeth.

But when he has cultivated to this level, he has already made it very clear in his mind that taking this step may be more difficult than it was when he first broke through the marrow training and practiced until now!

Moreover, the medicinal bath had basically no effect on him. During the last medicinal bath, there was no waste blood leaking out of his body.

"Isn't the effect of this medicine no longer able to penetrate deeper?"

The yellow clouds are thousands of miles away, and the snow in Dingbeicheng has not disappeared.

Lu Hu sat alone in his room with his eyes closed, feeling his body carefully.

Under his conscious urging, his heart began to beat faster, blood flowed faster throughout his body, and a rushing sound like a rushing river could be heard in his ears.

At the same time, he also had a feeling that his blood had become "thicker".

It's like water mercury flowing in your own blood vessels.

After a long time, he opened his eyes.

"Except for the head, everything else is complete!"

He frowned, "I got this prescription from Scarface in exchange for being a dog for the powerful in Anyang City. With Scarface's character and strength, it was so difficult to get it. Now I want to find it in Dingbei City." I’m afraid it’s impossible to find a better prescription than my one!

But without external force and relying solely on myself, I don’t know how long it will take to do this step! "

"Can I try that method again? Maybe my body can bear it now!"

Lu Hu thought for a moment, then sat cross-legged on the bed and started to use the Six Yang Conquering Qi Method.

That's right, he wants to try the kidney training method again!

The kidneys govern the bones, the bones generate marrow, and the brain is the sea of ​​marrow.

Lu Hu has practiced bone marrow until now, and the strength of his kidneys has become much stronger than before.

If you can withstand the intensity of the Qi Convincing Method.

Using both kidneys to reversely strengthen the bone marrow may also be a good idea.

After learning the lesson from his kidney injury last time, Lu Hu was extremely careful this time.

It introduces almost a trace of heat flow to the kidneys.

Despite this, both kidneys soon became sore, swollen and painful.

Lu Hu immediately suspended his actions.

After discontinuing the Qi-taking method, the pain in both kidneys gradually became smaller and finally disappeared, but the heat flow remained in the kidneys.

His lower back began to throb, and after a while, the heat rushed out of his kidneys, along his spine, and straight into his head. Then he felt his temples swell.

"This method really works!"

Although the heat flow was very subtle, after entering his head, Lu Hu keenly felt that his training progress had moved forward.

Lu Hu was happy to be able to detect any movement.

He had tried to stand normally before, but after standing there for two hours, he didn't notice any movement.

Compared to now, I don’t know how many times slower it is.


After Lu Hu found the method, he continued to start the Six Yang Subduing Qi method. When he felt pain, he stopped immediately. After a while, the heat flow surged up again.

In this way, he repeated the cycle tirelessly.

It wasn't until his kidneys began to hurt faster and faster that he stopped and used his magical powers to repair his body.

From then on, Lu Hu practiced marrow in the early morning and at night, and practiced other martial arts at other times.

In this way, another seven days passed.

During this period of time, Lu Hu found that the strength of his kidneys was also increasing due to the repair of marrow overdraft and magical power.

As a result, more and more heat flow was injected into his kidneys, and the speed of marrow training became faster and faster.

"It's because I have supernatural powers that I can use this method of overdrafting my body. This is also a stupid way to practice viscera!"

Lu Hu sighed with emotion.

Late at night, after Lu Hu finished practicing his sword skills, he practiced the marrow step by step as usual.

After the heat flow rushed into the head, it did not slowly dissipate as usual, but the heating area continued to expand.

After a while, Lu Hu's entire head became hot, his face turned red, as if he had a high fever, and his brain seemed to be pricked by fine needles, sending waves of severe pain.

"No, is this a training problem?"

Lu Hu was a little panicked. Is there any hidden danger in using kidneys to replenish bone marrow?

As he was thinking about it, the heat gradually moved down his neck and reached his collarbone.

There was a sound of "Boom!" in the ears.

His limbs and torso were instantly on fire, and the blood and boiling hot water immediately began to boil.

Lu Hu felt like his upper body was covered in fire, causing the muscles on his face to twitch.

Under the severe pain, he could not help but clenched his teeth tightly, his cheeks bulged, and his face was ferocious!

His eyes were as big as copper bells, bloodshot eyes were covered with blood, and there were tears of blood in the corners of his eyes.

At this time, he finally knew what happened.

When you practice marrow, you will reach the peak and perfection, and you will take that step by yourself!

So even though his whole body was in terrible pain, he managed to hold it back.

After a while, a little dark red blood suddenly oozed out from the Yintang area between his frowning eyebrows.

After this blood droplet seeped out, it seemed as if a switch was turned on. Then, blood droplets seeped out one by one from both ears, noses, and temples.

When people are indoors, a plume of white gas comes out of their heads.

Under the severe pain, he felt that his gums were sore and his mouth smelled fishy.

If you could see his mouth, you would find that there were white teeth protruding from the gums at the end of the mouth.

The cusp, crown, and finally the entire tooth have grown completely.

So far, Lu Hu.

Peak training!

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