There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 20 A-020 Treasure hunting in the wild also depends on acting skills!

"Wuhu, when did Riolu learn this trick?"

In the jungle, Fang Xuan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth as he watched Riolu easily defeat the elite toucan with one move or another.

With his eyesight, of course he could tell that Riolu was using a swap venue, but who could switch venues to teleport?

This is not Arceus at all!

Is this really Riolu who has been following his elf ass to learn and practice diligently?

Even his Metagross couldn't skillfully use this skillful exchange of fields. How could a fighting elf be so proficient in super power moves?

If Riolu really had this talent, why wasn't it revealed before?

Fang Che shrugged. He did not answer his father's doubts. To be honest, he didn't know how to answer.

However, there are many precedents for elves to learn skills that they could not otherwise learn. For example, Gyarados learns to shoot fire, Pikachu learns to surf, Charizard learns water cannon...

Even Fang Xuan's Metagross has actually learned a certain skill that it is completely impossible to learn. It is precisely because of that skill that Metagross can threaten Fang Xuan's Armored Bird's ace status.

These examples have appeared many times before, so Fang Che is not worried that Riolu will be remembered at all. At most, people will envy Riolu for being able to learn such useful moves.


After dealing with the big-billed bird, Riolu ran to Fang Che very happily. There was no expression in its empty eyes, but its expression was quite excited.

Fang Che knelt down and gently stroked Riolu's head. He was also quite satisfied with Riolu's performance.

You know, Toucan is an elite elf. Even if the wild elf is completely incomparable to the elf trained by the trainer, the gap in realm is not so easy to make up for.

"Go on, there is still a lot of energy in Riolu's body that has not been used. Although the metal film cannot help it break through the elite level, its physical fitness will be greatly improved after constant fighting."

Fang Xuan snapped his fingers, and the eyes of the Metagross beside him immediately flashed with blue light. Several bottles of medicine were scattered by the Metagross on the Big-billed Bird and several powerful Spearows.

This is the secret realm of Liuli. If they are injured after being defeated, the Toucan and Spearow may lose this territory.

A large-billed bird without a territory cannot protect so many spearbirds, and there will definitely be a commotion around it.

As the owner of Liuli City, Fang Xuan naturally wants to avoid this kind of thing from happening.

After leaving the jungle, Fang Xuan asked the armored bird to take Fang Che and Riolu everywhere to challenge the powerful elves. With the armored bird guarding them, there would be no problem in running rampant in this glazed secret realm.

As for himself, he wants to investigate whether there are any criminals in the Liuli Secret Realm, and by the way, he also needs to collect some information about the Liuli Secret Realm.

After Fang Xuan left, Fang Che sat on the armored bird and passed through grasslands, lakes, small snowy mountains, coniferous forests and other places. Riolu also challenged four elite elves in just one day.

Counting the big beak at the beginning, Riolu defeated five elite elves in one day, which was completely incomprehensible to outsiders.

After all, Riolu is only a growth level.

"However, even if you defeat five elites, you still have a long way to go before you can break through!"

Beside a beautiful lake, Fang Che was preparing food for Riolu and the armored bird. The food for the armored bird was left by Fang Xuan to Fang Che. All his elves were fed by Su Ya.

This is why many trainers will find a training partner with a suitable personality and then get married together.

As the saying goes, if you want to conquer a trainer, you must first conquer his elf's stomach!

As for Riolu, he preferred the food prepared by Fang Che.

Seeing Riolu eating the food he prepared with great satisfaction, Fang Che was happy but also a little distressed. After all, he defeated five elite elves in succession today, but Riolu's remaining experience bar was... Only a tenth full!

In other words, if you want Riolu to break through to the elite level, you have to defeat at least more than forty elite elves. You must know that the elite level is not a big deal. On the periphery of this glazed secret realm, the leaders of the ordinary elves are at most Only elite level.

Yes, peripheral.

It wasn't until Fang Che looked at the map while he was resting that he realized that he was only on the periphery of the Liuli Secret Realm, which shocked him greatly.

The elves on the periphery are at the elite level. Could it be that the core of the Liuli Secret Realm is filled with gymnasiums?

However, the armored bird was instructed by Fang Xuan and could not take Fang Che into the core of the Liuli Secret Realm.

The leisurely dinner time passed quickly. Fang Che cleaned up the garbage generated by the self-heating hot pot he brought, and then he lay on the grass and looked at the colorful clouds on the horizon.

It has to be said that this kind of unspoiled natural beauty can make people feel relaxed and happy no matter how long they look at it.

"Riolu, do you want to go swimming?"

After resting for a while, Fang Che felt as if he was sweating a little. After all, even in the secret realm, time seemed to be related to the outside world.

It's a scorching hot summer outside, so the temperature inside the secret realm has also risen a lot.

According to the description of the armored bird, the previous small snow mountain should have been a medium snow mountain, but the weather was hot and it seemed to have melted a lot.


Hearing that Fang Che wanted to swim, Riolu said without hesitation that he would go down first to inquire about the situation for Fang Che.

This place is no better than a stream. There is no way to see the bottom at a glance. There is no telling if there is some powerful opponent lurking below.

Fang Che nodded. He glanced at the armored bird that was about to drink water by the lake, and then thrust a small box into Riolu's hand quite quickly.

Riolu nodded clearly.

This was something they had discussed before coming, and they wanted to use a very reasonable method to bring out the Soothing Bell.

The box with metal film that Fang Xuan gave to Fang Che before was not an ordinary gift box. It was generally used to suppress the energy of the secret treasure escaping.

Even if it is a perfect secret treasure, if it is placed in a small box, no one will notice the fluctuation of the secret treasure.

Fang Che put the Soothing Bell into a small box, and then Riolu hid it at the bottom of the lake. When the time came, it pretended to suddenly find a treasure and asked Fang Che to dive into the water, so that he could "find" it naturally. Soothing bell!

It can be said that the treasure hunt plan to "find" the Soothing Bell needs to test the acting skills of Fang Che and Riolu.

It just so happened that when Fang Che was in school, because of his special status, he was occasionally forced to perform on stage or say something inappropriate when he was a child, but his acting skills were not too bad.


A good kid who can shamelessly learn skills from Fang Che's father's elf may not have a good acting skill, but if the armored bird can't see any clues, there's absolutely no problem!



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