"So, see you tomorrow, Haili."

Quan Qianyu smiled and waved his hand towards the sea, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait a moment!"

Such a sound suddenly rang in her ears, which made Izumi Qianyu stop her movements and look at the girl in front of her with an inquiring look.

"that is…………"

Facing Quan Qianyu's gaze, Haili played with the hem of his clothes nervously.

"I heard from my mother that there is a comic exhibition in Akihabara this weekend. It felt boring to go alone, so..."

In fact, although she is a senior "otaku", Haili is not interested in the so-called comic exhibitions.

If there are no rare treasures for sale at the comic exhibition, she will usually not move out of her little nest.

Although she heard about this comic exhibition from her mother-in-law, she was not originally planning to go.

But just now, she suddenly changed her mind.

He even invited Quan Qianyu...

Haili felt extremely ashamed for a moment.

It's obviously normal to invite your friends to hang out, so why are you so shy?

She was nervously waiting for Quan Qianyu's answer.

"In other words, Haili is inviting me to go to the comic exhibition together?"

Quan Qianyu also easily understood the meaning of Haili's words.

"Personally, I'm not really interested in comics exhibitions or anything like that..."

After all, although she is not as good as Miyako and Wei'er, Izumi Qianyu is actually quite homely.

Although she has improved a lot recently, she is still just as uninterested in comic exhibitions as Haili.

In addition, her finances are not as prosperous as Haili's, and she doesn't have any spare money to buy limited edition peripherals.

This also resulted in her rarely participating in comic exhibitions.


Quan Qianyu suddenly changed the subject.

"...If it's Haili's invitation, then of course I can't refuse it!"

"When is Comic Con?"


On the other side of Haili, he felt that her words themselves were more worthy of attention than her acceptance of the invitation.

What does Quan Qianyu mean by this?


Is she special?

The girl couldn't stop feeling excited.

"Well, as for the time, it will be Saturday morning..."

After that, she told the specific time and morning.

"Well, that's it, let's make an appointment, see you tomorrow!"

Quan Qianyu didn't waste any time. After saying this, he left directly.

After all, she should have been waiting impatiently!

But this time, Haili had no intention of retaining him.

She looked at the direction Quan Qianyu left, with a slight smile on her lips, which looked a little sweet.

Qianyu agreed to her invitation, so happy! ≧?≦

It's just that I made an appointment with the boy to go out together on the weekend...

It feels like a date!

No, it’s not a date, it’s just an appointment between friends to hang out together!

Haili suppressed the strange feeling in his heart.


Her thoughts began to wander again.

By the way, if you want to fall in love, Izumi Qianyu is indeed a good candidate...

Wait, what is she thinking?

So impure!

Haili shook her head quickly before getting rid of this embarrassing thought from her mind.

Let’s think about how to arrange it when it’s time to make an appointment!

A look of anticipation flashed through Haili's beautiful blue eyes.


As soon as he left Haili's sight, Quan Qianyu directly manipulated the space to reach Qiong's home.

This kind of thing is already familiar to Izumi Qianyu in a sense.

However, as soon as he landed, Quan Qianyu noticed something was wrong.

She did not feel the breath of strangers in this house. In other words, Qiong is not at home!

However, with such heavy rain, she fell ill again...

Where can Qiong go?

Quan Qianyu couldn't help but frown.

Fortunately, she left the coordinates on Qiong in advance.

So, let her see where her lovely Qiong-chan is at this moment...

Quan Qianyu felt the coordinates of Qiong very easily. She followed the coordinates and controlled the space...

The next second, she appeared in the heavy rain.

She didn't hold an umbrella, but the rain obviously couldn't hit her body.

However, she was not in the mood to care about this at this time, because...

Chapter 286: Angry Quan Qianyu


As if aware of her arrival, the girl's tone contained a touch of relief and surprise.

However, following the sound, Quan Qianyu could not maintain his composure at all.


She exclaimed, and the next second, the girl fell into her arms and lost consciousness.

Izumi Qianyu looked at the sickly rosy girl in her arms and took her back to Kasugano House without thinking about anything.

Because of the rain, Qiong's body was already soaked.

Therefore, obviously you cannot put the wet Qiong directly on the bed.

But at this time, Quan Qianyu was obviously not in the mood to clean and change her clothes.

So, she simply used her divine power to evaporate the water from Qiong's body.

Carefully placing the porcelain-like fragile girl in his arms on the bed, Quan Qianyu had time to use his divine power to examine her body.

As the divine power deepened, the expression on Quan Qianyu's face gradually became ugly.

She reached out and touched Qiong's forehead, and found that it was indeed surprisingly hot.

It's a high fever......

Qiong originally had congenital heart disease, and she would have been able to recuperate if she could. However, the shock of her parents' death had already made her go to the emergency room once.

Now it's raining again and I have a high fever...

It can be said that Qiong's body is now riddled with holes. Even if he is sent to the emergency room immediately, the probability of survival is very slim.

However, that is for ordinary people...


Just like that, Qiong, who had fallen into coma due to high fever, suddenly murmured.

Her face was covered with sweat, and she was twisting her body uneasily, as if she was having a nightmare.

"…………do not leave Me……"

"I'm here………"

Seeing this, the look on Quan Qianyu's face softened, and a certain decision in his heart became firmer.

"Qiong, don't worry, I won't leave you!"

She held Qiong's hand and said softly.


It seemed that he really heard Quan Qianyu's words, and the uneasiness on Qiong's face gradually turned into tranquility.

"It's really going to cause trouble..."

Quan Qianyu looked at the girl and said this with a somewhat helpless tone. The divine power that had entered the body began to shine faintly.

That's right, even the best doctor would probably be hard-pressed to save Qiong now.

But.........the God of Death can!

Under the power of the gods, Qiong's body began to recover quickly.


"here it is…………"

The gentle breeze that was not like the human world blew on Qiong's body, making her already unclear mind even more confused.

She looked at the dim sunlight in front of her, looking a little confused.

It was obviously raining heavily just now, why did it suddenly clear up?

She lowered her head in confusion, and then saw the scarlet clusters of flowers.

"So beautiful..."

Qiong subconsciously murmured. This was a dream-like bouquet that would never appear in the human world and could transport the souls of the dead—such a recognition came into Qiong's mind.

However, there is a piece missing somewhere in these bouquets, which looks very unnatural.


Before Qiong had time to think deeply, the familiar voice that reassured her sounded in her mind.

"Stop sleeping, it's time to wake up!"

It's Noi!

At this time, Qiong felt a little like waking up from a dream.

That's right......

She should...

He stepped slightly harder, and in the next second, Qiong disappeared into the Santu River.


A certain red-haired god of death, who was lying on the boat fishing and sleeping, seemed to sense something and yawned and straightened up.

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