There's something wrong with these witches

Chapter 220 I also found a little man

Su Jingyi strolled to the pavilion and sat opposite the pretty widow. Looking at the depressed Mu Qingshuang in front of her, she didn't feel any surprise. Ever since she knew she had a man, the pretty widow had become like this. She was distracted every day. She thinks about men, but doesn't dare to take action.

Su Xianzi gently lifted the teapot and poured herself a cup of tea. Su Xianzi took a sip from the teacup, slowly put it down and said lightly: "Are you still thinking about a man? You have been thinking about it all day long and you don't go out, just waiting for the sky. Falling. Do you think it’s realistic?”

Who says there can’t be a man left in the world? The little man I like is the one who fell from the sky. Mu Qingshuang glanced at the sultry woman in front of her, opened her mouth, swallowed it back silently, and said softly: "Jingyi, I want to ask you something, I want to say this Are all men in the world perverts?”

Is it other men? I don't know. Anyway, my little man is simply a lustful ghost. Su Jingyi lightly pursed her lips and replied leisurely: "Not all men in this world are like this. There are also a very small number of people who sit down." A man with a stable pregnancy, why do you suddenly ask such a question?”

"It's nothing. I'm just asking out of curiosity." Mu Qingshuang flattened her mouth and secretly cursed in her heart. It seems that my little man is a little man who can sit still and sit still. Although this is a very good characteristic, but I really like him to be a little more erotic, otherwise I would have no choice but to throw myself into his arms.

Su Jingyi looked directly at her best friend, looking at her expression of sadness and helplessness, as if she was worried, and asked curiously: "What's wrong with you? You feel worried. Is there something going on in your heart?"

Mu Qingshuang came back to her senses, pursed her lips, and said softly: "What else can I do? I stay at home every day, and apart from eating, drinking, and sleeping, I just stay in a daze. It's not like you. You can still go to your little lover." In my arms, enjoying the hug of my little lover.”

Su Jingyi rolled her eyes and said angrily: "It's quite sad to hear what you said. Since you are so eager, then be a little bolder. The world is so big, there is always a man you like."

The mature and pretty widow hesitated for a moment, then hurriedly stood up, sat next to Su Jingyi, and asked cautiously: "Jingyi, you... how did you seduce your little lover?"

"We are in love with each other and we naturally come together. How can we talk about seduction?"

Su Jingyi seemed indifferent and calm, but in fact she felt slightly embarrassed. She picked up the tea cup and kept sipping the tea in the cup, trying to hide her strangeness in this way. In fact, if she thought about it carefully, she had indeed seduced him. She specially put on the most beautiful dress for him, and even put on a slightly smaller Taoist robe in order to highlight her figure in front of him.

Looking at her good sister and seeing her drinking tea frequently, Mu Qingshuang understood instantly. She raised a slight arc at the corner of her mouth, nudged her gently with her elbow, and murmured: "Okay, okay, goodbye." Stop pretending, we’ve known each other for so long, and I still don’t know you? Come on, tell me how you seduced your little lover.”


Su Jingyi blushed with embarrassment and said: "Actually, I didn't do much to seduce him. My little lover is a bit perverted and cowardly. He is the type who can't walk around when he sees a good-looking woman, so I'll just give it a try. I used some tricks to get him under control, such as wearing a slightly smaller robe to highlight my figure in front of him. "


Why didn't I think of this?

Mu Qingshuang felt a million regrets in her heart, but she didn't feel like she fell in love at first sight at that time. Thinking of this, she looked at her best friend blankly and said with a smile: "I can't tell it at ordinary times, but at the critical moment, my true nature is revealed. "

Su Jingyi glared at her and said angrily: "If you continue to tease me in a weird way, I'll leave now."

"I'm just teasing you"

Mu Qingshuang picked up the teapot, poured tea for herself and her, and said softly: "Do you and your little lover hug each other on weekdays?"


"I found that you are very strange today." Su Jingyi picked up the teacup, stared at her best friend, and said lightly: "First, he asked me how to seduce him, and then he asked me what I did with him on weekdays. "Although you liked to inquire about me before, but today I feel that you are a little different."

"It seems. It seems that you are not inquiring about me, but looking for an answer." Su Jingyi took a small sip, silently put down the teacup, and murmured, "But did I guess your thoughts correctly?"


"You guessed it right?" Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips and replied leisurely: "I told you all. It's just a casual question. Don't make random guesses."

Su Jingyi narrowed her eyes, and there was a hint of contemplation between her brows. It was obvious that she was not telling the truth, but she asked me so many strange questions. What was her purpose? Simply to satisfy curiosity? No, no. She must be looking for an answer.

AnswersAnswers about men? Could it be that she has met a man she likes?

Su Jingyi raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at her secretly from the corner of her eyes. She became more and more sure of her guess, but she couldn't mention this kind of thing directly. Given Qingshuang's temper, she would probably refuse to admit it, so she could only trick her slowly. .


"I recently got some of the best makeup powder and rouge. Do you want it?" Su Jingyi said softly.

Mu Qingshuang came back to her senses and asked softly: "It stands to reason that you need her more than me, right? If you don't dress up to look good, how can you seduce your little lover into bed?"


Su Jingyi said calmly: "I'll give it to you, he likes my plain appearance."


"Then I'll reluctantly accept it. It just happens to be a bit insufficient." Mu Qingshuang curled her lips and pretended to be reluctant.

At this time, Su Jingyi was even more convinced that the pretty widow Qingshuang had a man she liked. In the past, she never wanted other people's makeup powder and rouge because she didn't need it at all. Come on. Such abnormal behavior can only explain one situation. She wants to seduce a man, to seduce the man she likes.


"Do you think this man is weird sometimes?" Su Jingyi said lightly: "For example, my little lover, when I first met him, he was an honest man, and his words and deeds were quite like a gentleman, but when it comes to After a certain point, the fox's tail is exposed, and he is very lustful."

Mu Qingshuang suddenly became interested. The situation described by Jingyi seemed to be quite similar to her own. He is acting like a gentleman now. He was obviously drunk, which was the easiest time for him to take advantage of me. But in the end, he took my maid Called.

"How serious was your little lover back then?" Mu Qingshuang asked.

"Very serious, but all fake." Su Jingyi replied leisurely.

Prude? Is he all pretending? But it was too much of a pretense. Mu Qingshuang bit her lips and asked in a low voice: "How can we distinguish between a serious person and a fake person?"

An imperceptible smile flashed between Su Jingyi's eyebrows, and she replied calmly: "It's hard to see. If I could see it, I wouldn't have fallen to this point, sharing him with others. You Say what?"

"That's true."

Mu Qingshuang looked slightly disappointed and whispered softly: "Men are born to be good at pretending."

As soon as the words fell,

Mu Qingshuang paused for a moment and asked cautiously: "Jingyi, do you think men in this world prefer plump and graceful women, or do they prefer women who have no figure at all?"

"Everyone has their own preferences. But my little lover likes it. I like it." Su Jingyi bit her lip, with a slight blush on her cheeks: "He likes mature and plump ones."

Mu Qingshuang looked at her thoughtfully and said with a smile: "If I were a man, I would also like your type."

As soon as the words fell,

He muttered softly: "I think there is no man in this world who doesn't like plump and graceful women."


"You are old enough to be his mother. Does he have any thoughts on this?" Mu Qingshuang asked again.

Su Jingyi replied calmly: "The age gap doesn't matter. Besides, he and I are only about twenty years apart. It's not like I have never met a couple who are thousands of years apart in this world."


Thousands of years of difference?

I thought that the two hundred years difference between Lu Xun and Little Fox was incredible, but I didn’t expect that there was even a thousand years of difference.

Mu Qingshuang felt a little shocked and unbelievable, and at the same time she no longer had any age concerns in this regard.

at the same time,

Based on the information obtained, Su Jingyi roughly deduced what kind of man Mu Qingshuang liked. He was probably a gentleman who was much younger than her.

"Qingshuang." Su Jingyi carefully looked at Mu Qingshuang beside her, and said with a smile on her face, "Do you already have an answer in your heart?"


Mu Qingshuang frowned and said harshly: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Humph, you're still pretending!"

Su Jingyi said angrily: "Do you really think I'm a fool? Can't you even guess your thoughts?"

"Say it."

"What's going on?" Su Jingyi said calmly.


"I don't know what you are talking about, what do you want me to say?" Mu Qingshuang was still as tough as iron.

"You're not going to say it, are you?"


Su Jingyi said lightly: "When I go back, I will find the emperor and ask him to find another family for you and marry you there."

Mu Qingshuang was furious and stared at her angrily. However, Su Jingyi did not show any weakness and looked directly into her angry eyes without giving in at all.


Mu Qingshuang was still defeated. She lowered her head and said in a squeaky voice:

"I also found a little man."

"A handsome, charming, strong and talented little man"

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