There's something wrong with these witches

Chapter 238 Even gods can’t help this situation

Lu Xun suddenly opened half of the quilt, stared at Mu Qingshuang under his eyes in shock, and asked in horror: "Shuang'er, you...are you and Su Jingyi sisters?"

Facing her little lover's sudden surprise, Mu Qingshuang was slightly stunned at first, and then felt a chill. She couldn't help but open her arms, gently wrap them around his neck, and hug him into her chest. Asked shyly: "What's wrong? Isn't it possible?"


How could it become like this? It's over, it's over, I'm going to die now.

Lu Xun wanted to cry but had no tears. He felt like the sky was about to fall. He never expected that the world would be so small. The mature and beautiful widow was actually Su Xianzi's sister. The relationship was already complicated, but now it was even more confusing. The fight between the enchantress and Fairy Su had already made me anxious, but now I was fine. There might also be a dispute between the pretty widow and Fairy Su. How could I live in the future?

"Lu Lang?"

"Why are you trembling all over?" Mu Qingshuang frowned and looked at the little lover in her arms with confusion, especially since he seemed to have lost interest and asked curiously: "Just now you were still showing off your power. Yes, why are the eggplants wilting from the frost now?"

"I, I." Lu Xun didn't know how to explain it for a while, and said bitterly: "I'm a little surprised that you and Su Jingyi are sisters."

Mu Qingshuang smiled slightly, raised one of her jade legs, placed it on his crotch, rubbed him gently, and said sweetly: "Jingyi and I have known each other for more than twenty years, and we are like sisters. In general, she has solved many things for me. If she had not been here in the past twenty years, I am afraid that I would not be so peaceful. "

As soon as the words fell,

Mu Qingshuang stretched out her hand to touch Lu Xun's chest, feeling the strength and strength from her lover, and said leisurely: "Are you afraid of her? Are you afraid of her name? In fact, it doesn't matter that you are already my husband-in-law, so you are also hers. Brother-in-law, there is nothing to fear from her.”

I am not only her brother-in-law, I am also your brother-in-law!

Lu Xun pursed his lips, raised his head and glanced at the mature and pretty widow who was close at hand, and asked cautiously: "Shuang'er, do you move around a lot?"

"That's natural."

"She often comes to my place and chats with me for a day." Mu Qingshuang said softly: "She has been coming very frequently recently because of her."

Speaking of which,

After hesitating for a moment, he said in a low voice: "Lu Lang, you must keep the following matter a secret and don't spread it out, because this matter is a bit shocking. If outsiders know about it, it will definitely cause a lot of controversy. The sound can even make the court turbulent."

"Oh, don't worry, I'm very tight-lipped." Lu Xun nodded and replied seriously.

Mu Qingshuang rolled her eyes at him charmingly and said softly: "Jingyi. Jingyi has a man, and her lover is as old as you. When she first told me about this matter, she and I Her lover was not together yet, so every time he came to look for me, I would sigh in all kinds of ways, and I would give her all kinds of advice. Later, with my advice, she and her lover finally got together. , just like us."


He hugged Lu Xun tightly in excitement and twisted his body even more.

Compared to the pretty widow who was suddenly overflowing with emotions, Lu Xun was a little bit dumbfounded. No wonder Su Xianzi suddenly found him one day and had the slightest intention of forcing marriage. He didn't expect that it was you who was behind the plan.


"Later, she also gave me advice." Mu Qingshuang blushed with embarrassment and said in a squeaky voice: "Since I met you, I told Jingyi, and then she helped me think of various ways. , did you notice that my dress is tighter today? That's because Jingyi deliberately wore a smaller Taoist robe when she seduced her young lover, so I used her trick on you. "

No wonder it seems familiar. Lu Xun opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. He couldn't tell the pretty widow that your sister's little lover was me.


"You said she often comes to your place. How about I go back now?" Lu Xun shrank his head and said cautiously: "What if she comes? I'm afraid when I see the two of us like this. What happened?"

"What trouble could this possibly cause?" Mu Qingshuang raised her eyebrows slightly and said angrily: "I sleep with my husband in the same bed and have fun together, so what do I have to do with her? Why does she care so much? "

Lu Xun pursed his lips, not daring to say anything more. When he was frightened, a fragment popped up in his mind. A classic fragment that he had fantasized about countless times.

——Sorry, maybe I came at the wrong time.

——No, you came just in time.

If that's the case, that would be great.

"Lu Lang."

"You don't have to be so panicked. Although she is a fairy in the world, she is also quite nice." Mu Qingshuang gently rubbed her plump body against him and said delicately: "She is the most important thing between you and me. I’m half a matchmaker, so I won’t do anything to you.”

Is there a possibility that you two can be matchmakers for each other?

Lu Xun, who was in the whirlpool, smiled awkwardly. His heart was so confused that he never expected that they were sisters. This was more than just stirring up a hornet's nest. They were simply falling into an abyss.

what to do?

This situation may not even be saved by gods.

"I suddenly remembered something." Mu Qingshuang said softly, "Just yesterday, Jingyi and I chatted for a long time, and suddenly I found that you and her lover have countless similarities, the same age and the same knowledge, even the same handsomeness and suaveness, and the key is the same strongness."


Lu Xun didn't dare to say anything, afraid of exposing his chicken feet.

"At that moment, I even suspected that I shared a man with Jingyi." Mu Qingshuang smiled and said, "But. Jingyi's lover is a sex-hungry ghost, while my lover is a gentleman, and..."

Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips and murmured, "It's inconvenient to tell you about this."

Lu Xun didn't dare to ask more, but he thought about it carefully and roughly guessed what the pretty widow wanted to hide. If nothing unexpected happened, it must be about each other's rivals. Of course, they must have concealed who their rivals were from each other. They should have just said a general outline, otherwise. Otherwise, he would have been hacked to death long ago.

Thinking of this,

Lu Xun was a little uneasy.


"Don't tell anyone about the little fox." Lu Xun said cautiously, "It will have a bad influence."

"Don't worry, Lu Xun, I understand." Mu Qingshuang said with a smile, "I will never tell anyone about the little fox."

After saying that,

Mu Qingshuang's hot body began to rub again, and she begged in a low voice, "Lu Lang, I'm a little..."

This pretty widow who has been lonely for more than 40 years, how can she be dealt with in an hour? In addition, she has taken a lot of elixirs. Although she has never practiced, her physical fitness is different from that of ordinary people. She has just become a wife and she is looking for fun again.


Lu Xun, who was restless, had no more thoughts. He was still immersed in restlessness. Facing the various predicaments in front of him, he was a little at a loss for a while.

"Lu Lang?"

"What's wrong with you?"

Mu Qingshuang noticed that something was wrong with him, propped herself up from his arms, looked at him with confusion, and looked at the slightly frightened little lover.


"I feel a little overwhelmed all of a sudden. Shuang'er, can you do it next time?" Lu Xun replied awkwardly, "I will satisfy you next time."

"Next time?"

"No. I want it this time!"

The mature and beautiful widow pouted her lips and said reluctantly, "It's not easy for you and me to be together, and you are still so perfunctory. Is it because you are greedy for my body that you can do whatever you want?"

She was a little angry, and her temper suddenly jumped up.

Seeing this, Lu Xun hurriedly coaxed her, but the widow wanted to go against him. He had no choice but to have a sword in his heart, and then pressed on her.

Unexpectedly, the widow got even more excited, punching and kicking him, and resisting violently, but she was no match for Lu Xun after all. After a tug, Mu Qingshuang hugged him tightly and looked at him with seductive eyes.

"Lu Lang."

"I want to give birth to a child for you!"

Another hour passed,

Lu Xun carefully lifted the quilt, and took advantage of Mu Qingshuang's exhaustion to sneak away. It was not that he was ruthless, but he was worried that if Fairy Su suddenly visited at this time, it would really be the end of the world.

"Where are you going, Lu Lang?"

A soft voice came from behind, and then someone hugged him tightly from behind.

"Lu Lang."

"Let's go after the dinner."

Mu Qingshuang hugged him with a blushing face, feeling his strong back, and said to him softly: "I don't know when the next time will be, so I want to stay with you for a while now."

"I, I."

Lu Xun pursed his lips and whispered: "I'm afraid that the immortal will come to find you, and it will be a little embarrassing to see this scene at that time."

"She won't come."

"She usually comes in the morning, and it's already noon, so don't worry." Mu Qingshuang said leisurely: "Lu Lang, let's lie down for a while and get up later."

As she said,

she forcibly pulled him back into the quilt.

Then her plump body arched over again, and she nestled in his arms with a happy face, touching his strong chest, smelling the masculine scent on his body, and said softly: "Lu Lang, there is something I want to discuss with you."


"What is it?" Lu Xun asked.

"Jingyi's lover is very talented in writing, which makes me a little unhappy. I want to arrange for you to meet her lover." Mu Qingshuang raised her head, stared at him, and said earnestly: "You must win over Jingyi's little man by then. Lu Lang, do you have the confidence?"

For a moment,

Lu Xun was almost going crazy.

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