There's something wrong with these witches

Chapter 271 Then kill him tomorrow!!

Originally, the two sisters reached an agreement in silence not to find out the names of their respective lovers, but Fairy Su couldn't bear it any longer. It was not a good idea to escape reality like this. Finally, having had relevant experience, she proposed the idea to Mu Qingshuang. The question that has been buried deep in her heart for a long time is whether her little man is named Lu Xun.

When Mu Qingshuang heard this name, her whole body fell into deathly silence. In fact, she also guessed the truth of the matter, but she was unwilling to believe this fact. However, after facing the good sisters ruthlessly tearing apart the hypocritical mask, the bloody The answer comes into view

"No, his name is not Lu Xun." Mu Qingshuang bit her lips tightly, making meaningless resistance. She said tremblingly: "I don't know Lu Xun. I don't know what you are talking about, he .His name is Lu. Lu.”

Although she was facing away from her and couldn't see clearly the expressions of her good sisters at this moment, but judging from her hesitant words and slightly trembling body, her little lover was Lu Xun, that damn perverted man.

for a time,

In the huge back garden, there was a sense of silence in the air. There were two plump mature women sitting in the pavilion, but neither of them said a word. Their faces were full of bewilderment and confusion. The happiness surrounding each other has disappeared, replaced by hesitation and anger.

The most embarrassing thing happened unexpectedly and was placed in front of them. The two sisters had no idea what to do. This incident should have turned the two sisters against each other. However, at this moment, they could not hate each other. , at least there is no hatred in it yet, after all, they are all victims of that bastard little man.

"This damn stinky man! He's just too much of a bully!"

Su Jingyi stood up suddenly. Her face became more and more angry as she thought about it, and she gritted her teeth and said, "I will kill him now."

As soon as the words fell,

He gently raised his jade hand and said coldly: "Here comes the sword!"

In an instant,

A silver stream of light appeared on the horizon and flew into her hand in the blink of an eye.

"Wait for me to get his head." Su Jingyi said angrily, and then prepared to leave. However, Mu Qingshuang was so frightened that she hurriedly grabbed her arm and forced her not to leave.

"What are you doing!"

Mu Qingshuang said anxiously: "Does it have to be a case of death for you and me?"


"It's already come to this, and you are still facing him!" Su Jingyi glared at her angrily: "This little man toyed with us sisters in the midst of applause. I cut off his dog's head, which is the most righteous thing to do. I, I, now I wish I could chop him into pieces and throw him into the wilderness to feed those animals."

Mu Qingshuang bit her moist red lips and said with a complicated face: "You don't care. But I have given my body to him. He is now my man, my husband, and my husband-in-law. You are my only support. If you kill him, I won’t be able to live anymore.”



Su Jingyi opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say. Her furious mood was accompanied by rapid breathing, which forced her chest to rise and fall. Then Fairy Su silently put away the Qingfeng sword and murmured to herself: " How come I don’t care? Do you think I really don’t care? I can’t do anything.”

"Scared me."

"I thought you were really going to chop him down." Mu Qingshuang let go of her jade hand, sat down in distress, and murmured to herself: "I didn't expect it to be like this. The most ridiculous and the most inappropriate thing to happen. , it really happened to us, but I still don’t understand. According to the descriptions of the two of us, it is clearly not a man. "

"I'm wondering too."

Su Jingyi had a dark face, sat next to Mu Qingshuang, and said coldly: "He is very nasty in front of me, and he is so bold, but in front of you, he is gentle and elegant. The contrast is too great. ”

Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips and whispered, "I can't even tell which one is the real him now."

"Whether it's true or not, it's true that we were played by him." Su Jingyi said angrily: "I have to beat him to death. I have asked him several times on weekdays if there are any coquettish bitches out there. And he kept claiming that there were no more, but now it turns out that it’s not just one, but two.”


"What do you mean!" Mu Qingshuang's face was distorted with anger, and she glared at her fiercely: "How come I have become a coquettish bitch? Jingyi, if you don't explain your words to me today, what will happen to our sisterhood?" That’s the end.”

"I just said that casually." Su Jingyi curled her lips, looked at her from the corner of her eyes, and murmured: "Besides, I got him first, and you were much later than me, and you promised me But I won’t use the man I used.”


"You have been secretive. How did I know that he was your man? If you had told me earlier, this matter wouldn't have happened." Mu Qingshuang retorted angrily: "Now it's my fault. Come on, you have the nerve to make me angry!"

Su Jingyi frowned, her temper also rose, and she said angrily: "Can't I blame you? I have owned him a long time ago. And I owned him under your guidance, but now, without my guidance Agree, secretly tryst with him without permission."

"What does sneaking mean?"

"You sultry old woman, tell me clearly, why am I sneaking around? Was it under your instigation that Lu Xun and I started? Teach me how to seduce, teach me how to have sex, and how to overcome the inner feelings. Panic, are you teaching me this?" Mu Qingshuang asked angrily.

for a time,

The two sisters fell into silence again. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that each other had become each other's matchmaker.

"Who is his other woman?" Su Jingyi asked.

Mu Qingshuang doesn't know how to answer. You can't tell her that she is your favorite little fox. She will definitely collapse when she finds out. Moreover, the little fox is so innocent, and she doesn't want her to be involved in this endless war. In the whirlpool, she was hurt.

"I won't tell you until I die."

Mu Qingshuang replied calmly: "Just treat her as if she doesn't exist, Jingyi. I'm not angry with you, and because of me, I don't want to see her involved in it. She is an innocent type. I. I'm not allowed to hurt her."

"Obviously she is a love rival, but yet she is so protective of her." Su Jingyi muttered angrily.


"What about your love rival? Who is your love rival?" Mu Qingshuang asked.

Although my love rival can tell you, it will undoubtedly drag you into danger. That charming girl is so cruel that if she hurts you, it will be too late to regret it. Su Jingyi flattened her mouth and said calmly: "I can't tell you either. You, but the reason I can’t tell you is because I’m protecting you, this woman is ruthless and will kill without blinking an eye.”

"Kill without blinking an eye?"

"He doesn't refuse anyone who comes. He's not picky about food." Mu Qingshuang said angrily.

Su Jingyi glanced at it and said lightly: "You can't even take a widow, so what's the fear of someone who kills someone without batting an eyelid?"


"I just love sleeping with widows." Mu Qingshuang would not spoil her, and asked leisurely: "Jingyi. Why doesn't he sleep with you?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

Su Jingyi seemed to have been stepped on, she was so angry that she almost jumped up and said coldly: "This matter between you and me will not be let go easily."


"That's what I want to say too." Mu Qingshuang curled her lips and said calmly.

When the two sisters were silent for a long time and the anger in their hearts dissipated a little, Mu Qingshuang gently touched Fairy Su with her elbow and murmured: "Are we still good sisters who talk about everything in the future?"

Su Jingyi sighed and said to herself with a distressed look on her face: "Actually, we are all deceived by him. If we fight among ourselves, we will end up giving the advantage to other women."



Su Jingyi looked at her and said angrily: "I'm a little unwilling."

"I'm not willing to accept it either."

Mu Qingshuang pouted her little lips and said angrily to her: "There are two more love rivals for no reason. Just thinking about it makes me angry."

The words fell,

Then he whispered: "What should we do now?"

"what to do?"

"I want to beat him up right now." Su Jingyi said with a black face and angrily: "It just so happens that he is going to meet me tomorrow. I will ask him if there are other women outside. If he still talks harshly to me, I will not let him go. he!"

"Can you take me with you?"

Mu Qingshuang pursed her lips and said angrily: "I will hide in the dark. If he answers no, then I will come out directly. See if he has any room for excuse. When the time comes, when you beat him, I... I kicked a few feet on the edge to vent my anger."

After saying that,

He hurriedly reminded: "Don't hit him in the face. Don't hit his waist or here. In short, you should be gentle. If you hit him badly, it will be painful for both of us in the end."

Su Jingyi pursed her lips slightly, her brows filled with resentment and helplessness, and muttered: "I know."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Su Jingyi felt that the psychic mirror received the message, and immediately called it out, and saw three words written on it.

--"I miss you"

"Is it Lu Xun?"

"What did he tell you?" Mu Qingshuang asked curiously.

"look by youself."

Su Jingyi gave her her psychic mirror with a gloomy face.

After Mu Qingshuang took a look, she immediately left the pavilion and hurried back to her room. Immediately afterwards, Su Jingyi saw her good sister returning angrily, holding her own psychic mirror in her hand.

"Exactly the same!"

Mu Qingshuang gritted her teeth and said.

After hearing what her good sister said, Su Jingyi said with hatred.

"Then kill him tomorrow!!"

PS: Send first and change later

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