Things from Another World

Chapter 1259: My daughter-in-law is born! twin!

In Prendall, when a woman has a child, there is no very systematic way to deal with it. Generally, it is a tradition to ask a nun in a church to deliver a child.

It is said that because life was created by God, and the nun was a servant of God, and the body was contaminated with divinity, it was safe and effective for the nun to deliver.

However, once Tang En and Elully ended up sloppy, and when they were bored, they glanced over Illumina's Holy See's Bible, which they carried with them.

Say what the nun is contaminated with divinity, and I do n’t know that it was ruled by the priest. In fact, it is just because there is a direct article in the Bible of the Holy See on how to deliver.

This Bible is a Prandall encyclopedia, which is extremely comprehensive in every aspect.

Although it is not as rich as the experience on the earth, but because of a heritage of delivery methods and the Holy See's assistance in the Holy See, it is even safer to have a child than it was early on the earth.

And this time Elsa gave birth to Elliot from the headquarters of the Holy See, a nun (producer) with rich experience.

But at this moment the nun was blocked from the door.

"I mean what do you mean? You said that you need me to deliver a baby, and you don't let me enter the room. You can't delay having a baby!"

Sister Mara is very angry, don't these guys take their lives seriously? ? It is very dangerous for pregnant women to have children!

"No, it's just that I need to tell you in advance ..."

Fiona smiled bitterly and didn't know how to explain it. After thinking for a while, she whispered, "The mother inside ... the situation is a little complicated."

Sister Mara disagreed: "How complicated can it be? I have taken a triplet at forty, and my mother and son are safe! Do n’t talk nonsense to me during this delivery, my son is clear!"

Yi Luli's expression was also a little unnatural: "Mara, it's actually like this ... the mother in it ... she doesn't ... there isn't that ..."

Sister Mara's face was inexplicable: "Which?"

Yi Luli smiled bitterly into her ear, whispered a few words, and then nun Mara was dumbfounded: "Are you sure?"

Yi Luli nodded, and then the nun Mara was really at a loss. The virgin was pregnant and had a child. She gave birth so many times in her life.

However, how could this childbirth avoid breaking that!

This is really embarrassing her.

At the same time, the nun Mara was full of inexplicable shocking feelings-Her Majesty Tang En was really incredible, without having to pull out a gun, she could directly let the girl she liked become pregnant!

This is simply staring at who is pregnant! I have to be careful in the future ...

In the room, Elsa had begun to yell in pain. Although she was very strong, the pain and pain were not the same. Even Elsa couldn't carry it.

"What is the solution?"


Sister Mara hesitated a moment, and whispered, "Well ... Have your Majesty Tang En come and check now? Confirm the innocence?"

A group of women looked at each other, and then looked at Fiona.

"What do you think I do !?"

"You are his butler, you decide."

"Why not ask Queen Olena?"

"Me? Ask me why."

Olina waved her hands again and again: "I don't care about him."

"It's best to decide quickly."

Every night I looked out the window and couldn't help reminding them: "It will be even more embarrassing if the Dragon King comes here later."

"what happened?"

Tang En rushed to find a group of people around the door, and the nun who looked like a midwife also stood here with other people's eyes widening, and suddenly he was a little confused.

"Have seen Her Majesty Tang En."

Nun Mara gave her first salute, and then hesitated to Tang En with a little hesitation.

The reason for hesitation is to worry that Tang En cares about the maternal chastity. If the "fun" is ruined by the birth of a child, then the sin will be greater.

This kind of worry is not unreasonable. You must know that in Prendall, one of the most favorite things of the princes and nobles is to capture the chastity of young girls-occasionally some people like to capture the chastity of teenage boys ...

Of course, this is because she didn't know the relationship between Tang En and Elsa. If she knew it, I would not have so much worry.

After Tang En listened to her, she was almost ecstatic: "How can there be so many messy things, now hurry in and give birth-do you still think I can be angry about such things !? Don't forget, but I personally Abolish the beginning. Night. Right! "

Sister Mara was relieved, and then whispered, "Well, if you don't mind, after the delivery, you can use the magic treatment to recover ..."

After speaking, she hurried into the room and began to get busy.

"What are you thinking about one by one!"

Tang En sighed, covering her face, "Do I look like that?"

"It's hard to say ..."

Aurelia let out a hand: "Some people ... hmm!"

As soon as Tang En stared, Aurelia closed her mouth.

"Tell Taser and Murphy over here."

Otiniya, who had been reading quietly next to her, looked up and said lightly, "If you want to achieve a perfect integration with the new body, the soul must be imprinted now."

The so-called imprint of the soul on the body is actually a process of registration, registering the blank body as its own, so that even if the soul temporarily detaches from the body, the body will not be taken away by other souls.

When the gods created the life of this world, they actually followed a complete set of rules. New born life will be automatically registered with the soul to ensure that one person, one number ... I mean, one person, one person.

But sometimes if there is a malicious cybersquatting of the soul-what is right is what Tang En is doing right now-stealing the opportunity of the reincarnation of other souls and causing the team to delay? So at this time, the system will automatically turn on Gaza-that is, some pregnant women will be pregnant with multiple births elsewhere, so that the entire reincarnation team can quickly return to normal as soon as possible ...

From this perspective, the world's life cycle system is still very intelligent ... probably.

Now the two children in Elsa's stomach are not only excellent in blood, extraordinary in origin, but also born under the power of great divine power, so the attraction to those souls waiting for rebirth is very huge. If Taser and Murphy If you don't seize the opportunity in advance, Elsa has been pregnant so hard for so long, I am really going to give Tang En two dragon babies ...

Soon, Taser and Murphy, who had been preparing, were carried by Dragon King Sasha Glott and Azor Kamanda, and at this moment they had separated from the body of the Aujin cubs they had prepared for them, and the soul was lodged in Among the soul cores specially prepared for them, and in order to adapt to the new body, they also made some adaptive adjustments to their souls, making the overflowing power not so powerful-I am afraid that except the gods, there are only The dragon has this ability.

"We're here! I'll be right away!"

Sasha Glott shouted and landed beside the crowd very excitedly, this time he was specifically to witness the rebirth of Taser Hacklo and Murphy Hackshaw.

"The soul core is ready, let's start now!"

Sasha Glott said cheerfully, "Should you take your soul into your body now?"


Tang En looked at Otinija: "Are you coming?"

After all, Otinija is the daughter of the **** of death Gritrens. Should she be familiar with the business of reincarnation?

Otiniya raised her head, and a strange light flashed in her eyes: "Her strength is more suitable, you should do it yourself."

Tang En froze, and then reacted. She was talking about Nora's power.

Indeed, Nora's power is simply too suitable for this.

[Nora! Work! 】

[Not quit! 】

The angry Nora turned aside and ignored Tang En: [Who blame me just now? Hum, this is a real world news! 】


Tang En was speechless.

[So, some people have thick skins, promise good things when they are useful, and ignore others when they are not useful. Such people are simply bad! I just--】

Tang En said silently in his heart: [A candy house. 】

[I just do n’t mind, hiss ... if, if ... I mean if ... if he is more sincere in apologizing ... I will ... I will ...]

[It seems like someone's friend is lying in the room and suffering now, but someone is taking the opportunity to blackmail me ... is this really good? 】

Nora, who was drooling, changed her face and suddenly became serious: "How can you say it is extortion, obviously the treatment you should enjoy in normal work ... Well, I won't talk to you nonsense, I will help Ai Elsa! 】

Nora dived into the room after speaking, and at the same time took away the soul of Taser and Murphy-in the eyes of other people who have not seen Nora, a very strong burst suddenly erupted from Tang En. The power of life took those two souls to "register" in the room.

Hey! Elsa's belly has grown so big! Awesome!

After entering the room, Nora was very happy looking at Elsa's belly, this is her proud work!

Are these two souls? Well, yes, it really matches the body I made, and there is no incompatibility at all!

Nora looked at the two souls next to her with satisfaction, and with a small hand, the two souls penetrated directly into Elsa's belly, and Nora patted them to help them complete the registration procedures.

Huh? and many more?

Nora, who was clapping, suddenly stayed.


Just now ... which soul was sent to which body?

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