Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 886: Everything about him is hers

Chapter 886 Everything about him is hers

Gao Yong said: "Open it up and take a look."

Gu Xiang glanced at him, listened to what he said, and opened the box, which contained his company's property rights... which had been transferred to her name.

Gu Xiang asked, "What is this...?"

Gao Yong said: "Mr. Meng said that everything he has is yours. Including the company. If one day you are willing, you can also be the big boss of the company. If you don't, he will take care of everything for you."

Gu Xiang was indeed a little shocked listening to Gao Yong's words.

His company was built by him alone, and its assets have already reached hundreds of billions...

He even the company is willing to give it to her.

It's... crazy...

Gu Xiang said: "Aren't you his assistant? Don't persuade him, let him be so nonsense?"

"If I can persuade me, do I have to wait until now?" Gao Yong said: "He gave you everything he has. Moreover, these were prepared long ago, but it is because you have delayed until now. He was only married before he was sent to you. Mr. Meng has always had no reservations about you. He lied to you about the matter in Shencheng before. He was wrong... But also, I hope you can forgive him once."

When the girl he was willing to take his life to care for, lost her memory in front of him, he was indeed greedy.


Gu Xiang looked at the contents of the box and said, "You can take it back. I don't need these."

Gao Yong said: "This, I don't dare."


Gu Xiang looked at the box in front of him, and for a while, he couldn't describe the feeling in his heart.


At the hotel, Mother Jiang and Cheng Jing took the child to the hot spring after eating. Seeing Nini and Junjun playing around, Mother Jiang said, "I heard that Bai Wei came here?"

Cheng Jing said, "I came with Jiang Feng. I just met downstairs. Why, Mom wants to see her?"

Mother Jiang said, "The second child really put her on top and brought her with him when he walked."

"I am in love, I am pregnant again, it's normal."

Thinking of Bai Wei not only with Jiang Feng, but also being brought here, Jiang's mother felt very uncomfortable.

However, tomorrow is Jiang Chi's wedding, and she doesn't want to be out of touch.

To Cheng Jing said: "Forget it, I don't have time to control her now."


Several people returned from the hot spring. Nini was wearing a bathrobe. She happened to see Jiang Feng and ran over, "Dad."

Jiang Feng saw his daughter and hugged her up, "Baby, just went to the hot spring?"


Mother Jiang said, "Remember that you had a daughter."

Jiang Feng looked at her, "Mom."

Mother Jiang looked arrogant, "Anyway, you are here, take your own children."

After speaking, I left directly.

Cheng Jing glanced at her mother-in-law, then looked at Jiang Feng, said hello, and took Junjun away.

Jiang Feng hugged Nini, and Nini kissed her before taking her to the room.

Nini took Jiang Feng's hand and said, "Dad, where is my aunt? I haven't seen her today."

"Little aunt will come here tomorrow."


Nini couldn't understand.

Obviously getting married, how could there be no bride.

Jiang Feng smiled, "Because tomorrow is the wedding."

Looking at his silly daughter, he sighed helplessly and asked about Nini's study. The father and daughter soon arrived in the room, and he took Nini in.

Bai Wei is pregnant now and can't take a hot spring, so she didn't go out.

Their room is a suite.

(End of this chapter)

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