This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 36: Who is saying I'm handsome? (Six/Ten)

?boom! boom! boom!

The electromagnetic main guns of the aircraft carrier team first, turned into a dense rain of energy light, and shuttled around the giant in the sanctuary.

Screams, help, begging for mercy, sounded one after another.

The sanctuary giant's desire to fight, hope, is much lower than the Dingli phenomenon.

It's just a bunch of incompetent targets.

Moreover, the Sanctuary giant is really only bigger in size, and its physical strength is not much different from ordinary humans.

In the face of artillery fire, there is no resistance!

The giants of the sanctuary fled in all directions.

Line dwarves, taking advantage of the situation to pursue.

The situation is completely clear.

All the linemen already thought in their hearts that this war was over.

All sanctuary giants also believe that this war is over.

Sanctuary giant, the only thing I didn't expect was.

This time, I have been preparing for many years, fearing for many years, and waiting for many years of war.

At the moment when the sanctuary barrier was blown through.

The moment the two special races met, the result was directly announced.

In the middle, although there was an accident.

But in the end, there was no difference.

Their hearts were full of despair, and the only thing they could hope for was that stupid dragon who was only thinking about sleeping when his family was ruined!

"Don't believe prophecies!"

The director of the Sanctuary Protection Bureau flashed deep regret in his heart.

"Xiao Fang is still sleeping? Did I just win?"

Ding centrifugally has doubts.

I came to snipe Fang Yi just to have fun.

Now that the talents have just met, it seems to be over.

It doesn't quite fit Xiao Fang's style.

If he hangs up so vaguely...

Ding Li smiled.

Then next time you can take this trick to tease him.

This guy in the province knows every day to use their dark history as a joke.

"The satellite team is ready! The aircraft carrier team is ready!"

"Goal - Destroy the world's filthy dragon!"

The line people suddenly cheered up.

Finally... Finally, I have to face the dragon of destruction in this prophecy!

The wise man gave the order, and they all mobilized and cooperated.

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, the satellite lasers are all charged, and the beam particles converge.

On the ground, the main electromagnetic gun of the aircraft carrier has also flowed.


Whoosh whoosh!

Boom boom boom!

In the sky, on the ground, on both sides!

Lasers fell from the sky, and electromagnetic guns came across.

The goals of the two are all the heads of the dirty dragons!

Since the foul dragon is sleeping, it can be killed directly through the head.

"Do not!"

The head of the Sanctuary Protection Bureau let out a desperate cry.

The other giants of the Sanctuary who were fleeing also looked desperate.

If it is said that they still have a chance to make a comeback, then if there is still a little bit of hope, then there is only the possibility of destroying the world's dirty dragon!

But now... it seems that the lineman is going to wipe out even a small extravagant hope!


Only to hear a series of explosions,

The fire soared into the sky.

The huge head of the dirty dragon was immediately shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

"Successful hit!"

"Dirty dragon? But that's it!"

"The wise man is mighty!"

"The prophecy came true! The wise man led us to the final victory!"

Cheers sounded in the army of linemen.

But Dingli frowned.


The system prompt did not jump out, how could it be.


Just then, the ground shook.

I saw a filthy dragon lying on the ground as if it was dead, and its huge body actually slowly stood up!

woke up? !

Ding was shocked, and then smiled again.

If it really killed Xiao Fang so easily, then the fun of sniping this time would be much less.

The body of the dirty dragon is towering into the clouds, even if the aircraft carrier is flying at the height now, it only reaches the waist of the dirty dragon.

Of course, the distance from the laser satellite overhead is still a long way off.

And the head of the dirty dragon suddenly protruded out of the gunpowder smoke.

With a big mouth, all the gunpowder smoke was sucked into the dragon's mouth.

The two dragon claws were placed beside their ears, making a sound of listening.

The huge faucet showed a flat expression.

"Little brothers, what's the matter? I seem to hear someone say I'm handsome?"

What came out was no longer a rumbling sound, but a dragon language.

It can fall in the ears of other people, but it seems to be automatically translated and fully understandable.

The scene fell into a dead silence.

The army of linemen who were still slaughtering the Quartet just now stopped their movements and looked at the behemoth in front of them in horror.

The escaped sanctuary giant, like grabbing the last straw, burst into tears with excitement.

At this moment, the world-destroying foul dragon became the focus of everyone in the audience.

Moreover, everyone knew in their hearts that the outcome of destroying the filthy dragon would directly determine their future outcome in the future.

Win, the world belongs to the lineman.

If you lose, the world will be owned by the filth dragon, and it should be the real world annihilation!


At this moment, Ding Li snapped his fingers.

The soles of the feet suddenly spewed high-pressure gas, and the whole person rose into the air.

It didn't stop until the height was maintained at about the same level as Fang Yi's faucet.

"Brother, I didn't expect you to be really capable. But the intermediate LP order, I am determined to win!"

The huge longan slowly turned, staring at the tall and wise man who was incompatible with the figure of the line man, but stood in the same camp.

At this moment, Fang Yi has lost his immaturity, and is completely a mature adult.

Originally thought that it was a humming voice in this life, but after this long sleep, it turned into a dragon language that can communicate normally.

In fact, Fangyi's energy absorption and transformation is still incomplete, and there is still some undigested energy left in the body.

It's just that it was hot outside, and the head was injured, and the body's instinctive response directly woke up.

As for the people in the Sanctuary, with their firepower, they could not threaten Fang Yi's safety, so naturally they could not be forced to wake up.

Look at the status.

Straight to the point of being drunk enough to use smashing, and it's always been at its best.

The sanctuary guy, won't you keep pouring me the bar after I fall asleep?

Fang Yi felt that no matter how high the quality of his drink was, when faced with such an exaggerated body shape, most of the drinks he drank would not be able to reach the conditions for triggering [Drunken Drunk].

That's why I want people from the Sanctuary to do it for me.

Now it seems that the effect is achieved.

But outside, it seems like the sky has changed.

The sanctuary barrier is gone.

The line people are bombing their Moreover, those line people... are small in size, like dwarves...

and many more!

Fang Yi seemed to have thought of something and realized something in his heart.

In the original prophecy, the real shortcomings of the lineman have been revealed!

When Fang Yi quickly collected the information around him and made judgments and understandings, the tall and wise man in front of him said with a smile.

"If you don't have any skills, how can I dare to challenge you? Dongmen Zui, I advise you to be careful, otherwise it will be interesting if the sewer overturns."

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