This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 59: Ball of yarn

Fang Yi's eyes widened when he heard the words, and he blinked twice innocently.

"Last time, what last time? I don't understand what you said."


The fat boss laughed three times and tapped Fang Yi on the shoulder three times.

In the next moment, the black shadow almost impossible to capture with the naked eye, instantly penetrated Fang Yi's left shoulder bone.

It wasn't until the pain was transmitted to the whole body that Fang Yi realized what had happened.

Before Fang Yi could do anything, the black line had already withdrawn.

Kneeling on one knee, blood gushing from his shoulders, Fang Yi looked at the fat boss in awe.

This degree, I can't take it at all!

No, you want to be killed by this npc?

No... Since the fat boss didn't kill me, he must want to know something, this is his own way of life!

And that's why he's being targeted.

Otherwise, Fang Yi really couldn't figure out why this guy suddenly cared about his own life and death.

"Young man, think about what you should answer.

After taking Xinshengdan, I feel sharper than ever before.

You have something different from others, with an aura similar to the Chaos Wheel Stone!

Although it is very weak and dissipates very quickly, this kind of breath, I will not admit it wrong.

If you hadn't used the 'Spiral City' to expand your perception, I'm afraid you would have really escaped. "

Chaos Wheel? nonexistent.

However, as a player, I do retain the memories after the last Kuroshio.

Looking at Liulu with his eyes, and looking at the Kuroshio that was gradually approaching behind, Fang Yi's heart moved, showing fear and panic.

"What are you talking about, I totally..."

Just halfway through the words, Fang Yi's facial expressions, movements, and even breathing, all at this moment, suddenly seemed to be stuck in half, and suddenly stopped.

As if he had touched a certain mechanism or mechanism, Fang Yi became motionless.

However, in his heart, he was shouting four words.

The gate of the virtual world!

"What to offer?"

The sound that sounded directly from the bottom of my heart appeared again.

This time, Fang Yi naturally did not dare to play big.

It's enough to just delay time and hold on until the Kuroshio engulfs you.

So the sacrifice is... the left arm!

"The contract is established!"


Almost at the moment when the sound sounded, a beam of light fell from the sky!

As soon as the beam of light fell, the fat boss suddenly widened his eyes, his pupils contracted, his face showed ecstasy, and he quickly retreated a distance.

But after a while, he showed a puzzled look, and seemed to feel that this beam of light was very different from the one in his memory.

Before I could understand the specific difference between the two, I saw that the left arm of the young man wrapped in the beam was gradually withering and shrinking, turning into powder, and finally the wound was scarred.

At the same time, behind the young man, a bronze gate with a height of half a person and less than one meter in size was slowly emerging, looming.

The light beam disappeared, and the young man seemed to have overdrawn his vitality, fell to the ground with a thud, and became motionless, like a corpse.

Feign death skills...on!

The fat boss stepped forward and carefully sensed the situation of the other party. It was true that he had lost his life characteristics. He immediately turned his attention to the front, and looked at the bronze gate that was only half a meter away.

hum hum...

The bronze door slowly opened, and under the expectant gaze of the fat boss, a ball of white wool slowly rolled out from the bronze door and landed on the ground.

Ball of yarn?

What is this?


The black tide ahead is approaching, and the Myriad Beast Legion has already taken a detour, and a straight path flows out among the army because of one person.

But the fat boss was indifferent to all this.

What he paid attention to was only one thing, and that was the ball of wool in front of him that was slowly undulating like breathing under the black rainstorm.


At this moment, in the middle of the wool ball, a huge eye suddenly opened.

The eyes take up nearly 70% of the wool ball. It spread out along the strands of wool, squirming in the wind, looking weird and disgusting.

The first thing the wool ball's eyeballs looked at was not the fat boss next to him, but the black rainwater that kept falling from the sky.

As the raindrops fell, its clumps of wool were gradually turning black to the naked eye.

But it quickly faded away and turned back to white.

The eyeball looked to the ground, and the white gradually turned to gray, exactly the same color as the floor.

That kind of appearance, like a baby exploring the world, full of curiosity about everything.

"You are…"

The fat boss took a step forward and was about to reach out and pick up the strange thing.

As if sensing something, the pupil of the wool ball suddenly shrank...


The harsh screaming sound suddenly exploded.

The sound waves actually turned into substantial ripples, spreading out in bursts.

The fat boss watched helplessly as his body was being stretched and continuously stretched.

The body that was already fat, seemed to be compressed, and became long and thin.

The outstretched right hand was directly stretched to more than five meters. This phenomenon was the most serious in the front of the fingers. The nails were slender and long like a thin needle, which was completely out of proportion to the whole body.

Not only was the fat boss affected, but Fang Yi's body was also stretched.

My head was dizzy, and it almost revealed the stuffing, but fortunately, I gritted my teeth so that I didn't expose the suspended animation.

Rao is so, that thing almost killed himself.

The sound wave has gradually dissipated at this time, and the elongated body has gradually returned to its original shape.

This return is not a return to consciousness or an illusion, but a truly elongated body that is truly compressed back to its original shape.

For a while, even the body feels a little strange.

Rao is as strong as a fat boss, and he is also a little confused by the strange attack method.

Looking at the ground again, the ball of wool had turned completely gray, just like a mole, constantly burrowing into the ground.

But only half of his body stuck into the floor like it was going through a wall, and the rest was usually left outside.

The wool on its body is falling off one by one, like a human sweating in a hurry, and squirming in a panic.

However, the strength is not enough, this floor is very hard to drill.

The fat boss no longer hesitated this time, held his breath, and reached out to grab it.

But when the two were about to collide, the palm actually penetrated directly from the wool ball.

It seems that the two are not in the same plane dimension at all. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

This scene not only made the fat boss stunned, but also made the woolen ball, which was so anxious to burrow, stay in place.


In the next moment, all the yarns on the woolen **** grew fangs, and the fangs collided up and down, making noises.


It looked like a human laughing out loud, very proud.

The burrowing action that was in a hurry to escape also became more leisurely, and slowly merged into the floor slowly. ...


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