This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 119 The power of water dragon; dragon egg hatching

After granting Ava the Familiar Contract, most of Udi's thoughts shifted to breaking through the caster level.

The key to improving the level of a spellcaster lies in magic power and spirit. Of course, mastering certain spell runes is also one of the requirements.

In the past, there was a feast to enhance the soul strength, dragon body strength, magic power, and spiritual power without having to practice hard. A little practice would naturally lead to improvement, and as the spell runes are mastered more deeply, the spell runes will also increase. It will automatically sharpen your mental power, making it stronger and purer. This allows Udi to focus most of his energy on studying spells.

However, this is because the previous caster level was sufficient, and instead the spell needed to increase in power and effect.

But now, Wu Di, who had obtained the Water Dragon Technique, was a little itchy, so he took the initiative to change his strategy and spent most of his time on spiritual cultivation every day. ——The magic power is definitely enough, even if it doesn’t improve anymore, it’s still enough to reach the master level spell caster. As for spell runes, there are four median spell runes controlled by Udi. (Any door, guard barrier, reduction, acceleration)

Among them, the Any Door and Acceleration Techniques have both reached the Return to True Level, while the Guard Barrier and Minimization Techniques have also reached the Mastery Level.

As for other low-level spells and tricks, there are even more proficiency and return to nature levels.

Just for the rank of intermediate mage, Wu Di's accumulation is also profound. Many mid-level mages may not be able to master a single medium-level return-level spell. An intermediate mage who can master several intermediate-level proficiency-level spells is enough to be called an elite mage.

Because unlike Wu Di, they don't have to worry about the accumulation of magic and spiritual power. For most spellcasters, it takes a lot of time to practice mental and magic power every day.

Under this circumstance, one day a month later, Oudi's caster level naturally broke through to level ten.

"Water Dragon Technique, here I come." Not long after the breakthrough, Wu Di, who was still in a high mood, devoted all his attention to studying this advanced magic.

Three days, five days, ten days passed.


As if it were made of jet black metal, the thick dragon tail was wrapped in dense dragon scales one by one and was slammed into the pool.

The Dragon Pond, which was two hundred meters deep and covered an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers, suddenly set off a 'tsunami'.

The dragonborn maids and harpies who were guarding their master undisturbed at the edge of the dragon pond had nervous looks in their eyes, wondering why their master suddenly became angry.

So far, they seemed to have never seen their master so 'irritable'.

His eyes turned.

The center of Longchi.

A trace of annoyance flashed in the eyes of the black dragon lying on the treasure mountain.

"It's been half a month, and I can't even enter the threshold of Water Dragon Technique." Wu Di rubbed the dragon's teeth, feeling a little irritable.

After venting for a while, he gradually calmed down.

Based on the knowledge gained from the inheritance of dragons, spellcasting is a profession that is difficult to get started, difficult in the middle, and even harder at the end, and the difficulty of cultivation is increasing exponentially.

Although it is a universal profession, all intelligent beings with spellcasting qualifications can learn to change professions, but the difficulty and power are no less than those of many special professions, or even more so.

And because special professions are often targeted, for some groups, the difficulty of cultivation will be much smaller.

The profession of spellcasters is different, and all intelligent races are treated equally. If your talent is strong, you can learn and practice faster. This profession only depends on talent and hard work. If you get a perfect score of 100, talent will account for at least 90% of it. It is not an exaggeration to say that the other things are the icing on the cake.

Udi is not weak in terms of spell caster qualifications, but spell caster qualifications can also be subdivided into many types.

There are those who increase their spiritual power at an extraordinary speed, those who increase their magic power at an extraordinary speed, some who have an extraordinary ability to learn spells, and even monster casters who have an extraordinary ability to innovate spells.

Leaving aside other aspects, in terms of spell learning ability, it is obvious that Oudi is ordinary and perhaps better than ordinary - at least not a super genius.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you can get started, with the help of the panel, sooner or later all your proficiency will reach the return to true level."

Udi comforted himself in this way.

However, there is one thing to say. The complexity of mid-level spells and high-level spells has increased by at least ten times. After studying it for a long time, Long's mind was confused.

For the first time, Oudi admired those dragons who were labeled as law-loving.

You can win by lying down, but you have to torture yourself.

This is just like someone who obviously grew up having fun and could directly inherit a family fortune of 100 million when he becomes an adult. However, he had to take various interest classes and tutoring classes from childhood to adulthood just to inherit a family fortune of 200 million when he becomes an adult.

After all, they are both ‘billionaires’. Is there a big difference between 100 million and 200 million? Why have you embarrassed yourself since childhood? ——This is Udi’s understanding until now. He finally understood deeply why the dragon was too lazy to study magic when he was young, and even did not learn other simpler professions.

When dragons get older, many of them will take the initiative to learn spells. Is this because of repentance and introspection?


Just because they are not sure of breaking through the legend, it is simply the fear of death, which makes the dragons turn back when they are old and start to practice hard. This is most likely the case.

"Take a day off and then continue." Wu Di thought to himself.

Afterwards, thinly dressed human dragon-born maids, harpy dragon-born maids, Wolf werewolves, Fox fox-men, and Moshao clams entered the dragon pool one after another.

Have a party.

After a whole day, Udi was in high spirits and got back on his feet.


More than half a month has passed.

After reading the Water Dragon Technique scroll countless times, failing over and over again, and exhausting his mental power countless times, Oudi finally succeeded in condensing a light blue rune in his spiritual sea.

Six Rings·Water Dragon Technique, successfully introduced!

"It's not easy, it's really not easy." Wu Di exhaled and slowly opened his eyes.

However, now that you have mastered spells, all you have to do is work hard. No matter how difficult the upper level spells are, you will reach the return to true level sooner or later.

"Try the power." Wu Di began to recite the spell of Water Dragon.

The vast water element energy in the air gathers, compresses, and condenses at the speed of a whale.

Half a minute later, a water dragon with the appearance of an emperor dragon, more than ten meters long, took shape in the air. Under Wu Di's control, the water dragon hovered and swam in the air, feeling very uncomfortable.

The only shortcoming is that the scales of this water dragon are blurred and the eyes are dull. Just by its appearance, you can tell at a glance that it is a magical creation.

Feeling the powerful energy contained in the water dragon's body, Wu Di finally chose not to release it into the dragon pond.

This was his old nest where he slept. If it was destroyed, it would be him who would be affected.

As soon as the thought occurred, the water dragon that was hovering and swimming slowly in the air suddenly turned into a blue phantom, rushing straight towards the thousand-foot mountain peak several kilometers away.

The momentum is unstoppable.

With a bang, the thousand-foot mountain peak shook slightly, and the water vapor escaped. At the same time as the water dragon spell collapsed, countless large and small boulders also rolled down from the impact point, and finally converged into a grand debris flow like a collapse of the sky.

Boulders ranging from several kilograms to hundreds of tons rumbled down towards the Dragon Fort below.

Wu Di's expression did not change when he saw this, and he did not make any move.

When the flow of boulders hit the dragon castle, the square, and even the dragon warriors and maids, huge invisible barriers lit up all over the dragon castle, blocking the boulders away.

This is the guarding spell that Wu Di personally engraved on the dragon fort. The process of inscribing the spell is also a kind of practice.

Nowadays, the third-ring guard barrier spell is not far away from the return to truth level.

After the rumbling flow of boulders subsided, Wu Di looked at the place where the water dragon hit the Qianzhang Mountain.

A huge half-moon-shaped gap with a depth of 100 meters appeared in the middle of the mountain. From a distance, it seemed as if it had been forcibly devoured by some kind of terrifying giant beast.

Ordinary water dragon skills for beginners definitely don't have such exaggerated power, but who made Wu Di a black dragon? As a true water dragon, he has a certain power bonus to all water spells.

In addition, there is another reason, that is, Wu Di performs the water dragon technique in a wide dragon pond, and the environment also has certain bonuses.

"This power is quite impressive."

Looking at the huge gap in the mountain peak, Wu Di was quite satisfied. It's not in vain that his dragon's brain was almost burned out before he started studying this spell.

It is worth mentioning that although fifth- and sixth-level spells only correspond to advanced spellcasters, it does not mean that fifth- and sixth-level spells are no threat to master-level spellcasters.

The caster's spells cannot be calculated according to regular flat A skills.

The one released by Wu Di is only an entry-level water dragon technique. If a fifteenth-level master warrior (ordinary individual, ordinary equipment) chooses to resist forcefully, then the master warrior will be injured at least, or severely injured. If you are a little careless, it is normal for people to disappear.

Of course, the Water Dragon Technique is very powerful, but it still has to hit the target. With the agility and speed of a master warrior, it's not difficult to dodge as long as you take it seriously.

This is also a flaw of many spells. They are powerful, but slow to cast and difficult to hit.

But there is no solution.

Slow casting can improve the proficiency of spell runes. Upgrading them to the true level will naturally enable them to be cast instantly.

There are solutions to low hit rates. As long as the mental power is strong enough to lock the enemy in advance, or the spell itself has its own enemy-finding function, the enemy will naturally have no choice but to resist hard or use other special methods to avoid it, such as traveling through other worlds, Teleport.

Like the lonely knight 'Mare', the eight-ring spell scroll 'Finger of Death' used by the Centaur King to sneak attack has its own enemy-seeking function, making it impossible for the Centaur King Mohandsen to avoid it. Can resist hard.

If he hadn't realized the true meaning of the legend on the battlefield and his strength had greatly increased, Mohandsen would have died.

The movement of the spell was too loud, and Sophia, Ava, Isha and others gathered together, looking nervous, thinking that an enemy was coming.

"The master said that this was him assessing the power of the spell, not an enemy attack. Just ask your subordinates to clean up those huge rocks."

Ava's expression moved, she received the master's response, and said to everyone present.

Sophia and Isha breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then their expressions changed slightly. Apparently they had thought of something.

"Did the master give you a contract?" Yixia was the first to ask, unable to hold on any longer and unwillingly.

Ava glanced at her contemptuously, turned around and left, the dark wings swaying gently on her smooth back.

Silence is the most insulting.

Isha's beautiful face was a little twisted, jealousy and unwillingness flashed in her eyes. She looked at Sophia,

"Lady Sophia, you are the manager of all dragonborns. This bitch, Ava, ignores you and leaves, and still orders you to command, this..."

"That's enough. Isha, you should call Ava Lord Ava or Commander Ava."

Sophia retracted her complicated emotions, said in a cold tone, and then turned and left.


Behind the scenes, Isha was extremely angry. After taking a deep breath, she gradually calmed down.

"Sofia is very unwilling, but without this courage, her talent is not strong enough. Sooner or later, she will be eliminated by Ava and me and the outstanding people in Dragon Lair. My most important thing now is to improve my strength, at least to reach the advanced level, otherwise I don’t even have the right to speak.”

Before Ava returned, Isha, who was favored by her master, was the second in command of Dragon Nest. Her momentum increased extremely fiercely, she received more dragon blood rewards, and her strength improved very quickly.

But since Ava came back, the harpies who led the Black Feather Clan have taken over many matters in Black Castle. Most of the dragonborn warriors have fallen under Ava's command just like the grass on the wall.

Among them, the most uncomfortable one is the Miaofult clan headed by Isha. When the master calls everyone to go to the dragon pond, the Miaofult clan is often not notified. Or the last one is notified. When they arrive at Longchi, the good position will naturally be gone, and the chance of being noticed by the owner will naturally be less. ——The number of maids in Dragon's Nest now exceeds five hundred. It is impossible for the master to notice everyone, and he can often only notice those close to him.

Being from the harpy clan, they were naturally the most suppressed.

In the wild, if two harpy clans come together, not only will they not cooperate harmoniously, but they will fight each other.

In the end, either one party will die out or leave, or the two clans will merge into one. If two clans merge, the other clan leader is often killed. Because he has too much prestige as a leader, there are huge hidden dangers if he stays. In addition, monsters like the harpy are very jealous and hateful.

Ava and Isha both have a sense of disgust stemming from their racial nature.

Time passed and another month passed.

In a certain room in the Black Castle.

In the huge dragon's nest built with wind-attribute magic branches, there are a lot of wind-attribute gems, crystals, and magic cores piled up.

Not only that, this room with a diameter of more than 500 meters and a height of 500 meters is also engraved with a lower-level magic matrix that gathers energy, so that the wind element energy here not only does not dissipate, but accumulates more and more as time goes by. many.

And in a place where the energy of the wind element is so abundant, the five dragon eggs with fine green dragon scales growing on their surfaces gradually began to move.

There was a click.

The dragon egg in the middle suddenly cracked.

From the dragon egg, the big head of a green dragon hatchling protruded.

More cracking sounds were heard from the eggshells, and the full picture of the young dragon emerged.

First of all, as young dragons, without exception, they have a big head and a small body.

The scales of this newborn green dragon baby are very thin, small and dense, and the color of the scales is dark green that is close to black. When it grows up, its scales will turn into emerald green or olive green, so that it can blend in more easily into the forest. in the environment.

There are no big dragon horns on the big head of the green dragon baby. There are only two rows of thin, short and pointed little dragon horns on the forehead above the longan. This will not change after they grow up. Although the size of the small dragon horns will continue to increase as the size grows, the proportions are still small dragon horns. In terms of appearance alone, the green dragon is not as majestic and ferocious as the black dragon.

Of course, a hornless white dragon that doesn't even have small dragon horns must be more majestic and ferocious. The white dragon is also the only giant dragon without dragon horns among the five-color dragons and metal dragons.

"Kevin Hvail Mosquera Cedric"

The newborn dragon made its first sound in this world.

The other four dragon eggs in the dragon's nest seemed to have been summoned, and they began to struggle to break out of their shells following the little green dragon Kevin.

[There will be another chapter later, around twelve o'clock. 】

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