This giant dragon is so powerful!

Rewritten; story world options

Chapter 34 The last two thousand words of this chapter have been deleted and rewritten.

The plot was not finished before, and many readers said that the transition was abrupt. This is my fault. The coding speed was too slow and I did not code out the complete plot.

The original plot was to finish a fight with Carolina, and then get a notification from the Crimson Mother. Now that the fight is over, continue to work hard, improve your strength, and wait for the storm in the mainland.

When the mainland crisis is over, it will be another world.

Also, the author is not a god. Sometimes he is in a bad state and his brain is muddled. It is normal to write poisonous points. If it is too inappropriate, then revise it. The main thing is to listen to advice.


Below are the plot and world options——

If you went to other worlds, what type of world would you like?

1. [Main Material World]: The prosperity and origin of all races, the professional system that has multiplied to the extreme, the oldest world in the star world, the place where the peak powerhouses gather, and the gods walk the earth.

2. [Traditional Western Fantasy World]: It is similar to the Tar material plane where the protagonist is now, but at most the energy level is different.

3. [Special World]: Book friends can leave messages, open options. (Special world view, special cultivation system, such as the sequence world, chasing the source of the sequence, achieving godhood, referring to the mysterious cultivation system, and other special worlds like this)

Finally, there is the plot. Do you have any favorite plot?

Let me give you an example.

1. Build a floating city, lead the void army to plunder worlds, and grow stronger.

2. Farm, develop beliefs, establish a divine kingdom, and establish a divine system.

3. Integrate into the abyss and become an abyss lord


Above, I hope everyone will speak enthusiastically so that the author can get some inspiration and know what the current market is like.

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