This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 134 Teleportation Altar; Crimson Nest Appears

The pumpkin carriage wandered around Duolun City for an hour and hundreds of kilometers before arriving at the location of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce.

This gave Udi a clearer understanding of the scale of the abyssal city.

The monster city built by Black Wing Lair is enough to easily accommodate millions of strong monsters. If placed in the abyss city of Duolun City, it can only occupy a small and remote corner. It can be regarded as a relatively large building. group.

That's all.

There are several reasons for this result.

One is that the Abyssal Sea is transporting massive amounts of various types of demons to various abyssal planes all the time. The Abyssal Sea is the original place of the abyss, where countless abyss worms are born every moment. After these abyss worms are born, they will fight each other and then evolve into various forms of demons. These weak demons will eventually be transported to various abyssal planes. The more powerful the abyssal plane, the greater the number of demons transported by the abyssal sea. This is also one of the powers of the demon lord.

The second reason is that the abyssal plane itself is extremely vast, and the number of abyssal creatures born and conceived in nature is also extremely exaggerated.

Third, there are creatures from all over the world gathered from countless material planes. Some of them were sold into the abyss, and some came here on their own initiative, including merchants, slaves, and adventurers. The number of this group is also unusually large.

The last reason is that the Abyss City is protected by the Will of the Abyss, and safety here is guaranteed to a certain extent. Therefore, whether they are abyssal creatures or creatures from other material planes, they will actively enter the Abyss City. Over time, the number of creatures will increase. , and the abyss city itself is considered a semi-living organism, capable of swallowing flesh and blood, and energy continues to grow and expand.

For various reasons, the longer the abyss city goes through, the more terrifying its scale becomes, and the number of residents living there is also huge.

The Wanjie Chamber of Commerce occupies a corner of the bustling area in the center of Duolun City. The building complex covers an area the size of dozens of monster cities.

There are hundreds of entrances and exits, all of which are larger and wider than the gates of human cities in the Tar plane.

Wu Di glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that there were five or six suspected master-level experts in his sight.

"Let's go into the Chamber of Commerce." Wu Di didn't look much at the strong men entering and leaving the Chamber of Commerce of All Realms.

"Yes, Master." Sword Demon Xisse responded.

A few hours later, the pumpkin carriage came out of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce and headed towards the official house purchase location.

He spent a large sum of money at the official housing purchase office in Duolun City and purchased a castle estate covering several thousand acres in the city.

I bought the castle because in Duolun City, only castle-level buildings are protected by the city's energy shield. Under the protection of the energy shield, attack power below legendary cannot be broken.

In addition to security, the privacy of the castle is also very good, and some spells with special effects can also isolate most of them.

Udi bought the castle not just for enjoyment or safety, but for necessary needs.

In the basement of the castle.

Udi used the hands of more than a dozen mages at one go to control various magic materials, and carved magic lines on the altar according to a certain trajectory.

Magic materials and altars were purchased from the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce.

Udi is using this to build a small teleportation array that can be teleported from the lava wasteland to the Taal plane.

The alien teleportation technique he learned is only a single-body teleportation technique. He can only teleport himself, not others. Moreover, every time he uses the alien teleportation array, it consumes varying amounts of energy depending on the distance of the teleportation.

The teleportation from the Tal plane to the abyss lava wasteland plane is extremely far away. Once or twice is fine, considering that Udi's wealth is not wasted, but long-term teleportation back and forth will make Udi feel distressed.

Therefore, the construction of the teleportation altar is necessary.

With the teleportation altar, the energy consumed will be much reduced, and multiple people can be teleported at once.

The use of the teleportation altar will cause strong energy fluctuations, so a sufficiently private property is required.

After spending a day and a night, the small teleportation altar was finally completed.

Wu Di placed a bunch of lower-quality element crystals in the energy pool of the altar, and the teleportation circle on the altar immediately began to operate, searching for the destination he wanted to teleport to.

Udi entered the coordinates of the Tal plane into the magic circle.

Soon, the magic circle of the teleportation altar was calibrated, and teleportation was possible as long as energy was consumed.

However, Oudi did not immediately teleport back to the Tal plane. He asked the sword demon Cisse and the snake demon Salonya to guard the castle while he left here.

Three days later.

Udi returned to the city of Duolun.



"You two will practice in the castle and guard the teleportation altar for me." Oudi told Cisse and Salonia.

The sword demon and the snake demon looked at each other, feeling unhappy with each other, but now that they had a common master, they had to endure it no matter how unhappy they were.

"As you command." The two demons responded.

The teleportation altar lit up, and Oudi's figure disappeared into the abyss lava wasteland.

In the Black Wing's Nest, Dragon Pond, Wu Di's figure suddenly appeared, regaining his oppressive black dragon true form, and stretched out comfortably.

"I really don't know how the silver dragon can maintain its transformation skills for dozens or hundreds of years." Wu Di sighed with emotion. He maintained this for a few days before feeling uncomfortable all over his body. He always had a strong desire to break through the constraints of the dragon-like form and become the true form of the dragon.

He summoned Sophia and threw a bunch of space bags to her.

"Master, what is this?" Sophia, who was buried up to her calves by a large number of space bags, couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"Inside are the specialties I brought from the abyss. From now on, my daily food will be replaced by these." Udi said lazily.

As he spoke, he had a random thought, and five or six intermediate-level demon dog corpses placed in one of the space bags appeared in the dragon pond.

During the three days that Wu Di was out, he did two things.

One is to bring back some specialties.

The other is that he spread a little power of the void to the demons in the lava wasteland.

Although Wu Di couldn't control the creatures that gained the power of the void, he discovered one thing, that is, he could sense the location of the creatures that gained the power of the void.

Because of this, Udi had this idea and gave many wild demons in the lava wasteland the power of the void. From intermediate demons to high-level demons, and then to great demons (master level), he gave a lot.

"I heard that many material planes will summon demons to descend. If a demon with the power of the void descends to the material plane, wouldn't it be possible to obtain the coordinates of the material plane just by sitting?"

This is what Udi thinks.

What prompted him to come up with this idea was the ridiculously expensive price of plane coordinates in the Wanjie Store.

Those published plane coordinates are sold very cheaply.

Because they are all material planes with masters.

But this is not what Udi wants. What he needs is his own 'back garden', and any entity with a master on the material plane and the existence standing behind it are not something that Udi can provoke now.

And if it is a plane coordinate that has not yet been developed and has no owner, the price is ridiculously high. Even if Wu Di's net worth increased a hundred times, he couldn't afford it.

Therefore, Wu Di has given up the idea of ​​purchasing plane coordinates and plans to be self-reliant.

After Sophia left with a large number of space bags filled with abyss specialties, Oudi stepped into the arbitrary door and arrived at a deserted island off the coast of the south.

It took some time to dig a huge underground cave in a hidden part of the desert island.

In the underground cave, Oudi took out a space bag, took out a large amount of magic materials and a basic altar, and began to carve and build a small teleportation altar.

The reason why he did not build a teleportation altar in the Black Wing Lair was because Oudi was afraid that one day he would offend a formidable and powerful enemy and come to the Tal plane. If a fight broke out in his lair, no matter whether he won or lost, he would be the loser.

One day passed, and the teleportation altar was set up.

"I always feel like there's something missing." Wu Di muttered, and suddenly his eyes lit up. There is obviously a caretaker missing.

Go directly to the sea.

Swim all the way.

"Intermediate sea beast, too weak."

"High-level sea beast, too weak, eaten."

After swimming all the way from the South China Sea to waters thousands of kilometers away, and going tens of thousands of meters deep, Wu Di finally found a qualified watcher.

A mosasaur.

Mosasaurus is a species of dinosaur, and some intelligent creatures will also classify it as a subsaurian species, but in fact, dinosaurs and giant dragons have nothing to do with each other.

Dinosaurs are extraordinary beasts. They often do not have any magic-like abilities, nor do they have the dragon power of the dragon species. However, they are often huge and powerful, and they are an extremely powerful group among the beast species.

"It's you." Wu Di looked at the terrifying dark blue beast in the distance that was over thirty meters tall, and smiled with satisfaction.

After some education, this mosasaurus, whose strength was comparable to that of a fifteen-level master-level ordinary professional, obediently became Wu Di's vassal, guarding the desert island teleportation array for him.

The intelligence of beast species is generally low, but that doesn't matter. Under the influence of the power of the void, after one or two years of overeating, even with cerebral palsy, one can reach a level close to the intelligence of ordinary people.

After solving the matter of the teleportation altar, Wu Di returned to Black Wing's Lair, Dragon Pond.

Start studying spells with concentration.

Not only do the otherworldly teleportation and instant teleportation techniques require further study, but Oudi also purchased a space storage spell from the Ten Thousand Realms Chamber of Commerce that he needs to get started with.

He already hated going out with a bunch of space bags that couldn't hold much.

Moreover, in the event of fierce fighting, the space bag is easily damaged.

Time passes gradually.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

During this period, after Wu Di successfully learned the five-ring space storage spell, he took all the wealth accumulated by Dragon Nest over the years through the teleportation altar and returned to the abyss lava wasteland plane.

In the Duolun City Ten Thousand Realms Chamber of Commerce, I purchased three racial professions for cultivating blood energy for the monster clan under my control, and then used all the remaining wealth to purchase various types of spells, from tricks to low-level spells, to mid-level, At the upper level, there are hundreds of unique scrolls of spell knowledge, most of which are spells at the middle level and below.

The three blood professions are:

The ghost profession practiced by the Goblin clan.

The violent warrior profession practiced by the troll clan.

The bloody banshee profession practiced by the harpy clan.

As for the gnolls of the Wild Clan, they have inherited the Warg Knight profession of cultivating blood.

And kobolds? Although they do not have a profession suitable for cultivating blood energy, the kobold clan produces the most dragon-veined warlocks, accounting for two-thirds of the number in Black Wing Lair. In the positioning given by Oudi to the kobolds of the Black Blood Clan, Ordinary kobolds are responsible for mining, and a small number of qualified ones can practice the universal ranger or warrior professions for the time being. Their core task is to select and produce rare kobold dragon warlocks with spellcasting qualifications through mass reproduction.

As for the dragon-born humans in the Black Wing Lair, there is no need to specially buy blood professions for them to practice, because a few years ago the Sieglinde family contributed two blood professions suitable for humans, one is the Blood Blade Warrior, and the other is Door Blood Knight.

Now a few years later, with the power of the void combined with the blood profession, the power of dragon-born humans cannot be underestimated. In terms of overall strength, it is enough to rank among the top three in the Black Wing Lair.

As for other bugbears, goatmen, tengu, troglodyte, etc., the number of clans is too small, and Oudi does not want to spend money to buy blood professions for these small clans with only a few hundred or thousands of clansmen. He is not that kind yet. Generous.

The reason for buying blood professions for goblins and trolls is that it can greatly increase the strength of their entire clan, give birth to more good cannon fodder, and bring more wealth and status to Oudi.

The reason for buying a vitality profession for the harpies whose tribe only has a few hundred is because the harpies are a rare aerial combat unit, and as the dragonborn maid of the Black Castle, they must have a qualified guard, and their strength cannot be weak. to other clans.

Another two months have passed.

On this day, Wu Di, who was studying magic in Longchi, suddenly stopped.

A red scale heated up and slowly floated in front of Wu Di, and an image unfolded.

Carolina's strong red dragon body appeared in front of Udi. ——This is the projection spell engraved on the red scales.

"Good day, Your Majesty." Carolina greeted politely. But soon, her eyes became a little confused, because the Black Dragon King seemed to have grown a little bigger?

Is it an illusion?

Forget it, this kind of thing is not important now.

"I'm very sorry to disturb you, Your Majesty, where is the Crimson Nest."

After the image disappeared, Udi also fell into deep thought.

The news brought by Carolina this time mainly has two points.

One, the Crimson Nest is preparing for war. The purpose of the Crimson Mother's war is also very clear, that is, to conquer all the intelligent races in the Tar plane and transform the Tar plane into a back garden unique to the five-color dragons.

Second, let Udi and the Black Wing Nest respond with troops in the south of the continent after the Crimson Nest launched a war sweeping the continent.

"It's only been more than half a year, but the Crimson Nest is already eager to launch a continental war?" Oudi always felt a little unsafe.

In particular, the arrogant and arrogant character of the red dragon recorded in Dragon Heritage made him a little worried.

It's not that he is worried about the Crimson Nest, but that if the Crimson Nest fails in this battle, then there will probably be no place for the five-colored dragons to live in the Tar plane.

At that time, all intelligent races will unite to purge and defeat the five-color dragons for the sake of survival and safety.

This is no longer a question of whether Udi wants to get involved. Unless he leaves the Taal plane, he will have no choice but to fall into this whirlpool.

"If the Crimson Nest fails, I will also be implicated. Then we can only succeed." Wu Di said to himself.

Transform the Tal plane into the back garden of the five-color dragon clan!

"This war will last for a long time. I still have time to become stronger and develop." Udi thought calmly.

If after winning the Crimson Nest, his strength can surpass that of the Crimson Mother, then he will definitely be the king of the Tar plane.

As for the Crimson Mother?

At that time, if you are willing to commit yourself to Udi, then it is best. If you are not willing, you can only beat him up and drive him out of the Taal plane.

But when he thought of the Crimson Mother's glorious record against all the good and neutral groups in the Tar plane a thousand years ago, Oudi was a little stressed.

"It seems that I have to go to the abyss from time to time to catch some game to improve the effect of the feast."

The energy contained in those demonic eye sarcomas that can swallow darkness and grow almost infinitely is only to the extent of the flesh and blood of low-level monsters. The effect of feast enhancement is far less than that of swallowing top-level creatures.

Eating a large top-level creature will enhance the feast's strengthening effect by as much as several normal feasts.

Three days later.

The Crimson Nest launched a war in the east of the mainland. The dragon power of hundreds of adult five-color dragons swept across the land, destroying and occupying a human principality in one day. The former human principality became the habitat of countless monsters and evil dragons. .

Just as the Crimson Nest monster army continued to advance towards the center of the continent, the Ryan Empire, which resided in the center of the continent, quickly responded and dispatched legions one after another to support other countries on the front line.

Orcs and dwarves also sent legions and strong men to the battle line.

Some strong men from small and medium-sized forces were also recruited.

At the beginning of the war, both sides were relatively restrained, and neither of their legendary combat forces was deployed.

This is obviously the default rule of war for both sides.

After all, the strong men on both sides know that the other side is not easy to mess with, so it would be unrealistic to let the strong men fight to the death.

Blackwing Lair.

"Has it started yet?" Udi sighed.

He summoned Blaine.

Not long after, a jackal who was three and a half meters tall and well built walked in. He half-knelt down and saluted the black dragon with a respectful expression, "Master."

A message flashed in Udi's eyes.

[Biological Level: Level 15 High Level; Warg Knight Profession: Level 16 High Level]

"Brain, you lead an army of 30,000 monsters to provoke a war at the border of the Principality of Cass. During this period, there is no need to fight too fiercely or pursue victory too much. I will let Parker accompany the army as a trump card to guard against the Duke Bauhinia."

"As ordered." Brain responded respectfully, stood up, and left the Black Castle.

Outside the Monster City, 30,000 monster warriors gathered in half a day.

The main forces of this 30,000-number monster army are goblins, gnolls, and trolls.

"Let's go for the glory of Black Wing Lair!"

Blaine rode on the back of the huge Silver Moon Wolf and roared at the monster warriors in front of him. Silver Moon Wolf survived the previous battle and was rescued. After five or six years, it has already broken through to the top level of monsters.



The monster warriors were extremely excited, with bloodthirsty light flashing in their eyes.

Doing tasks and hunting some monsters on weekdays is not satisfying at all.

It has to be war, war can inspire their wild nature.

Underground, a rock dragon that is more than thirty meters long and has a deep and terrifying momentum shuttles around. Wherever it goes, rocks and soil will automatically separate.

This is the innate ability of the rock dragon.

The monster army moves all the way south.

And this mighty movement also attracted another overlord in the dark forest. ——Forest Elf.

The development of Black Wing Lair over the years has avoided the territory of the forest elves. However, the interests of the forest elves have not been harmed, so they have not taken care of the development of Black Wing Lair.

After all, there is a saying that Blackwing Lair is really neutral. So far, it has not actively provoked a war.

The invasion of the wasteland does not count. After all, the wasteland is originally a land without a human owner. Even the centaur only occupied it for a few decades. It cannot be said that this is the territory of the centaur.

And even if it invades the wasteland, the Black Wing Lair does not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Except for the rebels, the rest of the human beings are living well in the territory of the Siglind family.

There will be more in the evening

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