This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 151 Persuading the silver-haired girl to become a maid

Dark forest, west, offshore area.

A large number of desert islands are scattered across the sea.

At this time, a war was going on on a large island covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers to the east of the sea.

This is a war between the large indigenous sahuagin tribe of the island and the dragon-born sahuagin.

Of course, this was the case at the beginning.

Not long ago, when the dragon army from Black Nest arrived here, the situation changed.

Go back to shortly before the war began.

The leader of the dragon-born sahuagin is the strongest sahuagin that Oudi contracted as a dependent - 'Fitz'.

Before the contract, Fitz was the murloc earl who commanded tens of thousands of murlocs, possessing high-level strength.

After the contract, in more than a year, his strength not only improved a lot, reaching the peak of level 14 and on the verge of breaking through to the master level, but the army of fishmen below also expanded from 10,000 to 30,000.

Among them, there are thousands of dragon-born murlocs who have been infiltrated with Oudi's blood on a large scale since they were young. These dragon-born murlocs grew rapidly after eating a large amount of blood food, and soon they had three or four levels. In terms of strength, a small group of talented people have reached level five or above.

As his power and strength expanded, Fitz's ambitions naturally grew, and he set his sights on the largest island in the sea.

And soon chose to start a war.

But what Fitz didn't expect was that the fishman tribe on this island actually raised a group of sea tigers.

Sea tigers are similar in appearance to sea lions and seals, but are much larger. Adults can generally grow to three meters. Their pair of forearm claws are very large, sharp and ferocious. The most important thing is that they can fight on land and sea. In the sea, They are like packs of tigers and wolves. They are not weak in speed, flexibility, and strength. But when they get to land, their folded tail fins will split and turn into powerful claws to cooperate with their front claws to move quickly on land.

Because they did not expect that this large murloc tribe would also raise a group of sea tigers, at the very beginning of the war, the murloc army led by Fitz was always at a disadvantage and was quite embarrassed.

The sea beasts that participated in the battle, except for a few large sea beasts, dark green sea snakes, were all bitten and devoured by swarms of sea tigers.

If it weren't for the sea tiger not being as nimble as it was in the sea after landing on land, and Fitz also had an ace team of dragon-born murloc warriors at his disposal, this war would have been lost with a high probability.

But even so, the murloc army led by Fitz could only stand in a stalemate with the island's indigenous murloc tribe. The former dare not leave. After all, if they escape into the sea, they will inevitably be hunted by the group of sea tigers, and the losses will be very heavy. The latter cannot choose to surrender and has been stubbornly resisting the attack of the Fitzfishmen army.

But this was the situation before.

When the Black Nest's Red Eagle Blood Knight led the vast dragon army to this place, the murloc armies on both sides were stunned.

But soon, after sensing the familiar aura emanating from these giant dragons and the Red Eagle Blood Knights, Fitz's eyes suddenly lit up.

Its power was given by a mysterious black-scaled dragon man.

This had to make Fitz think of it.

In fact, just as Fitz had guessed, the leader headed by the Red Eagle Knight fell to the ground from high altitude, communicated with Fitz, and conveyed the Black Dragon Lord's orders to it and stated their purpose this time.

After learning everything, Fitz didn't hesitate at all. He immediately accepted the order from the Black Dragon Lord, his master, and while the island's indigenous murlocs were still in a state of confusion, he asked them to come and 'experience' The dragon immediately joined the war.

The dragon-born murloc army, which was originally at a slight disadvantage, instantly gained the absolute upper hand with the addition of more than 300 giant dragons.

Except for the three little female dragons who left for adventure alone, all the dragon beasts and true dragons in Black Castle were dispatched this time, a total of 318, including the black dragon siblings Heloise and Brooke. Two hundred and ninety-nine of them are dragon beasts, and nineteen are real dragons.

These giant dragons, two hundred and twenty-one, are at the intermediate level, the weak ones are at the fifth level, and the strong ones are at the ninth level. Ninety-one giant dragons are high-level, ranging from level 10 to level 14. Only six giant dragons have reached the master level, and they have just entered the weakest level of fifteen.

However, whether it is a void drake or a true dragon, at least it belongs to the elite template. Some golden dragons and red dragon void drake can even be called BOSS templates. At the same level, all sahuagin fighters are without exception. They are all instant kills. Even if some mutated sahuagin are more powerful, they can only last a few more moves.

The most powerful of these indigenous fishmen are only seven or eight high-level fishmen, most of whom are still at level ten or eleven. Only the leader of the indigenous fishmen has reached level fourteen. The strength of the remaining tens of thousands of murlocs is even more uneven. The weak ones are only stronger than goblins, the strong ones are only at level three or four, and only a small number of elite murlocs have reached the intermediate level.

Faced with the rampage of the dragonborn murloc army and more than 300 giant dragons, the indigenous murloc tribe could only hold on for less than a quarter of an hour before announcing a complete defeat.

"This is too weak. To be honest, such a weak creature really can't bite." A male white dragon with a body length of ten meters and a strong body said with some contempt.

Next to the male white dragon, the twelve-meter-long blue dragon glanced at it, rolled his eyes, and said,

"Stop pretending, the blood food you ate in Black Castle is only of this level."

Most of the blood food supplied to the dragons by Black Castle are low-level creatures, with a small number of intermediate creatures, and high-level creatures will only be supplied to a small number of dragons. For example, Antonio, and the six master-level dragons.

But even for Antonio and the six master-level dragons, their main food is still low- and mid-level creatures, and high-level creatures only appear every once in a while.

After all, even the Black Dragon Lord sometimes cannot hunt enough master-level creatures in the abyss, so he has to rely on the flesh and blood of high-level creatures to supplement the remaining progress of the feast.

"Dior, you are so annoying. You don't know how to chat at all. I won't talk to you anymore."

The male white dragon snorted, feeling very dissatisfied with his blue dragon friend. He fell to the ground without looking back and picked out the food.

The blue dragon Dio murmured and fell to the ground, choosing food together.

However, whether it is a white dragon or a blue dragon, they all have a tacit agreement to only choose the prey they kill.

This is the rule of experience.

living comfortably without anybody's help.

"Where is it."

From any door, a silver-haired barefoot girl stepped out, suspended in the air, looking at the endless blue sea around her, frowning slightly.

Another random door appeared, the girl disappeared, and the next moment she appeared in the sea hundreds of kilometers away.


Sandy smelled the strong scent of dragons, black dragons, white dragons, green dragons, and a large number of special dragon scents that could not be determined but felt inexplicably familiar.

found it.

Following the scent, Sandy turned into a ray of silver light and approached the huge island in a few blinks of an eye.

Sandy did not deliberately restrain her aura. This was her confidence in her own strength.

Therefore, the Red Eagle Knight, who was patrolling at high altitude outside the island and guarding the dragons, discovered her immediately.

"Who!" shouted loudly, the captain of the Red Eagle Knights' eyes were as sharp as a falcon, as if he wanted to penetrate the silver-haired girl who suddenly appeared. The dragon gun in his hand had already been lifted, and the huge red magic eagle with a wingspan of more than 20 meters under the seat exuded a fierce look. The extremely cruel aura can tear the silver-haired girl to pieces in an instant at the master's command.

Sandy glanced at the captain of the Red Eagle Knights, and under the spell detection, the strength of the other party was instantly reflected in her mind.

[Biological Level: Peak Level 14]

[Professional Level: Peak Level 10]

"Obviously he is a human being, but he has such a powerful body." Sandy's eyes were filled with curiosity.

Even if it is a dragon-born human, it is normally impossible for the physical body to reach this level. It cannot be that the owner of this dragon-born human is an ancient dragon, right? The ancient dragon's bloodline does possess this kind of power.

However, when Sandy looked at the other Red Eagle Knights and received feedback, she found that the biological levels had all reached advanced levels, and they all also had professions.

This made Sandy slightly stunned and felt a little incredible.

Those with high biological levels are either naturally powerful and can be improved through natural growth, such as giant dragons or top-level monsters.

In addition, it can also be improved the day after tomorrow, such as various rare magic potions, secret medicines, professional training, and bloodline transformation into powerful creatures. But these are basically very resource-consuming or time-consuming.

But similarly, biological level is often more advantageous than most professional levels. The improvement of biological level will lead to the improvement of life span, endurance, reaction, resistance, recovery, soul and other aspects.

In terms of burst, among the same level, the biological level may not be as good as fighting spirit, and the combat methods are not as good as various professions, but there are no major weaknesses in all aspects, and it is very balanced.

Under this kind of basic physical condition, if you practice another profession, your combat effectiveness will undoubtedly increase a lot.

"Can I ask, which force do you come from?" Sandy asked, she was very interested in the force that could cultivate these elite warriors.

Many dragons have special quirks.

As a member of the Silver Dragon clan, Sandy doesn't like taking risks or doing good deeds. Instead, she likes to stay at home and manage her territory - Sandy has a private island territory in the North Sea, where she has established a peaceful small territory, so she is very interested in being able to do it. Sandy is quite interested in ways to improve the strength of her men.

The prosperity of the territory, the improvement of the strength of his soldiers, the development of new food and beautiful clothes will give Sandy a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

A long life would be too boring if you don't find some interest.

"Black Wing Lair...who are you?" Captain 'Bauer' of the Red Eagle Knights replied expressionlessly, with a strong look of vigilance in his eyes.

His intuition told him that the silver-haired barefoot girl floating in mid-air opposite was very dangerous.

And those who can give Bauer this feeling, not even the six fifteenth-level void dragon beasts can do it. He couldn't defeat it, but with his strength, he could still do it with a little struggle under the claws of the fifteenth-level void dragon beast.

Secretly, Bauer used a special communication method to notify the Void Dragon Beast on the island not far away. On the surface, he talked carefully in an attempt to hold back the silver-haired girl.

At this time, a large number of giant dragons were happily eating meat on the island.

On one of the cliffs, six void dragon beasts with scales of different colors suddenly stopped biting the sea beast in the dragon's claws, looked at each other, and then spread out their wide dragon wings without hesitation and flew out of the island.

In just a short moment, Bauer and the Red Eagle Knights, who were in mid-air at the edge of the island, heard the dragon's roar coming from far and near from behind, sounding like gold and cracking stone.

Sandy stopped talking and looked at the flying six-headed dragon, her bright silver pupils narrowed slightly.

There were six giant dragons flying towards us, three of which were golden dragons with gleaming golden scales. The other three are a silver dragon with gleaming silver scales, a copper dragon with reddish-brown scales glowing with copper, and a blue dragon with sky-blue scales and streaks of lightning.

As soon as the six-headed dragons arrived, they spread out in unison to block the silver-haired girl's position.

"Don't do anything yet, this guy is very dangerous." Bauer quickly reminded him, but he still felt a little relieved.

Even if six level 15 dragons couldn't defeat the silver-haired girl who gave him a very dangerous signal, they shouldn't have much of a problem in protecting themselves.

This time, although Bauer and the other hundreds of Red Eagle Knights were the guardians of these giant dragons, in real danger, the ultimate insurance was these six giant dragons.

The main mission of the Red Eagle Knights is to protect the weak dragons, detect dangers, and provide experience.

"Danger? Where is the danger? Let me take a look." Azlik, the blue dragon, stared at the silver-haired girl from head to toe with his huge, clear eyes, and suddenly asked his companion,

"Hey, do you think my father would like this kind of silver-haired girl? I remember that there seems to be no silver-haired maid in the Black Castle. How about we take her back as a gift to my father?"

The other five giant dragons came over and stared at the silver-haired bare-footed girl with their clear dragon eyes widened, falling into deep thought.

"I think it's okay." Isis, the second most powerful male golden dragon present, replied.

"It's very aesthetically pleasing. Father will definitely like it." The female silver dragon Parvati nodded in agreement.

"Do I think this would be bad?" The male golden dragon Miligas frowned slightly, somewhat disapproving of his companion's approach, and suggested,

"We'd better ask each other for their opinion first. If she's willing to be my father's maid, then that's a good thing. If she's not willing, we can persuade her so that she understands the greatness of her father and she won't resist."

Finally, the five giant dragons all turned their clear eyes on their eldest brother, the strongest dragon in the Black Castle besides the Black Dragon Lord - the golden dragon 'Gonzalo'.

Although they are both at level 15, Gonzalo has reached the peak of level 15, and it is also a rare mutated dragon beast - its muscle density is much higher than that of the Void Golden Dragon at the same level. With the Void bloodline, the dragon The body strength is extremely abnormal.

The three templates of mutation, void, and golden dragon dragon are superimposed. Even if Gonzalo is placed among the real golden dragon clan, he can be called excellent.

A Gonzalo can still gain the upper hand if he can hit both of them at the same time, and even more so if he fights alone.

"Your proposal is good, but..." Gonzalo frowned. It felt the strong sense of threat coming from the silver-haired girl and said uncertainly,

"I think we might not be her match."

"Brother, don't be joking." The golden dragon Isis said cheerfully.

"I'm not kidding." Gonzalo's muscles tensed up and he stared warily at the silver-haired girl opposite him who had been looking at them curiously from the beginning.

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