After waiting patiently for two more days, Wu Di finally vaguely sensed the birth of a stable coordinate in a distant plane.

The altar is set up.

Udi stopped practicing psychic martial arts, took out a large amount of materials from the spell storage space, and began to build another corresponding teleportation altar on the Tal plane.

Although Wu Di can teleport there without building an altar, but with a large rear area like Black Wing Lair and countless monster armies, it is natural to make use of it.

It took an hour to build a small teleportation altar, and then input the coordinates of the teleportation altar in an unknown plane onto it.

The two teleportation altars have reached a state of connection.

"That's enough." Wu Di breathed out, a trace of expectation flashed in his brown eyes.

Under Oudi's gaze, the teleportation altar quickly lit up with a soaring aura, and the magical aura was blocked by the guard barrier that Oudi had arranged in advance.

A figure nearly three meters tall emerged from the center of the teleportation altar.

It was the senior dragon-born male servant who had been teleported by Udi using the teleportation technique.

"Master." The dragon-born male servant's expression flickered. After seeing that he had returned to the Tar plane, he first breathed a sigh of relief, and then noticed the black dragon lord in front of him like a black hill, and immediately knelt down and bowed his head in a hurry.

"What's the situation in that plane?" Wu Di asked directly without any nonsense, his tone was somewhat expectant.

The dragonborn manservant organized his words slightly, and then said cautiously,

"Master, after I was teleported by you, I came to a forest. This forest was very weird. I walked in it for a long time without encountering a living being. Later, I climbed to the top of an ancient tree and relied on A wide view found a village.

There were a large number of green-skinned monsters living in that village, which were somewhat similar to goblins, but looked more evil. Later, I was discovered by those green-skinned monsters. My subordinates were afraid of disturbing the powerful creatures and affecting their plans, so they kept running away without any contact with them. After these creatures fought and chased each other all the way, my subordinates finally found a secret cave and built a teleportation altar in it."

After listening to the Dragonborn servant's narrative, Oudi was a little disappointed.

It can only be said that there is basically no useful information, but his mission was to successfully build the teleportation altar, so Oudi did not blame him.

"Send a small team to go in and take a look first." After pondering for a moment, Wu Di made a decision.

After finding out the specific situation of that plane, he would decide whether to end it himself.

"The first team is assembled!"

"The second team assembles..."

"Team 10 is assembled!"

On the desert island, in front of the teleportation altar, ten teams stood with solemn expressions.

Dragonborn humans, gnolls, goblins, tengu, kobolds, trolls.

Ten teams, each with ten people, a total of one hundred people.

Everyone is a senior professional!

Among them, each team is equipped with warriors, flying knights, dragon warlocks, thieves, and human shields, making it a fairly standard adventure team.

Coupled with the complete set of high-end magic equipment and weapons worn on them, if these ten monster teams work together, they can even surround and kill some top creatures!

The people leading the team to the alien plane this time were Roy and Brian.

The former is the patriarch of the Sieglinde family and is currently the only master-level spellcaster in Black Wing Lair besides Udi. In addition, his biological level has also reached level 16.

The latter is the leader of the wild tribe of gray-haired gnolls. After that battle in the wilderness many years ago, he quickly broke through to the master level. Now many years have passed, the biological level has reached level 17, and the blood profession [Warg Knight] has also reached level 17. Reached level seventeen.

The two commanders were among the first batch of old men to follow Wu Di. They were quite sophisticated in terms of experience and strength.

One is an old man over a hundred years old who leads his family to prosperity, and the other is a ruthless jackal leader who leads his tribe to survive in the cruel wasteland for decades.

"Let's go!" Brian looked around, looked at his energetic and ferocious subordinates, and immediately ordered.

The soldiers received the order and lined up in an orderly manner to the altar.

Blaine looked at Roy.

Roy nodded slightly, waved his staff, and a large number of inferior and inferior energy crystals flew into the energy pool of the altar.

Along with Roy's incantation, the altar was activated, and a spiritual light shot up into the sky, and was then blocked by the barrier. When the spiritual light dissipated, one hundred monster warriors and two commanders left the Taal plane.

Outside the desert island barrier, Fitz's most elite group of sea beast knights patrolled day and night, sealing the place to prevent all foreign creatures from approaching.

Unknown alien plane.

Brian, Roy and others appeared in a cave. After being in a daze, they quickly looked around carefully.

The mouth of the cave is sealed by several boulders.

"Roy, then we will divide into two teams according to the plan."

In the dark cave, Blaine said in a deep voice.

Roy touched his long black beard and nodded slightly, "If anything happens, just contact me with the magic ball."

Blaine held the fist-sized purple crystal ball in his arms and nodded slightly.

"Okay, if you find anything over there, please inform my warlock as soon as possible."

After Brian finished speaking, he made a gesture with his eyes. Next to him, a six-meter-tall forest troll immediately came to the front and smashed the boulder blocking the entrance of the cave with one punch.

Immediately, Brian and Roy each led five teams and headed in two different directions.

In the dense forest, it was eerily quiet.

Brian looked around cautiously. At this time, there were only five senior Dragon Vein Warlocks left in the team around him, and the remaining 45 members of warriors, thieves, rangers, flying knights and other professions were scattered around.

Once something happens, the five senior Dragon Vein Warlocks can deal with it immediately.

"According to the map, we are now less than three kilometers away from the green-skinned monster village."

Brain took out the map and squinted in thought.

The map was drawn by the dragon servant at the beginning, but it was only a simple map covering a dozen kilometers.

Within this range, the only thing that has been discovered is the green-skinned monster village, which is also the target of Blaine's team this time.

Roy's team headed east, away from the green-skinned monster village, to see if they could find other creatures.

There are two main orders given by the master this time.

One is to find out the upper limit of the powerful people in this world, and the other is to find out the specific races that exist in this world.

The hundred or so of them are just the vanguard. Once the details of this world are a little clearer, the Black Wing Legion will arrive.

Time passed, and soon, news came from the team members ahead.

A senior dragon warlock waved his staff, and a fourth-level magic door appeared in front of everyone. Blaine and five senior dragon warlocks entered it.

In another forest, a white light door several meters high appeared in the air. Under the gaze of several monster warriors, Blaine and the Dragon Vein Warlocks filed out.

"Commander, where are the prisoners." The monster warrior didn't waste time and pointed directly to the left.

Blaine looked in the direction it pointed.

The five are about one meter tall, and their appearance is a combination of pointed ears, evil goldfish eyes, sharp teeth, and emerald green skin.

"Isn't this a goblin?" Blaine frowned slightly.

These green-skinned monsters are at least 70% similar to the goblins without void blood under Black Wing Lair.

It's just that these green-skinned monsters look more evil and cruel.

"Commander, there is something different. These green-skinned monsters possess spell-like abilities. Although they are still very weak, they are still much stronger than ordinary Goblins in the Tar plane. Moreover, their body structures are also a bit weird. ."

A senior Jackal warrior said seriously.

In order to verify the authenticity of the words, it walked directly to the green-skinned monster captives and kicked one of them severely.

The huge force directly broke open the belly of the short green-skinned monster, and green juice splashed everywhere, exposing the 'internal organs'.

More like plant roots than guts.

Tiny green plant roots form internal organs, which are beating with vigor.

Under the gaze of Blaine and others, the severely injured short green-skinned monster screamed, the wound emitted a faint green light, and the huge wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, as the injury recovered, the short green-skinned monster's already skinny body became even more shriveled, looking as if it had been starved for months.

Brian, who had watched the whole scene, was a little silent, with a solemn expression.

The self-healing ability of this hand alone completely outclasses the Goblins in the Tar plane.

"If their heads are gone, will they recover?" Blaine asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, you see." It was still the jackal warrior. He cruelly stretched out his palms that were twice as big as the heads of these green-skinned monsters, and directly took off the head of one of them.

A large amount of green juice gushes out, but not only does it not have a fishy smell, but it has a refreshing fragrance of vegetation.

The headless green-skinned monster struggled in pain. A large number of plant-like buds condensed and grew at the wound on the neck. A quarter of an hour later, a brand new head was completed.

However, like the previous green-skinned monster that recovered from injury, after its head recovered, this green-skinned monster's body also became extremely shriveled, or even worse, and was no different from a mummy.

"The recovery ability is similar to that of a troll, but slightly worse." Brian muttered to himself.

Suddenly, he turned around and asked the Dragon Vein Warlock, "How strong are these monsters?"

The Dragon Vein Warlock unleashed a group identification technique on the five green-skinned monsters, and then said without thinking,

"In the information fed back by the spell, these five creatures are all at level one, primary level, intermediate level, that's it."

The Goblin level of an ordinary individual is level zero, which is the same level as ordinary humans.

In other words, these creatures in front of them are better than ordinary humans in terms of blood.

"The reproductive ability of this creature shouldn't be bad, right?" Blaine seemed to be asking everyone, but in fact he had already confirmed it in his heart.

Judging from the various characteristics displayed by these green-skinned creatures, they are probably as capable as goblins.

"You guys should communicate with these creatures and see if you can get any other useful information." Brian ordered several Dragon Vein Warlocks.

Two of the five senior Dragon Vein Warlocks stepped out and began to recite spells and cast spells silently.

[Yihuan·Language Proficiency]

The effect of this spell is that after using it, you can understand the language spoken by the other party.

And if you put one on yourself and another on these creatures, then both parties can communicate smoothly.

What follows is a strange exchange that looks like a chicken talking to a duck, but in fact both parties can understand it.

Dragon Vein Warlock also cast a language-understanding spell on Blaine, so he can understand it too.

While listening to the chirping sounds of these green-skinned creatures, he also frowned.

First of all, these green-skinned creatures call themselves ‘imps’ and ‘green imps’.

Secondly, the IQs of these little ghosts are not very high. They are estimated to have the IQs of human children of a few years old and cannot communicate normally.

Therefore, many of the questions asked ended up with incorrect answers.

"Okay." Seeing that he couldn't extract any more useful information, Brian stopped the Dragon Vein Warlocks from talking. He took a deep breath and said calmly,

"Kill them and take down the imp village."

The jackal, who was nearly three meters tall, stepped forward. With a sinister smile, he drew out a two-meter-long machete and chopped off the heads of five imps at the same time with one blow. Then, before they could work hard to recover, he followed up with several more blows. The light flashed, and the five green-skinned imps turned into a pile of strange minced meat that looked like plant roots.

These pieces of flesh twitched and struggled to gather together and heal, but stopped completely after a few seconds and lost their lives.

If you want to kill these green-skinned imps, there are currently two conventional methods. One is to drain the opponent's body of energy so that it cannot heal itself.

The other is to cut them into eight large pieces so that they cannot heal themselves even if they have enough energy.

After ending the life of the green-skinned imp, Blaine summoned all the team members and headed towards the imp village as quickly as possible.

On the way, they killed the little ghosts they met who were alone. Soon, the village appeared in their line of sight.

"Remember, if you encounter unusual individuals, kill them individually, and kill everyone else!" Blaine ordered in a low voice.

The fifty subordinates nodded.

Soon, this village with hundreds of green-skinned imps fell into screaming massacres.

No matter how tenacious the vitality is, it is useless when the gap in individual strength is too huge.

At most, it's just a waste of some of the physical strength of these high-level monster warriors, that's all.

After a while, the battle came to an end, and the little ghost village was filled with corpses and pieces of flesh, and there was silence.

In the house in the center of the village, a troll warrior more than six meters tall dragged a green-skinned monster two meters tall and walked in.

The green-skinned monster has double horns on both sides of its forehead, and large and small green spikes protrude from its limbs, making it look quite ferocious.

"Commander." The troll warrior threw the green-skinned spiked monster at Blaine's feet.

Dragon Vein Warlock added a language proficiency to Blaine and the monster.

"You aliens from other worlds, kill them if you want, don't get any information from me!" the green-skinned spiked monster growled.

"Aliens from other worlds?" Brian was delighted to see that this guy could communicate, but after hearing its words, his brows suddenly jumped.

Could it be that this plane has been invaded by outsiders?

This is not good news.

"What do those aliens look like? Are they at war with your world now?" Blaine asked nervously.

This question stunned the green-skinned spiked monster for a moment, and then he realized that the aliens in front of him should not be the same as the aliens who invaded his world.

But aliens are aliens. The green-skinned spiked monster snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Brian motioned to the Dragon Vein Warlock beside him to teach it a lesson.

When they slaughtered those green-skinned goblins just now, Blaine and others discovered that these green-skinned goblins are very afraid of the power of fire and acid. Fire and acid can make them very painful and their recovery power will be disabled. They are different from the Tar plane. Troll characteristics are very similar.


The Dragon Vein Warlock smiled, condensed several streams of acid, and then drilled towards the ears, lower body and other parts of the green-skinned spiked monster.

The screams echoed for a full quarter of an hour before the green-skinned spiky monster surrendered with a weak expression.

The so-called strong will is nothing more than torture that is not in place.

If physical pain can be ignored, then torture of the soul.

Next, Brian asked what he was talking about, and the green-skinned spiky monster responded as if he was pouring beans.

First, the world is currently being invaded.

Based on its description, Brian quickly recognized the race of the invaders - demons.

For this answer, Brian had already guessed, but he was just not sure. After all, the master told him that the demon given power by him came to this plane from the abyss. There are generally only two possibilities for this situation.

One is an invasion, the other is native creatures using summoning rituals to summon demons.

Looking at it now, it is undoubtedly an invasion.

"This is really bad news." Blaine thought silently.

He naturally knew what the master wanted - to occupy this plane and use it as the base camp of the Black Wing Lair.

"But it also depends on the energy level of this plane. If the energy level of this plane is not high, then it is possible to snatch it from the demon's mouth with the master's strength." Brian narrowed his eyes.

He looked down at the green-skinned spiked monster kneeling on the ground. To be precise, this was the evolved form of those green-skinned imps, the big ghost.

Further up, there is a higher level of evolution - the ghost.

The little ghost tribe, the big ghost tribe, and the ghost tribe.

Among them, the ghost people are undoubtedly the upper class rulers. Except for the ghost horns on their foreheads, their appearance and height are almost the same as humans.

In addition, there are several varieties of ghosts.

The green ghost has a powerful self-healing ability. The big ghost and ghost man who are the evolved forms of the green-skinned imp have advanced their self-healing ability and even mutated into even more powerful abilities.

A blue-skinned frost ghost who masters the power of frost.

A purple-skinned demon with spiritual powers and outstanding intelligence.

There is also the Red Ghost, who has a powerful physique.

The white ghost has a huge body.

From what the big green-skinned ghost in front of him said, Blaine had some general impressions of the world.

This world has been unified by the ghost race, and only sporadic intelligent races are still struggling in some corners.

And each type of ghost clan has a king, and each king has the power of a natural disaster. According to Blaine's guess, these kings should have reached the legendary level. The specific legendary level is unknown. Got it.

After all, this big green-skinned ghost is only a high-level player, and cannot touch the core of the ghost clan at all.

"The little green-skinned ghost has low-level strength, while the evolved green-skinned big ghost jumps directly to high-level strength. Doesn't the evolved form of the big ghost, the ghost man, start at the master level?"

Blaine frowned deeply.

I don’t know how many ghosts there are in this world? How many ghosts have reached the level of legend? And most importantly, what is the upper limit of the strength level that can be accommodated?

While Brian was initially getting information, on the other side, the team led by Roy encountered a strong enemy.

"Aliens, suffer death!"

The two-meter-tall ghost man, who is almost the same as a human except for his green skin and two ghost horns on his forehead, has a cold tone.

It stretched out one palm, and in the dazzling green light, countless thick vines grew out, attacking Roy on the opposite side.

Around the ghosts and Roy, a large number of green-skinned goblins and big green-skinned goblins were fighting fiercely with the monster warriors of Black Wing Lair.

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Thanks to: Bajie Black Windbreaker and Book Friends 20170517193000957 for a reward of 100

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