This immortal is a bit fierce

Chapter 236 Baby Tea Cup

Huang Feng cast the spiritual energy pulse technique forward. When the spiritual energy passed through, the restriction disappeared.

There was no resistance, and the two people moved forward to investigate. Li Motang guessed: "This should happen to be the most important part of the palace. Although I don't know why the palace was destroyed in the first place, the restriction should have been opened at that time."

"Stop guessing and look for the treasure!" Huang Feng was particularly active.

There are a lot of natural and earthly treasures in the several rooms within the barrier.

Huang Feng sees everything as a treasure, which cannot explain the problem, but Li Motang on the side is also very excited, which can prove its value.

"Leave it here to gather dust, why don't we take it and put it to good use." Huang Feng said, reaching out to her, "Lend me your small things."

Li Motang was confused: "Where's yours?"

"It's not like you don't know how big my space is. Hurry up." Huang Feng urged, took Li Motang's square inch of objects, and began to put things inside.

Li Motang witnessed with his own eyes that he completely emptied several rooms, not even a flowerpot was spared, and then handed the square inch object back to her hand: "Here, let's put it over there."

"Leave it to me, aren't you afraid that I won't give it to you?"

Huang Feng hummed: "If you don't want to give it, don't give it to me. You are all mine. You can just keep the treasure. At least next time I won't be around and something will hit someone."

As he spoke, he walked towards the last hall.

Li Motang was stunned behind, pursed his lips with a smile, and quickly followed: "Okay, I'll keep it then."

Before they finished speaking, the two of them stepped into the hall. Suddenly, songs and phoenixes were blowing around them, and beauties came gracefully and danced in the hall.

These beauties are covered with gauze and have no legs, replaced by fish tails. They are all like flowers and jade, with charming smiles.

Li Motang saw Huang Feng standing aside, his eyes shining, and the warm feelings in his heart disappeared instantly.

"It would be nice if the gauze on my body was thinner." Huang Feng commented seriously and turned to say to her, "Look at it more and learn more. When you dance, it will be half of this level."

Li Motang poked his eyes without saying a word.

"What are you doing?" Huang Feng dodged, "Aren't you just looking at the shadows?"

In fact, the music in my ears is just an echo, and the mermaid in front of me is like the shadow imprinted on the wall by time. As time goes by, it seems like tens of millions of years have passed.

When the music fell and the shadow disappeared, Huang Feng raised his head and looked at the center of the hall. On the table next to the central seat, there was a tea cup. In the tea cup, there was a small whirlpool, which seemed to be stirring the sea. The big whirlpool outside was formed.

"What a strong smell of sea water. A tea cup carries a sea. This palace was probably a dragon palace in the past. No wonder any bottle is like a magic weapon."

Li Motang looked at him: "Don't praise me. If you can get it, it will be enough to solve the troubles in Yongye Valley. However, if it is a thing of an immortal, this tea cup is probably spiritual. I have been trapped here for many years, so be careful of changes."

"Yeah." Huang Feng stopped joking at this time and slowly approached.

Sure enough, a sudden change occurred, the tea cup shook, and countless shrimps, soldiers and crab generals transformed from seawater poured out from the cup and attacked him.

So what about underwater!

Huang Feng immediately used the Zero-6 style, with cone-like auras that were almost unaffected by the water flow, and knocked back the shrimp soldiers and crab generals that had transformed from the sea water back to their original shapes.

After all, he didn't know whether the tea cup was strong or not. He didn't want to smash the tea cup with one move of "Big Fish".

It's a pity that the tea cup didn't know how to lift it. Seeing him getting closer, the sea water suddenly turned into a giant whale, trying to swallow him into its belly.

Huang Feng knew that even if he eliminated this whale, there would be other phantoms, and he didn't want to waste time entangled with them. He burst out with spiritual energy, and with his Tianmen realm cultivation, he directly dispersed the seawater phantoms in front of him, and the spiritual energy behind him rotated rapidly, pushing him forward. Push away.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the tea cup and grabbed it.

The tea cup was still struggling, and a water snake sprang out, trying to bite his wrist.

"You have thought about it!" Huang Feng pinched the tea cup, his eyes were sharp, his voice was cold, and he put more force with his fingers, but it did not stop the water snake from biting him.

Sure enough, before the water snake bit his wrist, it stopped, looked up at him, and its phantom disappeared.

"Eat soft and be afraid of hard." Huang Feng picked up the tea cup and looked at it carefully. No matter how you looked at it, it was an ordinary white tea cup.

He shook it again, and something strange appeared in the tea cup. The white cup wall gradually became transparent. Through the cup wall, he could see a sea with countless fish swimming inside and seaweed swaying.

"Huh?" Huang Feng lowered the tea cup and looked down, and found that the vision was gone. Looking from above, there was only the little space inside the tea cup.

Huang Feng turned around and said, "It feels so fun, I don't want to give it to Yongye Valley."

Seeing that the tea cup was in hand, Li Motang knew that Yongye Valley was really trying to get it back. He rolled his eyes at him and said, "If you find something else later, you can exchange it for it."

"Okay." Huang Feng stroked the tea cup and chatted with it, "I will lend you to someone later. If you are really smart, can you tell me some news about this palace?"

He was just joking, but unexpectedly, water suddenly poured out of the tea cup and transformed into countless phantoms.

Huang Feng discovered that this scene happened to take place where the music fell and the mermaid disappeared.

In addition to the mermaids, there were a few more people in the hall. In the center, there was a person sitting in the middle, watching the dance with a smile on his face. Those two whiskers were rising up and down. He was really the Dragon King!

But then, there was a huge earthquake in the palace, and all the phantoms were completely destroyed.

When Huang Feng saw this scene, he understood that just like the image that appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness when he pushed the Tianmen, the Dragon Palace was also destroyed by the collapse of heaven.

Li Motang remembered the scenes Huang Feng told her, and thought of them as well. She was shocked and unsure: "That was just now..."

Huang Feng felt itchy and unbearable: "When the war in Daxia ends, I will definitely go to the wilderness to see what happened back then. It's really curious."

Li Motang nodded: "Yes, I'll go with you."

Huang Feng hummed deliberately: "You should enter the Tianmen realm first and then talk about it."

"Stop blabbering!" Li Motang was dissatisfied, "Let's go back to Yongye Valley."

"Let's go. This palace is too badly damaged. Only this main hall is still intact. Otherwise, we can look more and maybe we will find more." Huang Feng felt a little pity.

The two left, and after he got the tea cup, the whirlpool outside also disappeared.

Without the guidance of the whirlpool, the two of them discovered that they had entered the fog after they surfaced.

Fortunately, Huang Feng had just confirmed that this fog was not a real heavy fog, nor was it a man-made formation, restriction or barrier. It could stop other monks, but it could not completely stop him. Although he was somewhat disturbed, he was able to get out of trouble. Not difficult.


"It's a bit difficult. We have to hold hands this time. If we get separated here, something will really go wrong." Huang Feng stretched out his hand.

Li Motang looked at him, as if confirming the authenticity of what he said. Although he was very suspicious, he still stretched out his hand.

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