This immortal is a bit fierce

Chapter 244 Never Give Up Master Jiang

The man brought by Ding Jin was about to thank Huang Feng and Jiang Lu for eliminating the monsters in Niujiao Mountain, when he suddenly heard these words and was stunned.

The man calmed down at this time and decisively refused: "No, the sect is kind to me, and I will not leave the sect."

Jiang Lu heard this and asked, "What do you call it?"

"Niu Sanjin, these two are my junior brothers." The man replied.

Jiang Lu asked again: "One of the twelve immortal sects?"

Niu Sanjin shook his head: "No, we are just a small sect with little reputation."

Jiang Lu was very happy: "That's even better, let's join the Monster Collection Division together."

Huang Feng held his forehead: "..."

"No, no, no." Niu Sanjin was afraid that Jiang Lu would continue to lobby, so he quickly said, "Thank you Mr. Jiang, Mr. Ding and..."

Seeing him looking at him, Huang Feng said, "Huang Feng, you are not an adult."

"Master Huang." Niu Sanjin nodded, "Thank you for avenging my brother. This revenge should have been avenged by me personally, but I was incompetent."

Jiang Lu said: "Don't say that. I see that you are still young, your cultivation has reached the level of Taoism, and your talent is extraordinary. How can you be incompetent?"

Niu Sanjin was still a bit over the top: "But I can't even protect my own brothers."

Jiang Lu thought for a while: "Can you tell me your brother's story?"

"Okay." With his benefactor in front of him, Niu Sanjin felt that there was nothing he could not say. He stretched out his hand and pointed north, "The village more than ten miles north of Niujiao Mountain is my hometown. I have three brothers. I am the eldest, and my father will take care of me." My name is Sanjin, my two younger brothers, the second one is called Eryin, the third one is..."

Jiang Lu said first: "Wait a minute, let me guess, it's called Datong?"

Huang Feng could tell that Jiang Lu was so enthusiastic, so he probably wanted to find an opportunity to lobby Niu Sanjin, and he was sparing no effort. He originally just wanted to eat melon, but after hearing that this guess was too unreliable, he couldn't help but say: "It must be called Xiao A copper or a copper!”

Niu Sanjin nodded: "It's called Xiaotong!"

"That's wrong." Jiang Lu thought, "After three golds and two silvers, why is it a small copper?"

But then he thought about it, it was really weird to call him Datong.

"The name is chosen by my parents, so you can call it whatever you choose." Niu Sanjin scratched his head and didn't know how to explain it to Jiang Lu. He simply continued, "My mother passed away after giving birth to my third brother in dystocia. After my mother died, My father raised us up, but the harvests in those years were never good. When my brothers and I grew up and were able to go to the fields, we helped my father with farm work or went up to the mountains to catch wild animals. We could barely make ends meet.

Later, people came from the village and said that labor was needed in the city. They offered a high price and paid money in advance. In order for us to live a better life, my father gave us the fields and followed these people to help in the city.

It was okay at first, but then he made friends with bad people, and someone tricked him into gambling. As time went by, my father became addicted to gambling, and his leg was broken because of debts.

Those people brought my father to the village to ask for money, so we had to sell the land and pay some money.

Without the fields, my father was disabled and could not support the three of us brothers, so my second brother and I went to the city to find work, while my younger brother stayed to take care of my father.

We save most of the money we earn in the city and send it home whenever we have time.

One time when we went home, we met an old immortal who was passing by the village, who is now my master.

He said that I had spiritual roots and could cultivate Taoism and become an immortal. He wanted to take me away. I asked him to look at the second and third children. He said that neither of my two younger brothers had spiritual roots.

I thought, if I leave, the second and third sons will have a harder time. I didn’t want to go, but the second and third sons asked me to go, and the old god gave us a lot of money and a pill. Although the medicine did not make my father's legs intact as before, he was able to walk on the ground, so I worshiped him as my teacher and returned to the sect with him to practice Taoism.

I practiced Taoism alone to live forever, but my two younger brothers kept getting older. At first, I felt guilty, but as my cultivation progressed, I felt lost for a while. I wanted to escape the guilt in my heart, so I retreated, retreated and retreated again. , focus all your thoughts on cultivation.

As a result, when I came out of seclusion the year I entered the Returning Void Realm, my master told me the bad news that my father was gone, and I didn’t even see him for the last time.

I went back with a guilty feeling and looked at my brothers who were getting older. I thought they would scold me, but they just comforted me and were sincerely happy for me.

It was then that I realized that there was no point in feeling guilty and escaping. For me, the family relationship between me and their brothers was everything. I wanted to protect them, but I...I still couldn't do it after all.

This time I took my junior brother to experience and came back, only to learn that the village was attacked by monsters. Xiao Tong and his family were poisoned, and Er Yin escaped because he went to the city.

After knowing this, Er Yin hugged me and cried loudly, saying that Xiao Tong was so smart that he stayed in the village to take care of his father and never left again in his life. He should have gone far away and seen more of the world, and would be very useful. Make a fortune.

Er Yin asked me, brother, haven't you become an immortal? Why didn't you protect your brother? I was speechless. "

When Niu Sanjin said this, the big and thick man couldn't hold back and burst into tears. He bent his knees and knelt in the air: "I am incompetent. I didn't protect Xiaotong well. Even if I risk my life, I can't avenge him." , Thank you two adults and Mr. Huang for your help, Niu Sanjin is very grateful!"

Jiang Lu quickly pulled him up and said sternly: "You shouldn't thank me, you should scold me. Protecting the peace of the people and eliminating the evil spirits that harm Daxia is the responsibility of the Demon Collection Department. We didn't do a good enough job." , I'm late.

Nowadays, the war is not over, the evil spirits are raging, the Monster Collection Department is short of manpower, and the people all over Daxia are in dire straits. I really hope that you people with insight can join the Monster Collection Department to contribute, every time you have more strength , there will be fewer people killed. You don’t want more people to lose their brothers like you, right? "

When Huang Feng heard this, he almost jumped up and pointed at Jiang Lu and shouted, "You are such a human being!"

But when he thought about it again, he was a little surprised. With this awareness, this enthusiasm, and this eloquence, no wonder he became the youngest commander of the Demon Collection Department. He was really outstanding.

He was even a little ashamed in his heart. He was also eloquent. Jiang Lu was working hard for the good of the world, but his mouth was mostly used to ridicule, argue, annoy people, and make mistakes.

Perhaps it was the last sentence that moved Niu Sanjin. After thinking for a long time, he raised his head and said, "Then... shall I go back and talk to Master?"

"Tell me, tell me!" Jiang Lu was very happy, "How about I go back with you?"

"This..." Niu Sanjin hesitated, but Jiang Lu had already decided, "That's it, let's not waste time, let's leave now!"

Not only Niu Sanjin, but his two junior brothers, Huang Feng and Ding Jin were also a little confused.

At this time, Jiang Lu turned around and said to Ding Jin: "You must take care of the aftermath of Niujiao Mountain."

"I understand." Ding Jin responded.

Jiang Lu nodded and looked at Huang Feng again: "Master Huang, when I come back, I'll treat you to a drink and let's talk again."

Huang Feng: "..."

This guy hasn't given up on him yet!

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